
Is there a CRUD generator utility in Java(any framework) like Scaffolding in Rails?

Is there a CRUD generator utility in Java like Scaffolding in Rails? Can be in any framework or even plain servlets. Must generate controllers + views in jsp, not just DAO code... ...

best language / framework for a web CRUD app with roles on Linux

I have a Linux web server and I'd like to make some database tables (currently in Access) available on the web for CRUD. There needs to role-based security. What's the quickest path to develop this? Also, which database would be best? I already have mySQL running on that box if it makes any difference. ...

Alternatives to grids in CRUD applications?

So you were assigned to build a basic CRUD application. And it has this one page that serves to list all of the inventory items... if your user wants to edit any of them, there's the "Edit" button next to every item. You know the drill. I was recently tasked to modified one of such CRUD page and it looked rather ugly. So I decided it c...

How to DRY on CRUD parts of my Rails app?

I am writing an app which - similarly to many apps out there - is 90% regular CRUD things and 10% "juice", where we need nasty business logic and more flexibility and customization. Regarding this 90%, I was trying to stick to the DRY principle as much as I can. As long as controllers go, I have found resource_controller to really work,...

Best strategy to multiple CRUD with jsf

Hi, on my company we are developing a ERP-like app using java and jsf, so far the design team has identified about 20 entities,each with diferent properties, usually we'll be building 20 pages of CRUD , is there any better way to do this?, we are using hibernate as db access, so we came up with the idea of a single DAO for this part of t...

Best technology for Java based simple CRUD web site

I want to create a CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) web site using the simplest Java tools. This site will allow users to manage four tables, two of which are reference tables used to build menus and two of which will undergo CRUD activity. I'm leaning toward Stripes but I would like to hear the opinions of experience developers...

Is the GridView control a clever design??

I have been using gridview since a long time. I have a "cant live with you and cant live without you" relationship with it. The idea of Edits, inserts and deletes from within the grid is great but having to do something like var sometext = ((TextBox)editRow.FindControl("tbSomeText")).Text; just seems very un-clever to me. Has anyone ...

Design Advice for an HTA based Crud App...

Hi, I am developing a framework for various in-house CRUD apps. I've considered several MS technologies (WPF, Access, WinForms, ASP.NET) and have settled on ASP.NET MVC with HTA+Jquery for the client. My reason for doing so is that I need a way to write and deploy quick one-off GUI apps as well as maintaining more robust apps that are e...

What are the best practices for functional programming and database interaction?

I know that in pure object-oriented languages like Java it usually makes sense to use ORMs like Hibernate. But what would I do when writing a CRUD-type functionality in Clojure or Common LISP? Passing around SQL as the first-order functions? But isn't having SQL in HTML-generating code very ugly? Thanks, Olek ...

CRUD operations on linq when datacontext ObjectTrackingEnabled = false

Hello all, A small question. I am using LinqToSql in an n-tier application. I have a datacontext, and I wish to manipulate CRUD operations. I'd rather my datacontext not have object tracking for reasons of scalability. But then, when I have object tracking set to fault I cannot use the built in CRUD operations the datacontext has to off...

CRUD scaffolding and trees

Every time you read the introduction to an MVC web framework, you meet the same things: just describe your data classes and viola - you get auto generated administrative interface. Even Microsoft finally released its Dynamic Data. In general, that's great. I was making (simple) sites for a couple of years and CRUD was all the customer w...

Newbie Django Question : Going crazy with a form for creating and updating

OK. I just tied myself in a knot trying to make a form in Django which I can use to either enter data about a new record or update an existing one. Can anyone sketch out the right things I should have in my forms, views and urls if have this model? : class Person(models.Model) : name = models.CharField() age = models.IntegerField(...

Getting out of CRUD

Definition: CRUD - Create, Read, Update, Delete; The four basic functions of persistent storage. In the context of this question, specifically related to business applications. I'll be honest, my goal when I began programming did not include being a lifetime CRUD programmer. Financial data is only so interesting for so long. And to m...

Looking for a generic library for interacting with a JPA model

I'm building an application using a JPA object model, and creating several Data Access Objects to interact with that model. I'm finding that I'm repeating a lot of code (essentially CRUD) between different Data Access Objects. The only thing that differs are the targeted JPA classes. I was wondering if anybody knows of an abstraction li...

Simple CRUD Generator for C#

Hello all, I am looking for a simple CRUD (or DAL) Generator for C#. I don't want anything heavyweight since I only have a couple of tables in a SQL Server 2008 database. Any suggestions? I know .netTiers, but it is way too much for what I need. Thanks! UPDATE: I tried LINQ to SQL and it doesn't work well for my needs. ...

What is the best approach for this CRUD search page in ASP.NET

I'm building a heavily CRUD based ASP.NET website and I've got to the phase of the project where I'm trying to build a search webpage that shows the user different subsets of a certain important table based on parameters they enter such as dates and different text fields. I can't use a fixed SQL statement, because depending on whether t...

What's an example of Java functionality that I could add to a JRuby/Rails project?

This is actually two questions rolled into one. Is there a particular type of Java functionality that people are using JRuby for or is it mainly because of the performance advantage that JRuby gives versus the MRI? The reason I ask is, I'd like to add some Java functionality to a Rails project (just to show that it's possible). Idea...

Easiest Form validation library for PHP?

I need a simple php library which can be used to easily pass rules and field names to, and then validation could be easily performed. There should also be an easy way to retrieve the errors. Any suggestions? ...

Creating a lot of .aspx pages to add data to various tables. Is there a better way?

I'm working on a CRUD site with a lot of very similar forms for adding new data. In other words: AddMovie.aspx, AddGame.aspx, AddBeer.aspx, AddAdd.aspx I keep thinking to myself, "Self, it would be really nice to have a single Add.aspx instead of re-writing so many similar pages - plus all those OOP nerds would think I'm cool since I'm...

Jumping into N-Tier architecture with WCF?

I work for a large state government agency that is a tad behind the times. Our skill sets are outdated and budgetary freezes prevent any training or hiring of new employees/consultants (firing people is also impossible). Designing business objects, implementing design patterns, establishing code libraries and services, unit testing, so...