
run code after transaction commit in Django

Is there any way to run some code after transaction commit in Django? I need to send some messages to a rabbitmq server for offline processing, but the message gets to the consumer before the Django transaction is commited. My message is sent in the post_save signal of the model. What I'm looking for is a similar mechanism, using sign...

caching issues in MySQL response with MySQLdb in Django

I use MySQL with MySQLdb module in Python, in Django. I'm running in autocommit mode in this case (and Django's transaction.is_managed() actually returns False). I have several processes interacting with the database. One process fetches all Task models with Task.objects.all() Then another process adds a Task model (I can see it in ...

Replay the last N git commits on a different branch

I accidentally made 10 commits on branch "testing" when I meant to make them on branch "master". The other commits on the "testing" branch are garbage, so I don't want to merge it with "master". Instead, I just want to replay the last 10 commits on master. ...

What is a decent SVN monitoring tool?

I'm working on a project with a couple other members and it would be nice if I could get system tray alerts when someone commits to the project. I've seen tools for this before and googled around a bit but I couldn't find the tool I've used in the past. Can anyone point me to a decent SVN monitoring tool? ...

svn: How to automate commit transferring between branches

I want to automate this process: A number comes from an external system, let's say 35. Search and find svn commits which have #35 in their comments on branch A. Make list of all the changes of these commits to the commits before them. Apply this changes to branch B. For e.g. if rev 95 has #35 in its comments and introduced a new file...

CruiseControl.NET : launch build on commit

Hi all. I searched a lot but i didn't find a solution for my problem. I use CruiseControl.NET (1.4.4). My project (in ccnet.config) load a repository from a cvs server to a local repository, and launch some executables (msbuild, NUnit...). I use a trigger (Interval or Schedule Trigger), that launch regularly my project. But if my proj...

rails best practice - commit with VCS subversion

What is the best practice for updating a project when you want to roll back a data migration with rails? delete the migration locally and then commit the whole project? ...

eclipse shows unchanged files on synchronise

When i do a synchronisation of files or try to commit, there are also files shown that are not changed. This is only when i did a merge from an other workspace to the one i get those files in. When i take a look at those files, they have no difference from the files on svn. anyone any idea? ...

java servlet:response.sendRedirect() not giving illegal state exception if called after commit of response.why?

after commit of response as here redirect statement should give exception but it is not doing so if this redirect statemnet is in if block.but it does give exception in case it is out of if block.i have shown same statement(with marked stars ) at two places below.can u please tell me reason for it. protected void doPost(HttpServletR...

git commit frequency

Since i switched to git from svn i started make more commits every time i recompile and my tests pass i commit my work. In the end i end up committing function by function. I also track some other projects using git like emacs,wordpress etc. I see that they do not commit that often. So i am wondering how ofthen do you commit? ...

git Will a commit be garbage collected if it's refered to by tag but not by branch?

I've got an annotated tag refering to a commit (does it matter if it is annotated?) and no branch refering there. Will the commit be garbage collected after some time? ...

Unable to make Git ask about removal of deleted files

Assume you have a file which has been committed in your Git repo. You remove the file simply by rm file The removed file remains in your Git repo although you do not have it. My old Git complained me that you cannot commit before you git add/rm the file at a similar situation. I would like to have the same behavior back. How can yo...

svn: local commits

Subversion: is it possible to commit local revisions without pushing them, and push them at a later date - or is the lack of this feature why it's called "centralized" ? ...

CVS to SVN conversion -- How to replace CVS TAGS functionalities

Hi, we are planing to move away from CVS and to SVN. Everything looks good expect that our developers do a pre/post tags on each submission. So, in CVS we don't have a problem as TAGS are intuitive and cheap. However, in SVN, Tag is a copy right? With that said, I am wondering if there is a way for me to do a before and after tag base...

Emulating symlink-like behaviour in a source control repository

Suppose I have the following (desired) folder structure: *CommonProject *Project#1 ----> CommonProject(link) *Project#2 ----> CommonProject(link) Where the CommonProject is the location of the source belonging to that project, and CommonProject(link) is merely a soft link to the main location. If we imagine this as a tree-view in a vi...

How to add/remove folders without downloading from the repository in Subversion?

I have a huge repository where I want to add/remove a folder. I haven't checked out anything yet. There is any way to do it fast? ...

Is hg commit supposed to inform Fogbugz?

I've configured Mercurial to talk to Fogbugz as explained in their documentation. Should hg commit inform Fogbugz of the commit making the repository appear in the list of repositories and the commit message in the related bug as per the Bugz tag? ...

Postgres set local begin/commit

The documentation for set local states: "Note that SET LOCAL will appear to have no effect if it is executed outside a BEGIN block, since the transaction will end immediately." If I'm using SET LOCAL in the context of read only transactions do I need to indicate the end of the transaction with a COMMIT statement? Is there any differen...

Is there a way to automatically strip out trailing whitespace in code on commit to CVS?

Hi! We're using CVS, on every release we have to synchronise two different branches of code, and in every release cycle it's the same story, whitespace problems causing errors and wasting time. I'm looking for a way to automatically strip out trailing whitespace upon committing a file to CVS, unless explicitly forbidden, say by a comma...

How do I commit in subversion and add new files/folders and remove old files/folders automatically

Having been spoiled by tortoiseSVN, I'm now using the command line in linux to interact with an svn repo. In tortoise svn I would just commit changes and it would show me a list of what was added, what was deleted and what was modified. I'd check all the boxes and click OK. With the command line, it appears I have to do svn add when I...