
Optimize SQL databases by adding index columns

Say I have a database looking like this; Product with columns [ProductName] [Price] [Misc] [Etc] Order with columns [OrderID] [ProductName] [Quantity] [Misc] [Etc] ProductName is primary key of Product, of some string type and unique. OrderID is primary key and of some integer type, and ProductName being a foreign key. Say I change ...

Is ToString() optimized by compiler?

Suppose I've following Code: Console.WriteLine("Value1: " + SomeEnum.Value1.ToString() + "\r\nValue2: " + SomeOtherEnum.Value2.ToString()); Will Compiler Optimize this to: Console.WriteLine("Value1: " + SomeEnum.Value1 + "\r\nValue2: " + SomeOtherEnum.Value2); I've checked it with IL Di...

Is profile guided optimization possible with shared libraries in gcc?

Hi, I recently rolled out a new Toolchain on Linux, with gcc 4.5.0 and binutils 2.20 with gold. Now I was curious about this new thing PGO. While it's clear how it works with executables, I've not been able to find an answer on shared libraries. I found two unanswered posts on the gcc mailing list via google, that's all. So here's what...

How would I instruct extconf.rb to use additional g++ optimization flags, and which are advisable?

I'm using Rice to write a C++ extension for a Ruby gem. The extension is in the form of a shared object (.so) file. This requires 'mkmf-rice' instead of 'mkmf', but the two (AFAIK) are pretty similar. By default, the compiler uses the flags -g -O2. Personally, I find this kind of silly, since it's hard to debug with any optimization en...

Is it possible to implement bitwise operators using integer arithmetic?

Hello World! I am facing a rather peculiar problem. I am working on a compiler for an architecture that doesn't support bitwise operations. However, it handles signed 16 bit integer arithmetics and I was wondering if it would be possible to implement bitwise operations using only: Addition (c = a + b) Subtraction (c = a - b) Division...

Float compile-time calculation not happening?

A little test program: #include <iostream> const float TEST_FLOAT = 1/60; const float TEST_A = 1; const float TEST_B = 60; const float TEST_C = TEST_A / TEST_B; int main() { std::cout << TEST_FLOAT << std::endl; std::cout << TEST_C << std::endl; std::cin.ignore(); return 0; } Result : 0 0.0166667 Tested on Visual Studio 2...

Controlling read and write access width to memory mapped registers in C

I'm using and x86 based core to manipulate a 32-bit memory mapped register. My hardware behaves correctly only if the CPU generates 32-bit wide reads and writes to this register. The register is aligned on a 32-bit address and is not addressable at byte granularity. What can I do to guarantee that my C (or C99) compiler will only gene...

strange results with /fp:fast

We have some code that looks like this: inline int calc_something(double x) { if (x > 0.0) { // do something return 1; } else { // do something else return 0; } } Unfortunately, when using the flag /fp:fast, we get calc_something(0)==1 so we are clearly taking the wrong code path. This only happens when we use th...

C++ optimization

Can we see optimized code in c++.............(not assembly)?? ...

Some example of __assume leading to a faster code other than "no default" in switch?

Documentation for __assume says "The most common use of __assume is with the default case of a switch statement, as shown in the following example.". Is there any other case where __assume can lead to a more efficient (or even a different) code? When inside of if / else , is compiler automatically "assuming" what is already know becau...

Where can I modify detailed C# compiler optimization settings in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio C/C++ projects, it's easy to modify compiler's optimization settings in "Property Pages | C/C++ | Optimization". For example, we may give different optimization levels such as /O2 and /O3, as well as advanced optimizations like "Omit Frame Pointers". However, I can't simply find corresponding UIs in C# project of Visual...

Is there a (Linux) g++ equivalent to the /fp:precise and /fp:fast flags used in Visual Studio?

Background: Many years ago, I inherited a codebase that was using the Visual Studio (VC++) flag '/fp:fast' to produce faster code in a particular calculation-heavy library. Unfortunately, '/fp:fast' produced results that were slightly different to the same library under a different compiler (Borland C++). As we needed to produce exactly...

How well does the Visual C++ 2008/2010 compiler optimize?

Im just wondering how good the MSVC++ Compiler can optimize code(with Code examples) or what he can't optimize and why. For example i used the SSE-intrinsics with something like this(var is an __m128 value)(it was for an frustrum-culling test): if( var.m128_f32[0] > 0.0f && var.m128_f32[1] > 0.0f && var.m128_f32[2] > 0.0f && var.m128_f...

Visual Studio 2008 not Aligning Stack Variables?

I'm trying to read an avi file in OpenCV 2.1, VS2008 standard for 2 days now with no luck. I constantly get this message in the program console: Compiler did not align stack variables. Libavcodec has been miscompiled and may be very slow or crash. This is not a bug in libavcodec, but in the compiler. You may try recompiling using...

C#: Compiler optimizations of anonymous types

OK OK, I know this is a hack, but this was for a tiny data-manipulation project and I wanted to play around. ;-) I was always under the impression that the compiler would examine all anonymous types used in a C# program and if the properties were the same, it would only create one class behind the scenes. So let's say I want to create ...

Passing double types to ceil results in different values for different optimization levels in GCC

Below, the result1 and result2 variable values are reporting different values depending upon whether or not you compile the code with -g or with -O on GCC 4.2.1 and on GCC 3.2.0 (and I have not tried more recent GCC versions): double double_identity(double in_double) { return in_double; } ... double result1 = ceil(log(32.0) / log(...

Java compiler optimization for repeated method calls?

Does the java compiler (the default javac that comes in JDK1.6.0_21) optimize code to prevent the same method from being called with the same arguments over and over? If I wrote this code: public class FooBar { public static void main(String[] args) { foo(bar); foo(bar); foo(bar); } } Would the method f...

I need to learn basics of compiler design in the next few days.

I need to pass a "General Compiler Design" test from a potential employer and believe the best way to do so would be to get to know a little about all of compiler design. If you think another method would be better, let me know. Now then: I have intermediate to advanced knowledge of: C C++ (not as much as C) C# Java Python Ruby Perl PH...

C++ inline methods with same if statements

Hello, i'm writting handler for OpenGL texture and i'm thinking about safety and performance. Which level of optimization should remove marked if statements? struct Texture2D { GLuint ID; inline Texture2D(): ID(0) {}; inline explicit Texture2D(GLuint id): ID(id) {}; ~Texture2D(); void GenTexture(bool regen = false...

a = -2147483648 - a; compiler optimization

Hello, I'm trying to learn how to reverse engineer software and all the tricks to understand how the code looks like before the compiler optimizations. I found something like this several times: if (a < 0) a = -2147483648 - a; I originally thought it was an abs(): a underflows so you get the positive value. But since a is n...