
How to darken an image on mouseover?

My problem.. I have a number of images (inside hyperlinks), and I want each to darken on mouseover (i.e. apply a black mask with high opacity or something), and then go back to normal on mouseout . But I can't figure out the best way to do it. I've tried.. Jquery color animate and some javascript references. Setting the opacity of t...

CSS column sizing

Hi, I have a page which can rezise depending on the content. What I need is a way for the side bars to increase / decrease along with the body, but never to be less than 100% of the visible body. Initially the page looks fine, but when I increase the content, I can see white space underneath the left and right sides, there should n...

Can we create onclick popup without Javascript in CSS?

Can we create onclick popup without Javascript in CSS? ...

Position:relative for anchors in webkit broken. Work-arounds?

In our project we used the following method to link users to some anchorred area on the page: <span style="position: relative; top: -100px; z-index: -1; visibility: hidden;" id="anchor">&nbsp;</span> This was used to leave a little space before the exact anchorred element like a form. http://gyazo.com/9f714647b5162...

how to place an div tag for datalist control

hi. i have a datalist control where i displaying images have (6 colums * 5 rows) . right now i am showing entire thing in a page. but i need to fix the height to 300px . and do the scrolling thing so that i can show the 3,4 5 row of the datalist control does anyone know the css how to fix this issue t...

When to add classes, when to add selectors?

Given this: <a class="details" href="#">more&hellip;</a> ... <input type="submit" value="Gogogo"> Say that both should have very similar appearance, because that's what the designer wants. Do you do this: <a class="fancybutton" ... <input class="fancybutton" ... .fancybutton { /* ... */ } or this? a.details, .someform input[type=...

Get all css styles for a DOM element (a la Firebug)

Hi, For a DOM element, how to I get all styles specified in css for a particular element? Is it a case of iterating over all css style names? Or is there a more elegant way? How does Firebug do it? Thanks ...

Text wrapping in IE 7 <li> tags

I have a horizontal menu bar made up of <li> tags, containing links, so a menu item looks something like: <li> <a href="...link..."> <span>Some text</span> </a> </li> Looks fine, until the menu bar is wider than the screen. When this happens, and the last menu item has one or more words, the second word of this item wraps just und...

CSS to make an iframe take the rest of the height of the page?

If I have something like this: <p>Element<p> <iframe src = "otherPage.html" style = "width:100%;height:100%"> </iframe> The iframe runs off the page. For various reasons, I can't specify an absolute height. What is the proper CSS way to make an element use the remaining height of its container element? A quick google search claimed th...

Why use Modernizr if browsers ignore CSS they don't understand?

I've been working with Modernizr and it is a wonderful resource, just a great project. However, the way I've been using it is: Design with baseline (IE) CSS Enhance with CSS3 effects for advanced browsers Unless I was going to completely replace the styles based on behavior, why shouldn't I just add styles such as box shadows, gradi...

Need help with controlling a page dynamically

Hey guys! I'm looking to make a page wherein a user will make a selection for eg: "How old is your computer?" - "One year", "Two years" etc etc and the page will remove and add 'options' (which at the moment only need to be informative sections of text) Is there any way to do something like that? The technologies I'm using are PHP and...

Hiding the inner panel partially using html css

Hi all, My markup looks like this : <div class='container' style='margin:10em'> <div class='content'><p>some content here !</p></div> </div> Now I want to hide '.content' partially, that is imagine it to be shifted half way left side, and the other half should be visible and not the left half. ...

Gradually changing color

How does the logo in the top left corner of the screen gradually change color as a rollover? I think its done in jquery. If you don't know the code can you point me to a tutorial that can? Thanks. http://www.shopdev.co.uk/blog/ UPDATE: Thanks everyone, I've posted a working version of the code below, <html> <head> ...

Drawing empty inline boxes in CSS?

I'm sure this is very simple, but I'm trying to draw a set of small, empty, inline boxes in HTML like the following: <span style="border:1px solid black;height=10px;width=17px"></span> Earlier, did simple .gif images earlier but looked fuzzy as the browsers' displays are scaled up or down. <span> however being an inline element does ...

Help solving jq.imghover1.1 problem when container for images is absolute positioned!!

I'm working in a site with the plugin jq.imghover1.1.js for jquery. The plugin works great almost in any circumstances, but I did a position:absolute for a div that contains the images that will be affected by the plugin and now when the plugin fade the hover images in, they do it far to the right of the original button. The Code: <htm...

How do you specify table padding in CSS? ( table, not cell padding )

Hi, I have a table with a colored background and I need to specify the padding between the table and it's content, I.E. cells. The table tag doesn't seem to accept a padding value. Firebug shows the table and tbody's layout with padding 0 but doesn't accept any value entered for them, so I guess they just don't have the padding property....

What could affect the location of text outside of <div>...</div>?

What could affect the location of text outside of <div>...</div>? They are using the same CSS but text appears in 2 locations on 2 different pages. Here are 2 sample pages: Homepage link shows in the correct location: CodeList Homepage link shows in the wrong location: Code Assessment I copied and pasted all the top section html on C...

What is the limit of character to use in alt="text" according to WCAG 2.0?

What is the limit of character to use in alt="text" according to WCAG 2.0? ...

Bug in video gallery ,jquery...Please help

I am not able to fix the bug in this file.I cant paste code here cause its too lengthy for every one to work on it.. so im posting this rapidshare link (file size is just 740kb) Whats the problem: Open the html file and click on any image, and that will be displayed in the right side div.I tried to do the same for the video but i do...

Hex colors: Numeric representation for "transparent"?

I am building a web CMS in which the user can choose colours for certain site elements. I would like to convert all colour values to hex to avoid any further formatting hassle ("rgb(x,y,z)" or named colours). I have found a good JS library for that. The only thing that I can't get into hex is "transparent". I need this when explicitly d...