
CSS Problem with Overflow width div Part 2

Hi everyone, Related to this post stackoverflow.com/questions/1736910/css-problem-with-overflow-with-div The awser helped me ie: adding display: inline; i wanted to add some div into the div ".div-image" for title and description: i found that it worked if i replace display: inline; with display: inline-block; but guess what, it do...

CSS: Change Button appearance on Hover

I have a button in my web page with class "btnNewL1" . my CSS class is as below .btnNewL1 { background: url(../images/btnbgnew.png); border:1px solid #818181; padding-left:3px; padding-right:3px; font-family:Arial; font-size:12px; padding-top:1px; padding-bottom:1px; } When user place the mouse over the button,i want to chnage the ap...

clearing nested floats

I'm creating a tiled grid of images much like an image gallery with a grid of thumbnails, and I need the images to wrap onto the next row after 3 images. So I'm floating a bunch of divs that each contain an image and then clearing the float manually after three images. The problem is that I'm working within a rather convoluted existing ...

How to find if a request is for js or css in httpHandler

Hi guys, is there any way to find if a particular request is for JS or CSS in httphandler to improve the performance of my website i was using HttpCompress from Code Project http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/httpcompression.aspx?msg=2544100 but since it is combining all the js it is breaking my javascript in many places...so i want...

Element Positioning affected by Browser Screen Resolution Change

Hello, newbie developer here. There's this small problem I always encounter. Every time I try to change browser resolution (or what do you call the event when you scroll the mouse wheel while pressing ctrl), some elements (Mostly form elements) get to be shifted down or somewhere else, which does not conform with the original positionin...

Style Problem with Repeater Inside a Datalist

i've used a DataList (dlparent) control for one of my page. Inside that datalist is another Datalist (dlchild) that is being populated by itemdatabound event of the parent datalist. i've used css with dlchild. Databinding is ok and the required output shows great with mozilla and IE but not in netscape, safari and google chrome. dlchil...

Wrong float warping in IE7

Hello, here's test page, which looks differently in IE7, while OK in Firefox & Opera. Looks like FF & Oprah are adequate about .twoColLiqRtHdr #mainContent { margin: 0 20px 0 10px; } right margin and place text accordingly (text fills space under sidebar), while IE uses #sidebar's left border as margin, and, as a result, that s...

CSS selector that applies a style to COLGROUP but only within TBODY (not THEAD)?

I would like to apply a background-color to a COLGROUP, but only within the TBODY of the table. Given a typical calendar table with a structure as the following: <table> <colgroup class="weekdays" span="5"/> <colgroup class="weekend" span="2"/> <thead> <tr> <td/><td/><td/><td/><td/> <!-- I'd like the columns of th...

Why is there no dimension css attribute?

In CSS we can define: margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 1px; margin-bottom: 1px; margin-left: 1px; or just short: margin: 10 1 1 1; we also can define: border-left -right -bottom -top ... or short: border:1px solid black; for defining the dimensions of an element we need: width: 150px; height: 200px; why isn't there somethin...

TOOL like Microsoft visual studio for generating CSS file from HTML file

I like to know is there is any tool by which i can generate CSS file from HTML file, tool should have property change feature like Microsoft visual studio have,like i have img tag in my HTML file so tool have a window from which I can set any style property of that tag and tool generate corresponding CSS of it ...

JQuery Show/Hide - Values for Css Display Affecting Layout

JQuery uses the Css Display value under the hood of the simple show() and hide() functions. The following Html includes three buttons each wrapped in a span tag, and all three span tags placed in a parent div container. On page load the span tags are hidden using JQuery hide() and at some point later on they are displayed using the show(...

Is there a way to set min-line-height on inline element in CSS?

I have some inline links with icon showing on the left (padding + bacground), but when the font is too small, the image doesn't fit in line height and gets cropped on top and bottom. Is there any way to prevent it from happening, without use of javascript? I don't want to set font size in px.. Some min-line-height set to non-relative va...

How to changing my background-image css property using Mootools?

I am newbie。 How to changing my background-image css property using Mootools? ...

How to float left and overflow to top instead of the bottom of containing div

I have a container with a set of tabs (divs) at the top that are all floating left with a "clear: left" div at the end. My problem is that when the window is too small to fit all of the tabs on one row the tabs on the end overflow to the next line, but I need to make them overflow to the line above the remaining tabs. Here is what it l...

jquery nice form

jquery .dialog() will create a nice floating box form. if i do not want floating box form but just typical form on the page. what jquery function should i call? ...

css columns shrinking 100% pixel value

Hi, I have a page which is divided up into 3 divs, left center and right. I don't want to display anything in the left and right, they just frame the page. #leftDiv { background-color: Gray; width: 10%; left: 0px; top: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; } #rightDiv { background-color: Gray; h...

Why does the hover style not work on the leaf nodes of jQuery Treeview?

If you look at Sample 1 on this page, you will see that, when you hover over the folder entries, the text turns red, but not if you hover over the leaf entries. I would like the styling for the leaf entries to work the same way as the folder entries. Each branch of the tree is an unordered list. The leaf entries are list items <li>. ...

Sticky footer with CSS Layout Template Module?

I'm currently looking into the JQuery library for CSS Layout Template module Is it possible to define the height of a placeholder with *? Meaning it will push content down if it has to, or fill up any remaining space if the complete content is less then the view port. This would be really nice to make the whole sticky footer thing mu...

CSS styles on <label> in Firefox

Is there something wrong with firefox? My styles on <label> work in every browser but FF. I'm using 3.5.5. I mean they even work in every version of IE? anyone have a suggestion? EDIT, as i said, the code works in any other browser. but all of these fails. <label style="color: #aaa; font-weight: bold;">Blah</label> and .mylabel { co...

Dropdown menu - Jquery problems on IE7

EDIT: The code and examples have been changed, see the progress below. I'm working on a menu that uses Jquery to animate the display of the dropdown/flyout lists. The idea is, to have a menu that works well without javascript but when it is enabled we can had a bit of flair with Jquery, adding a alternative stylesheet and some animatio...