Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol
I know that the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol is a joke, but is there say a joke browser that supports htcpcp? ...
I know that the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol is a joke, but is there say a joke browser that supports htcpcp? ...
How can I make a control array? Or the equivalent. I am used to Visual Basic 6 which presents the option of whether to create a control array when I copy and paste and control. ...
I'm building an application using WPF that will be a designer of sorts, meaning, a user can drag and drop custom UI elements into a canvas and be able to configure their behavior via properties. (Think of this like a domain specific PowerPoint. You can add elements to the presentation, configure the elements' properties and then eventua...
I've been collaborating with a coworker to develop a full width jQuery content carousel with some success - so far, we've managed to get the panels to display and animate as intended. However if there are more than 2 panels, the navigation controls aren't shown, and so panels from the third onwards won't appear. If anyone has a solution...
We have following ASP.Net 2.0 HyperLink Control: asp:HyperLink ID="FolderLink" runat="server" CssClass="cursor" Enabled="false" ImageUrl="/_layouts/1033/images/selectlink.gif" ToolTip="Folder Links"> On server side, following script is attached: FolderLink.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:setURL('Control');"); Issue is that Hype...
Hi folks, I have a simple page with canvas control. Inside canvas I have some SL controls like buttons, textboxes etc. Also I cover the controls by semi-transparent Image control. So, when I click on some button, the click message doesn't reach the button, because I click on Image. Is there a way to say the Image that it must not han...
Why the control.OnHandleDestroyed() is not called when the parent TabPage is removed using the tabControl1.RemoveAt() call? Thanks. ...
How do i select many buttons at a time on a flowlayoutpanel c# ...
I've got home server used to store files. PC 1 (Windows) gets internet directly from HS(Home server - Ubuntu Server) PC 2 (Windows) and PC 3 (Windows and Linux) need access to HS files. I'd like to create software or scripts which would allow to: When PC 1 turns off turn off HS but only when PC 2 and PC 3 are turned off. When PC 2 t...
Hi all, How to make a control visibilty to true or false. currently i am setting a panel control visibility like this in code behind. i am comparing the values of Username and UserId. If both the values are same..i am setting panel visibility to false if (UserName == UserID)) { pnl_li...
Hi When handling Control.OnKeyPress event, there is a KeyPressEventArgs that contains a KeyChar. For usability reasons I need exactly the same KeyChar but when handling OnKeyDown event. The KeyEventArgs does not contains any char related data. I mean, if press the A key with or without Shift its not affecting the KeyCode, KeyData or K...
I have a form which contains a whole bunch of checkboxes and some other types of control too. I need to retrieve the names of each selected checkbox. What is the best way to do this? Can I do it with a linq query maybe? So in pseudocode, I'm looking to do something like this: var names = formCollection .Where(c => c is ...
I have a wizard control that I am adding dynamic steps to that will not show the step on the first refresh. I have to click another button for it to show. My Dynamic creations are inside the onInit so I am not sure why this is happening. Please let me know what I am doing wrong. protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { ...
I'm creating a Page object and adding a control to it for printing purposes. The code works, however I can not find a way to add a stylesheet link to the header. In the code I pasted I'm trying to add a link to the header and then add the header control to the page, but this causes an error: Request is not available in this context S...
It is known that the ListView control can't display both an EmptyDataTemplate and a InsertItemTemplate at the same time. For my design style I need to be able to show both. I want to be able to show that no data exist and at the same time show a form to add new data. I've already implemented various solutions, such as putting a PlaceHo...
I have a user control with 5 simple radiobuttons, I need ot loop through those in code-behind, but I am drawing a huge blank on how to do this. Can someone help please ...
Hi all, i have a problem so hope you guys can help! I have a string in code behind like this string html = "<asp:CheckBox ID=\"CheckBox1\" runat=\"server\" />"; So how to insert it into aspx page and when the page is rendering, it convert my string as i write it own in the webpage Hope you guys can help Thanks in advance! Let me sa...
I'm new with objective-c (and obviously iphone development) and I have to dynamically create UI layout of my aplication, to be more precise I have to create N (3 for example) different views which are connected with UIPageControl (link). After that, I have to add various dynamically created controls on created views. Any suggestions? som...
Hi. First, sorry for my english, i'm not a native. I got a Asynchronous Pluggable Protocol for IE, the target of this plugin is monitoring responses of the server when IE requests a web page. Basically, plugin is a activeX what implements next interfaces: class InternetProtocolHook : public CComObjectRootEx, public IInternetProtoco...
I am creating an application where I need to generate dynamically created controls say textbox or label etc. Now what I that user can relocate that textbox to his desired location. Like we do in Visual Studio. One way is to get new location by getting values from him using textbox. But I want the user interface easy. Can we have such...