
LINQ to Entites: Creating comma-delimited string from many-to-one relationship

I have a couple of tables with a many-to-one relationship, and I'm trying to create a string that contains a comma-delimited string as follows. Let's call them State and City - City table has a FK to State.ID, and States belong to Countries: var foo = from item in _ctx.State where item.country_id == country_id ...

SQL Server 2000: Ideas for performing concatenation aggregation subquery

i have a query that retruns rows that i want, e.g. QuestionID QuestionTitle UpVotes DownVotes ========== ============= ======= ========= 2142075 Win32: Cre... 0 0 2232727 Win32: How... 2 0 1870139 Wondows Ae... 12 0 Now i want to have a column returned that con...

MATLAB: Filling a matrix with each column being the same

I am trying to create a matrix that is 3 x n, with each of the columns being the same. What's the easiest way of achieving it? Concatenation? ...

Concatenation in jQuery

var os = $.client.os; // mac var browser = $.client.browser; // firefox var browserversion = $.client.browserversion; // 3 $('#root').addClass( os + browser + browserversion ); .. results in <div id="root" class="macfirefox3">. How do I add spaces between them? ...

Ruby concatenate strings and add spaces

I have 4 string variables name, quest, favorite_color, speed that might be empty. I want to concatenate them all together, putting spaces between those that aren't empty. So: name = 'Tim' quest = 'destroy' favorite_color = 'red' speed = 'fast' becomes 'Tim destroy red fast' and name = 'Steve' quest = '' favorite_color = '' speed...

Concatenate javascript to a string/parameter in a function

I am using's old JAH example to return some html to a div in a webpage. The code works fine if I use static text. However I need to get the value of a field to add to the string that is getting passed as the parameter to the function. var xmlhttp=false; /*@cc_on @*/ /*@if (@_jscript_version >= 5) try { xmlhttp = new ActiveX...

Method to concatenate 2 Strings in Java

I have a method in Java that concatenates 2 Strings. It currently works correctly, but I think it can be written better. public static String concat(String str1, String str2) { String rVal = null; if (str1 != null || str2 != null) { rVal = ""; if (str1 != null) { rVal += str1; } if (str2 != null) { rVal ...

R: What are the best functions to deal with concatenating and averaging values in a data.frame?

I have a data.frame from this code: my_df = data.frame("read_time" = c("2010-02-15", "2010-02-15", "2010-02-16", "2010-02-16", "2010-02-16", "2010-02-17"), "OD" = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5) ) which produces this: > my_df r...

How can I concatenate multiple rows in a matrix

In Java I would like to concatenate an array (a[], fixed length) to an array of the same length, to create a matrix M[2][length of a]. This way I would like to subsequently paste more of those arrays onto the matrix. (Comparable to the Matlab vertcat function..C=[A;B]) Is this possible? Thanks ...

Concatenate text files with Windows command line, dropping leading lines

I need to concatenate some relatively large text files, and would prefer to do this via the command line. Unfortunately I only have Windows, and cannot install new software. type file1.txt file2.txt > out.txt allows me to almost get what I want, but I don't want the 1st line of file2.txt to be included in out.txt. I have noticed that...

Finding employees specific to department in SQL Server 2000

Suppose I have a table (tblEmp) whose structure is like as under Dept Emp ----- ------ d1 e1 d1 e2 d1 e3 d2 e4 d2 e5 d3 e6 If I need to bring the output as Dept DepartmentSpecificEmployees ------ ---------------------------- d1 e1,e2,e3 d2 e4,e5 d3 ...

Python: Most efficient way to concatenate and rearrange files

Hi, I am reading from several files, each file is divided into 2 pieces, first a header section of a few thousand lines followed by a body of a few thousand. My problem is I need to concatenate these files into one file where all the headers are on the top followed by the body. Currently I am using two loops; one to pull out all the h...

Is there an easy way to concatenate several lines of text into a string without constantly appending a newline?

So I essentially need to do this: String text = "line1\n"; text += "line2\n"; text += "line3\n"; useString( text ); There is more involved, but that's the basic idea. Is there anything out there that might let me do something more along the lines of this though? DesiredStringThinger text = new DesiredStringThinger(); text.append( "li...

IEnumerable<T>.Concat -- A replacement that can work without changing the reference?

Hello, I've recently been bitten by the (way too commmon in my opinion) gotcha of Concat returns it's result, rather than appending to the list itself. For instance. List<Control> mylist=new List<Control>; //.... after adding Controls into mylist MyPanel.Controls.Concat(mylist); //This will not affect MyPanel.Controls at all. MyPane...

How can I concatenate a string within a loop in JSTL/JSP?

<c:forEach items="${myParams.items}" var="currentItem" varStatus="stat"> <c:set var="myVar" value="<c:out var="myVar" />" /> </c:forEach> I want to concatenate the values of currentItem.myVar and output it at the end of the loop, problem is I can't figure out how to do this... (Preferably not using Java) ...

Data Generation Plan that concatenates two columns to form Email

Using the Visual Studio Data Generation Plan, I have two columns, FirstName and Lastname, populated from a Data Bound Generator (referencing a database seeded with actual valid First and Last Names). I want to generate another column for email with the format For example: Fred, Smith => [email protected] Right now I am us...

How to get the formatted view of YQL as result??

YQL gives out result only in tree view. Is there any way to get the result in Formatted view?? ...

Concatenating a Text in front of Individual Database Records with Tcl

Hello: In short, currently I am using the following code to pull records from multiple tables in a Sqlite Db and insert them in a single combobox ($SearchBar): set SrchVals1 [db eval {SELECT DISTINCT Stitle From Subcontract Order By Stitle ASC}] set SrchVals2 [db eval {... set SrchVals3 ... set SrchValsALL [concat $SrchVals1 $SrchVals...

Concatenating a string and byte array in to unmanaged memory.

This is a followup to my last question. I now have a byte[] of values for my bitmap image. Eventually I will be passing a string to the print spooler of the format String.Format("GW{0},{1},{2},{3},", X, Y, stride, _Bitmap.Height) + my binary data; I am using the SendBytesToPrinter command from here. Here is my code so far to send it t...

how to create a string literal as a function argument via string concatenation in c

I need to pass a string literal to a function myfunction("arg1" DEF_CHAR "arg1"); now part of that constructed string literal needs to be a function return stmp = createString(); myfunction("arg1" stmp "arg2"); //oh that doesn't work either is there any way to do this in one line? myfunction("arg1" createString() "arg2"); //what i...