
How can I get alternate styling in <ItemTemplate> (.NET)?

I'm using EPiServer for this website. Unlike asp:DataList, EPiServer:PAgeList does not have AlternatingItemTemplate. So I need to create a counter and increase this counter in my <ItemTemplate>, and then use modulus to return whuch css style to append to article / page. Modulus "code" - fromcode behind: return index % 2 == 0 ? "style...

html not displaying same in IE8

The 'required' text is showing up to the left of the input box. Similar problem in Opera except is displays on the next line (creates a line break). Looks as expected in FF3.1 and chrome. Any suggestions? Eventually I would like to use the display:none attribute on the 'required' span and show this span as necessary with javascript. ...

Workaround for css3 multi-column image bug in webkit?

There's a known bug in webkit, where it cut's up images that happen to span multiple columns. Firefox gets it right and I don't give a rats ass about IE as doesn't know how to render multiple columns at all and degrades gracefully to one big column instead. Does anyone know of any decent workarounds for this issue that doesn't involve b...

how do i put a space between my image and its border?

I want to put a space between my image and it's border. What is the best way to do this? ...

CSS Sprites - Cross-Browser Rendering

Hello, I've been learning about CSS Sprites. I have been skeptical because cross-browser compatibility is a high priority for my site. Don't CSS sprites cause problems with this considering they rely on positioning? IE6 is specifically a concern for me. Thank you! ...

Forcing headings to wrap in html

I have a web page that displays a pdf document. In the header there is an image and an h1 tag that contains a name. When the name is too long, it gets cut off. How can I force it to wrap to the next line instead so that the entire name is displayed? I tried inserting a style="white-space:normal" but it doesn't help. Any suggestions? Than...

WXPython xHTML/css interpreter

Is there an opensource library/package available that we could use to parse an xHTML/css file into wxPython layout instructions (inside a larger python program)? For the Pythics project, we need a better parser than the one written by our primary programmer, but his attempts to improve it are both making things better (stops ignoring CSS...

What are some alternatives to CSS to style your websites in HTML?

After asking this question, it appears that a lot of CSS hacks and tricks are needed to achieve something that simple. People have said that CSS is broken. So I wonder now, if not CSS, what are some alternatives to creating advanced html structure and markup/layout? Are we left with tables and framesets? Or is there something else? ...

What is the benefit of using the "transparent" value in the CSS background property before a url of a png?

I have often seen stylesheets written where you have something like this: #anyelement { background:transparent url(../img/filename.png) no-repeat left top; } The value in question is the "transparent" value - what is the benefit of using this value? I have never really used it with my own css files and my PNG images still seem to wo...

CSS selector works in Firefox but not in IE

Does anyone know why this CSS selector works in Firefox but not in IE7 or IE8? css=div[style~='visible;'] div[class~='x-combo-list-item']:contains('Test Job') I'm using this in a Selenium test to find an element on the page. Edit: The :contains selector is not the problem. I'm using it elsewhere in my tests and it works in IE6, 7, an...

Is it possible to access a web page’s unparsed CSS text?

I want to parse the CSS files that are loaded with an HTML page but I don’t want to make AJAX calls to reload the CSS files that have already been loaded. Is there any way to access the pages unparsed CSS text? For example, it would allow one to access -moz-* declarations in Safari. ...

How do I match a parent who has a specific child?

I want to match a with id "breadCrumb" only if it has a child span id "userName". Match: <div id="breadCrumb" class="nav"> <span id="userName">esac</span> </div> But not match: <div id="breadCrumb" class="nav"> <span id="navtrail">...</span> </div> I want to set #breadCrumb { display: none; }, but I don't want to hide it ...

CSS Sprites showing broken image icon over image, but hover still works.

I can't figure this out..hopefully someone else can. I have an image button . The hover effect works fine. However, I have the IE broken image icon over the button image. Lookie here: Funky Image Funky Image Hover As you can see...they both work except for that annoying broken image. Here's my CSS: .donate-btn{ background: transp...

JavaScript +css - Change main category's checkbox css, if any items beneath it are checked.

All, I have the attached code snippet where a category checkbox is checked if all items underneath it are checked. How can I modify the code such that: If any checkbox underneath any category is checked, the CSS Style of it's parent "Category" checkbox should look greyed out. (I do not want to disable the checkbox. Just look grey or a...

Managing CSS conflicts

So i am working with a few CSS developers and every now and then we run into layout issues which have been fixed previously because one of the css developer did something which conflicted with something else. We are already using SVN .. each CSS guy has his own css file he works with. So my question is what steps should be taken to mini...

Vertically Center Navigation UL LI

I wish to make the all the list items to be centered. or at least 20 pixels from the top. I have tried negative margin-top but that didn't work. Any suggestions? Here is the site. http://freddygonzalez.me/dev/85 ...

CSS - need column to flow all the way to the bottom in a 3 column layout

I have a website I'm working on that I should have perfected the layout on FIRST. But I am now faced with the issue of the not going all the way to the bottom. I have read the tutorials on how to get the 3 column layout in CSS http://matthewjamestaylor.com/blog/equal-height-columns-cross-browser-css-no-hacks but what I need is somethi...

How to style first paragraph <p> of the content differently without using css class , ID or javascript, with IE6 compatibility ?

How to style first paragraph <p> of the content style differently without using inline css, css class , ID or javascript. ? with IE 6 compatibility too. ...

How can I override blueprint's styles?

Hi I'm using blueprint and for some reason I can't override some of their built-in styling (screen.css). So far I've tried: #asset-index-desc .container div li :border dashed !important ...and this does nothing. I'd appreciate any help. ...

Change Submit button image with hover

Hi all. I have the following in an html form using method Post. <input type="submit" title="" class="myclass" value="" /> and: .myclass { background: url(../images/image1.png) no-repeat; border: none; width: 165px; height: 59px; } Basically, I need my form information to be posted using an image1.png button, and when hovered, i...