
What is the minimum Adober Reader version needed for PDFs generated by ColdFusion 8?

I'm using ColdFusion 8 and creating PDFs dynamically with CFDOCUMENT. What is the minimum version of Adobe Reader needed to view these PDFs? ...

coldfusion 8 cache cleaning

Hello everyone, what is the cleanest way to clear cache on ColdFusion 8 server do i don't have problems with old Stubs when i create web service client? ty very much for your response ...

Error "no function with name [GETDATAACCESSFACTORY]" starting Mango Blog

Error: onApplicationStart: component [org.mangoblog.Mango] has no function with name [GETDATAACCESSFACTORY] I got this error once I've installed MangoBlog. I've already checked there is "GETDATAACCESSFACTORY" function in components/mango.cfc file. PS: I've installed it on Railo. ...

Syntax for ColdFusion Left() function

I have a SQL statement, in ColdFusion, and I want to limit the size of one field. Neither of the following appear to work (they don't give errors, they just don't limit the field). INSERT INTO ListItems VALUES ('#qGetListID.ID#', <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" value="#listItems[i].itemID#" />, <cfqueryparam cfsqlt...

Jquery Dynamic Radio button show hide

Essentially what is going on is that I'm using a database to create radio buttons and text fields. Depending on which radio button is selected a different text field is shown. That's the easy part. The hard part is that all the names, classes, etc. are dynamic. I've managed to get the script to work correctly with one exception. It ...

Splitting a full name field into first and last name

I have a form with a full-name text field and I would like to break the string into a first and last name strings... I'm handling the form in Coldufusion. What is the most reliable way to achieve this? I'm assuming JavaScript is not an option since, in its absence, the form would generate an error. Any examples would be great. Thanks ...

Coldfusion to

Can someone please give me the value added aspects for migrating from coldfusion to framework. I would appreciate the insight, because frankly, I can't find any reason to do so. Understand, I'm not a cf or a .net lover. I'm simply not the kind of person who buys the company line of doing something just because we can. I also don'...

Parsing CFDUMP struct and store values

How do I parse this structure? I need to turn this into single variables. E.g. from the attributes struct: name type value I'm not familiar with structures, and I need to enter this type of data into a database. I've played around with cfloop, but nothing. ...

Could not find the ColdFusion Component or Interface Answer.

I sometimes get Could not find the ColdFusion Component or Interface Answer. and simply doing a refresh fixes the problem. This is not case where the program is being refreshed from ftp while I try to browse from it: no development is being done. But every once in a while I'll get it while trying to do a createobject. Q: Is there...

Consuming a webservice code simplification

UPDATED CODE TO LATEST ITERATION The following function consumes a webservice that returns address details based on zip code (CEP). I'm using this function to parse the xml and populate an empty query with the address details. I would like to know if there is a more elegant way to achieve the same result. It seems to be a waste to creat...

Set up datasource in Coldfusion 9 for MSSQL

I am trying to set up a datasource to my database that is hosted by my hosting company. I am creating the datasource using Coldfusion Administrator 9. I called my hosting company and received all the necessary information to get things going. After inputting the necessary information I get a connection failure, something to the effect...

regular expressions to strip h3 tag and leave the content

im looking for a regex to strip the h3 tag and only the content should remain eg. <h3 id="123">my h3 tag</h3> i need to strip the tag and be left with my h3 tag im currently have reMatchNoCase("(<h3)(.*?)(</h3>)",i) this was parsed from many other parts of a string, not i need it cleaned to the content thanks ...

Database connection encryption and integrity with ColdFusion and Oracle thin client

As ColdFusion datasource we are using the Oracle thin client to connect with the database. So, basically we are using a JDBC URL such as jdbc:oracle:thin:@... and as Driver Class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver This works successfully however we would like to set encryption and integrity parameters as well. In Java this is done similarly by s...

Coldfusion problem with mySQL binary logging?

I just tried adding binary logging to my mySQL "my.ini" file with the intention of being able to do incremental backups. However, I immediately provoked an error Binary logging not possible. Message: Transaction level 'READ-COMMITTED' in InnoDB is not safe for binlog mode 'STATEMENT' CF 9.01, mySQL 5.1, on an Win XP developm...

match pattern regex coldfusion

i need to match a pattern using reMatchNoCase("(listid)","listid car van listid dog cat listid house hotel")> so listid is the pattern and match that and everything to the next pattern witch is listid again. so if i dump the rematch ill get a structure each starting with listid and the content within this is what it should look like ...

Migrating from ColdFusion MX7 to ColdFusion 9. Any issues?

I'm planning a migration on a server from ColdFusion MX7 to ColdFusion 9. Does anyone know which steps I should take in order to achieve this without major issues? I can't find anything on the web that talks about this and I don't want to jump into this task without knowing what I'm up against. Any suggestions, link to articles, etc. wo...

Railo + Tomcat + IIS7 - Default/Blank Host Header

Quick question: Is there a way to set up a blank or default virtual host within server.xml simlar to setting up a blank host header in IIS? Lengthy Explanation: I've set up a Railo server following the guidelines explained here: I want t...

How do I concatenate two strings and store them into the same struct key

I'm using Coldfusion. I want to concatenate two strings into the same struct key, but I keep getting an error of "can't convert x into a boolean." For example: <cfset myStruct.string1 = nodes[1].string1.XmlText> <cfset mystruct.string2 = nodes[1].string2.XmlText> Neither of the following works <cfset myStruct.concatendatedSring = n...

What causes mysterious hanging threads in Colfusion -> mysql communication

One of the more interesting "features" in Coldfusion is how it handles external requests. The basic gist of it is that when a query is made to an external source through <cfquery> or or any other external request like that it passes the external request on to a specific driver and at that point CF itself is unable to suspend it. Even if...

Display .svg image in cfm problem

There is an svg file I want put into my cfm page. Safari can render it correctly, however, other browsers: In Chrome and Opera it will only show up as xml source; In IE it just left as blank; In FF it display as a plugin icon, if I click it, it will search for plugin, eventually will tell me there is no plugin available. I had Adobe SVG ...