
Purpose of the Tomcat conf folder

Hi This is just for my own confirmation really. Is the <CATALINA_HOME>/conf folder in Tomcat for configuring Tomcat itself, rather than configuring application-specific settings? I assume application-specific config files could be put into this folder if I wanted but it's not a good idea partly because it's the wrong place and they wo...

How to manage poperty files for different application instances?

Hi All! I think in our project we have the common problem for really big projects... We have 4 regions in which our system is installed - Europe, USA, ASIA and Japan.. Each region has 3 types of environment - dev, test and prod. For each environment we have property file where we are specifying configurations for instances. In whole we ...

How do I best create objects from configuration files?

I have a collection of PHP classes that can be instantiated traditionally using constructors. Now I want to add the ability to instantiate these objects using YAML configuration files. Here's an example of a configuration file describing a web form: title: Contact fields: message: type: text required: true topic...

System.Configuration with Separate .config file

I took the code from this example. What I am wondering (and I've been all over the internet today looking) ... How do you get that to be in an external(separate) file. The idea I'm going for is: <configuration> <configSections> <sectionGroup name="pageAppearanceGroup"> ...

Storing application settings in C#

What is the best practice to store application settings (such as user name and password, database location ...) in C# ? Hint: I am new to .net and C# ...

Equivalents of XDG_CONFIG_HOME and XDG_DATA_HOME on Mac OS X?

I am planning to develop a cross-platform script. On Linux and other operating systems, it will store configuration in XDG_CONFIG_HOME and data files (specifically, downloaded plugins) in XDG_DATA_HOME. On Windows, it will use APPDATA for both (unless someone has a better idea). However, what would be the proper thing to do on Mac OS X? ...

Keeping custom build configuration files in a git repository

I've got a project in a git repository that uses some custom (and so far unversioned) setup scripts for the build environment etc. I'd like to put these under version control (hopefully git) but keep them versioned separate from the project itself, while still living in the base directory of the project - I've considered options like loc...

Registering generic types and services with Castle Windsor IoC

Hello again stackoverflowians, I thought it was about time that I learnt how to use a DI framework. I've heard a lot of good things about Castle Windsor so I decided to go with that. Now there are PLENTY of tutorials out there on how to use it, however, I cannot find much useful information about what to do when Generics get involved....

BASH - Read in config file with multiple instances of the same "variable"

I'm trying to read a config file, and then place the "section" of configs into an array in a bash script, and then run a command off that, and then reitterate through the configs again, and continue to do this until the end of the config file. Here's a sample config file: PORT="5000" USER="nobody" PATH="1" OPTIONS="" PORT="5001" US...

Best Practice for storing settings for a .NET Windows Service: Service Property Settings, Serialization, ...

I am working on a .NET Windows Service where I am trying to store settings that will be used when the service is started and while it is running. I have searched through posts on SO and found that using the Settings in the properties of the project is great for use with console and winforms applications. However, Google and SO are sile...

Policy for storing configuration files in SVN

The majority of our C# projects configuration is kept in *.ini files. Mainly these files hold many sections affecting all aspects of programs behaviour. But besides of regular configuration data some of sections are vulnerable like db connection string or server password. We try to keep this sections in following forms: [Database] user=...

What is the purpose of <order phase="..."/> in an Axis2 handler tag?

In axis2.xml, why do you need to specify the phase again in the handler tag? Why this: <phaseOrder type="InFlow"> <phase name="Transport"> <handler name="RequestURIBasedDispatcher" class="org.apache.axis2.engine.RequestURIBasedDispatcher"> <order phase="Transport"/> </handler> <handler name="SOAPAction...

ConfigObj/ConfigParser vs. using YAML for Python settings file

Which is better for creating a settings file for Python programs, the built-in module (ConfigParser) or the independent project (ConfigObj), or using the YAML data serialization format? I have heard that ConfigObj is easier to use than ConfigParser, even though it is not a built-in library. I have also read that PyYAML is easy to use, ...

Is there an rc file for msbuild?

Is there a user config file for msbuild, like a ~/.msbuildrc? (Some of the options, like CPU count and verbosity, it seems silly to set per-project -- they're things that vary by user or computer, not by project.) ...

postfix configuration to receive emails

Hi guys, I have a requirement to accept all incoming emails into our server and process them through a script. I will need some pointers as to what should be the required configuration. This is the current :- myorigin = /etc/mailname smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Ubuntu) biff = no # appending ...

VS 2010 Database Project - Different Connections

I have an application that I'm developing in Visual Studio 2010 that utilizes a SQL Server database. As such, I am using a VS SQL Server 2008 Database Project. The database project requires a target connection for which is used to build the database. Problem: This project is under source control for a team of developers and a build s...

ConfigurationManager looking for different files on different systems

I'm using configuration manager in the simplest way: Read: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Foo"] Write: Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None); config.AppSettings.Settings["Foo"].Value = value; config.Save(ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified); ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection("a...

What is the best way to parse this configuration file?

I am working on a personal project that uses a custom config file. The basic format of the file looks like this: [users] name: bob attributes: hat: brown shirt: black another_section: key: value key2: value2 name: sally sex: female attributes: pants: yellow shirt: red There can be an arbitrary number of users ...

C Library to read configuration files with syntax based on curly brackets.

For my C projects I'd like to use curly brackets based configuration files like: account { name = "[email protected]"; password = "test"; autoconnect = true; } etc. or some variations. I'm trying to find some nice C libraries to suit my needs. Can you please advise? ...

Keeping a settings file in a Web Application

Are there any recommendations on how to keep an application level settings/configuration file in a J2EE project? I have a web project that has dependences that must write to the logs, and a local settings file. Is there anyway to store the settings file in the local directory and have it writable? [Some of the dependencies are: hiberna...