
Zend Framework correct naming convention for utilising configs from application.ini

Hi, I am using Zend_Oauth_Consumer which requires a number of config values to be passed. Currently i am passing an array into the constructor like so: $config = array( 'callbackUrl' => '', 'siteUrl' => '', 'consumerKey' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', ...

Which is the best way to allow configuration options be overridden at the command line in Python?

I have a Python application which needs quite a few (~30) configuration parameters. Up to now, I used the OptionParser class to define default values in the app itself, with the possibility to change individual parameters at the command line when invoking the application. Now I would like to use 'proper' configuration files, for example...

ASP.NET Unable to Read Config Settings from External Config Files

We are experiencing some strange behaviour on one of our ASP.NET web servers (Windows 2003 64-bit). After some activity, two third-party controls are unable to run correctly. One is log4net (it does not write error messages out) and the other is a menu control (it displays eval message instead of picking up its license). The one commo...

Write In Config File Problem

hi this code works fine and my config file changes correctly. //Local Variable Declaration System.Configuration.Configuration oConfig = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration( Request.ApplicationPath); if (oConfig .AppSettings.Settings["CompanyName"] == null) { oConfig AppSettings.Setting...

Flexible application configuration in C++

Hi, I am developing a C++ application used to simulate a real world scenario. Based on this simulation our team is going to develop, test and evaluate different algorithms working within such a real world scenrio. We need the possibility to define several scenarios (they might differ in a few parameters, but a future scenario might als...

Encrypting files added to Mercurial repositories on commit

Having read this past question for git, I would like to ask if there exists something like that, but can be done programmatically (file list) on each machine; works for Mercurial. The reason for this is that I would like to include in my public dotfiles repository some configuration files that store password in plaintext. I know I co...

Tools for previewing configuration file transformations

Are there any tools or Visual Studio 2010 extensions which allow me to view the output of a configuration file transformation short of having to publish the entire project? Is the process which performs the transformation directly invokable? Edit After a little more Googling I came across this: Step 4: Generating a new transforme...

What is a good place to store configuration in Google AppEngine (python)

I am making a Google AppEngine application and am doubting were I should store (sensitive) configuration data like credentials. Should I make a single bigtable entity for configuration, or is there another advised way to store it. ...

How to swap out hibernate.cfg.xml properties?

Hello all! I've got a hibernate configuration file called hibernate.cfg.xml. In this file there are hard-coded property names like: <hibernate-configuration> <session-factory> <property name="hibernate.connection.username">root</property> <property name="hibernate.connection.password">mysecretpassword</property> ... </s...

R: Revolution Analytics max-mem-size?

Hello I can specify the maximum amount of memory used by R or by an object in R with parameters such as --max-mem-size=1400M at command line. But how can I use it with Revolution Analytics? I've tried but it seems not no accept any parameter. I've also tried to look for configuration files, unsuccesfully. ...

How to configure to get IPython to start logging right away?

64-bit Vista, Python 2.6, IPython 0.10 I want to try logging everything I do, so I set o.log = 1 in my . But logging doesn't start. It will if I enter "logstart" at the prompt. But what's the problem with 'o.log = 1'? ...

How to set the ConnectionString for a SqlDataSource when a configsource is specified in the web.config

I want to be able to quickly create some simple ASP.NET reports that don't have a code behind file. Each report will be an aspx file that may have multiple SqlDataSource controls on it. I want to be able to use the <%$ ConnectionStrings:MyTag %> syntax to set the connection string but, the application we're using has the actual connectio...

Why is the System.Configuration assembly not included in new projects by default?

Small pet peev. When creating new visual studio projects is there any way to include the system.configuration assembly by default? Almost all of my new projects will need access to the configuration AppSettings. I know it's not much effort to do Project > Add reference, but I imagine that this is a very very common thing for most peopl...

How to add a navigation case to a JSF project using netbeans

I have simple JSF2 application running on glashfish 3.1. I want to add a new index page, not change the actual one, but to set a new one that links me to the actual one, I have managed to set the welcome page to index1 (my new page). xhtml and set my link: <h:commmandLink action="/index/List"> But when I test it I get Cannot find nav...

Storing settings for Browser Helper Object.

I have a browser helper object on IE that have some "clipboard history" functions. I have been storing settings into a file into the directory where the BHO file is (currently "$PROGRAMFILES\Common files\folder\", it was like this when i received the code but i can change it). In my computer (XP SP3 in virtual machine) I have no problem...

What is wrong with these Zend Framework routes from config file?

I was starting to get a LOT of routes in my bootstrap so I decided to move them to a config file to clean it up. I'm fairly sure I have the syntax correct, but for some reason my route won't work now. Here is my config file: <config> <routes> <indextracking type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route"> <route>crid/:crid</...

How can I handle configuration files in Perl?

I'm refactoring an old script that does some operations on different sites. It needs to use a configuration file which is now a manually parsed text file with this format: label:domain:username:password:path Of course the number of lines is potentially unlimited. I know there are a few modules which deal with config files. Which one ...

2 php.ini files

Hi, I have found that: When I type the following on terminal: php -i | grep php.ini I get the output: The Loaded Configuration file is @ /etc/php5/cli/php.ini However, from phpinfo(), I get to see: The loaded ini file is @ /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini Which one of these is working right now ? How is it possible to have 2 INI fil...

Unity Configuration using multiple config files

Is there a way to configure a container in multiple configuration files? For instance, I want to register types for a container in a web.config file located at the root and also register types for the same container (and others containers) in the web.config file of sub-folders. And also register other types for others containers in a...

Issue with configuration files in a multi project solution & dev/test/prod environment

When promoting from dev to test my client requires that I copy the exact installer that was used in dev to test. I can not recompile the application for change control purposes. My solution contains a number of projects including a Windows service and a data access class library. The Windows service project references the data access ...