
Java equivalent to app.config?

Is there a Java equivalent to .NET's App.Config? If not is there a standard way to keep you application settings, so that they can be changed after an app has been distributed? ...

Do these values belong in a config file or database?

There are multiple values I have been storing in ASP.NET configSections sections for each "module". I have been wondering if they even belong in these files at all. The background stands at: These are multiple instances of the web application deployed. All use the same database but have their own settings. I'm sure that differences bet...

.NET: Select concrete classes using config file

(This question specifically in C#, but applies generally to .NET) I have a largish application that has a fairly good design, and is broken into major sections over interfaces (this was done to assist parallel development). We now have a primary set of concrete classes that implement the required interfaces, but we also have additiona...

Easiest way to read a config file belonging to another application

Hi Other than using raw XML, is there an easy way in .NET to open and read a config file belonging to another assembly...? I don't need to write to it, just grab a couple of values from it. Thanks ...

Configuration Management Application Block

Anyone have any experience using the Microsoft Configuration Management Application Block? This is an older piece of code off of their website, but seems like it might be useful as a standard way of storing/reading configuration values for .Net applications. Is it a good/bad tool, overkill, what better options might be available in more ...

How can I make shift+spacebar page up in Vim?

I have an entry in my .vimrc which makes it page down the viewport when I hit the spacebar. It looks like this: map <Space> <PageDown> I want to create another key mapping which pages the viewport up when holding shift and hitting the spacebar. I have tried the following entries: map <Shift><Space> <PageUp> map <S-Space> <PageUp> N...

How to share config settings between mutiple applications

I have a project where there are multiple applications that have some common configuration values. I would like to have a shared .config file that is available to all of the applications using the .Net configuration object model. Each application would also have its own app.config file How can this best be done. I'd rather avoid using t...

Python's ConfigParser unique keys per section

I read the part of the docs and saw that the ConfigParser returns a list of key/value pairs for the options within a section. I figured that keys did not need to be unique within a section, otherwise the parser would just return a mapping. I designed my config file schema around this assumption, then sadly realized that this is not the c...

Inplace substitution from config parser

Hi, I have a very tricky situation (for my standards) in hand. I have a script that needs to read script variable name from configparser. e.g. I need to read from .cfg file and use it as a variable in the script. How do i achieve this? --Thanks Mohit EDIT - i suppose i was unclear in my query. The cfg file loo...

Configuration Information for dlls in .NET

I have inherited a project that has class libraries written in VB.NET, some of these have ".settings" files and the others have a ".dll.config" file to store connection strings. What is the difference between these 2 methods? EDIT: In what scenarios would I prefer one over the other? ...

Alternatives to using web.config to store settings (for complex solutions)

In our web applications, we seperate our Data Access Layers out into their own projects. This creates some problems related to settings. Because the DAL will eventually need to be consumed from perhaps more than one application, web.config does not seem like a good place to keep the connection strings and some of the other DAL-related...

Schema (XSD) for Microsoft .NET configuration file

I'm searching the XSD (XML Schema) for the Microsoft .NET application configuration files. Till now I found only this: Configuration File Schema for the .NET Framework but I'm more interested in the XSD. Or - asked in general - I search also XSDs in general for .NET configuration files listed here. I've Visual Studio 2008 and don't see...

How to get a .NET CCW assembly to load configuration from a dll.config

I have a .NET component exposed as a CCW (Com Callable Wrapper) and being loaded into an unmanaged IIS application (ATL server). The assembly is installed and registered with COM using regasm /codebase. The component requires configuration such as is typically put into a Web.config file for an IIS app. But I don't want to drop the con...

Saving user settings/database/cache... in Java (On every OS)

My Java application is saving stuff in 'user.home' but on windows this does not seem to be the correct path to save application information (as a friend told me). An other option is using the preferences api but it's not possible to set up the hsqldb location using the preferences api. Also, I want all files to be available in the same f...

Java - encrypt / decrypt user name and password from a configuration file

We are busy developing a Java web service for a client. There are two possible choices: Store the encrypted user name / password on the web service client. Read from a config. file on the client side, decrypt and send. Store the encrypted user name / password on the web server. Read from a config. file on the web server, decrypt and us...

create your own settings in xml

I'm in a ASP.NET project where I need to give several parameters to the administrator that is going to install the website, like: AllowUserToChangePanelLayout AllowUserToDeleteCompany etc... My question is, will be a good thing to add this into the web.config file, using my own configSession or add as a profile varibles? or should I ...

Best Practices on Configuration Settings

I'm wondering about some best practices out there on storing configuration settings. Let's say you have some settings shared across several applications. I've heard both good and bad ways to store these types of settings that need to be shared (XML files). Just wondering on what is a good standard in terms of maintaining app settings ...

How to enable configSource attribute for Custom Configuration Section in .NET?

following the wealth of information found here how can we get an external .config to work? I've tried the same setup I would use for an external appSettings file, but it is unable to find the file for my custom section. <configSections> ... <section name="CustomSettings" type="Fully.Qualified.TypeName.CustomSettings, AssemblyNa...

How can I edit Kerberos 5 configuration files with Perl?

Has anyone come across a Perl module that will parse (and write) kerberos configuration files (ie /etc/krb5.conf)? I have looked at quite a few parsing modules like Config::General, Config::Auto, etc., but none seem to be able to handle nested structures like the following: pam = { debug = false ticket_lifetime = 36000 renew_lifet...

What's the best practice for handling system-specific information under version control?

I'm new to version control, so I apologize if there is a well-known solution to this. For this problem in particular, I'm using git, but I'm curious about how to deal with this for all version control systems. I'm developing a web application on a development server. I have defined the absolute path name to the web application (not the ...