
Need Help.. Picture uploader function for windows mobile 6 net cf 3.5

all runs perfect now big thx ... i post the code for all that have the same problem, the iso encoding was the problem .. but how i said big thx .. heres the code for all with the same prob: Public Function uploadPic(ByVal pic As Byte(), ByVal filename As String, ByVal user As String) Dim encoding As String = "iso-8859-2" ...


What's causing this NotSupportedException By Microsoft.AGL.Common.MISC.HandlerAr(PAL_ERROR ar) while adding in icon in ImageList. any ideas? ...

Deploying smartphone app to Windows XP/7

I have a smarthone application for controlling a device via Bluetooth. I'm now looking for a way to use the app on Windows XP/7 too. Any ideas if this is possible without too much modifications to the code? Especially i'd like to know the following: 1.) Is there a readily available smartphone emulator that can be deployed on Windows XP/...

How to validate X.509 Certificate in C# using Compact Framework

I am trying to validate an X.509 certificate using C# and .NetCF. I have the CA certificate, and if I understand correctly, I need to use the public key from this CA certificate to decrypt the signature of the untrusted certificate. This should give me the computed hash value of the untrusted certificate. I should then compute the hash o...

How to implement custom events in F# on the compact framework?

I tried following the example given on MSDN, but my code does not compile on the compact framework. It does compile on the normal framework, though. type StorageComponent(game) = inherit GameComponent(game) let title_storage_acquired_event = new Control.DelegateEvent<StorageEventHandler>() Error message: The type 'DelegateEvent'...

CF - Align text in a Label

Hello! Is there a way to align a text in a label to its absolute center (compact framework)? Not a topCenter but a center of the label. I want to avoid putting a label into a panel (container)... ...

Transparency in compact framework

I need to create a image with a transparent background in .NETCF, I use magenta as the background I wish to make transparent. The way I have tried to do this is to override onPaint(). But I can't get the background transparent? Here's what I have: protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { Graphics g = e.Graphics; Imag...

SqlCeCommand does NOT support subqueries ?

yesterday I wanted to create a sql query ( using ) which return values from diff tables on mobile devices. My scenario is as follows: - sql table: Xtable (fields: name : is string, mat : is string, state : is int value); - XTable contains 100 records my sql statement is: SELECT name, (SELECT count(*) from Xtable wher...

CF - TabControl - how to make the tabs bigger?

I have a tab control with tab pages (cf). The tabs are too small ... can some1 tell me how can i make them bigger? ...

Descending Text in Multiline Textbox (Compact Framework, C#)

I am writing text to a multi-line text box using data from the serial port. Currently it writes each new line below the previous line, so eventually the newest lines of text are off the screen, and user must scroll down to view them. How can I change the code so it writes each new line above rather than below the previous line of text? I...

dataReceived event in .net compact 2.0 for Windows CE 6.0 only works once for serial comm

I have simple serial port program that is supposed to read the serial port and echo back the characters typed. I can get this to work fine by polling the serial recieved with a timer, but I'd like to use the dataReceived event instead. For some reason the event will occur once but never again. SerialPort bsp; public Form1() ...

CF: Setup DLL (template missing)

Im trying to create setup for my cf app. I cant seem to find the project template "Win32 Smart Device DLL" under visual c++. What am i missing? ...

Camera orientation on WinMo

Hi, Does anyone has a idea how to retrieve camera orientation on WinMo, using .NET or API ? For example, using DirectShow to access camera on HD2 or HP 900 series, the picture orientation is not the same. So I assume that I've to check for every single model, and programatically rotate the image. Regards ...

CF - Shortcut in Programs folder on device

Hi. On my CAB project i have added a Programs folder and created a shortcut for it. Can i add a icon for the shortcut and how can i do it if so. thanx ! ...

View xml request in SOAP call

I'm trying to debug some problems we have with a web service, and would like to view the xml used in the SOAP call. Anyone who know how I can do this in visual studio 2008? I'm developing on windows mobile 6 using compact framework 3.5... ...

Compact Framework: drawing multi-line string with ellipses

I'm creating an owner-drawn control inherited from ListView for a Windows Mobile application. I'm using Graphics.DrawString to write out a two-line text string (using .NET CF 3.5). Problem is some items have particularly long text that doesn't fit on the two lines. Googling has found methods for using MeasureString and to manually trunca...

CF - Application installation CAB (including .net cf ...)

Hello ! Can some1 please explain how can i include this installations in my CAB file. Also on some devices the user has to confirm several DLLs that i would like to awoid. Im told that i should use ILMerge, but i dont know exactly what to do. thanx ...

table-like widget or control which content can be edited

Hello guys, is there any table-like widget or control which content can be edited in the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 using Visual Studio 2005? (we could change to a newer version if it need to be) Otherwise it would be okay if it is possible to identify the column and row in an onClick-event to open an TextBox. I'm afraid I found nothi...

sql connection string problem

I have Database (compact sql server) in a *.sdf file. I converted a compact framework project to a regular pc project and for some reason, with the same code, and the same *.sdf file the following exception was thrown: "the file name is not valid. check the file name for the database" the weird thing is that on my Pc - the substring "fi...

How do i change the column width of a DataGrid

i'm creating a user control in C# .net compact framework 3.5. And i'm using a DataGrid Control with a DataTable as the DataGrid's DataSource. i need to make some of the grid columns wider. for some reason i can't... i just couldn't find the method or property that controls the column width... any ideas? thanks in advance... ...