
jQuery UI Dialog Buttons Not Responding to click_button or in Selenium/Webrat

Has anyone been able to get the jQuery UI Dialog buttons to respond to click_button or I can't seem to be able to get this to work. Basically, I'm trying to test a form in a jQuery UI Dialog in a Rails app using Cucumber/Webrat/Selenium. I have a page with many table rows, and each row on click fires off a dialog box w...

Rails / Cucumber/ Pickle

So in my feature file, I have a login background step: Given /^I login$/ do user = Factory(:user) visit '/login' fill_in("login", :with => user.login) fill_in("password", :with => user.password) click_button("Login") @current_user = user end In the next step, I want to be able to include a user_id, but not sure how to get ...

Cucumber/Selenium newbie trying to use RoR session-data in step-definitions ... and failing ...

Hi! I'm spending my first few days with cucumber/selenium trying to figure out whether RBB is the thing I want to use in my latest RoR project. My setting: Rails 2.3.5, selenium-client 1.2.17, cucumber 0.4.4 etc, quite current in my view. Following the instructions on ...

Good software and tips for writing executable specs

The project I'm working on has gotten to the point where executable specs would be of great use. We are low on resources, but we do have someone in charge of system quality that would have time to write these specs. He is not really a programmer, which is why a framework that provides a lot of help in terms of high abstractions or possib...

Using environment vars in non-rails cucumber test

I created a simple smoketest for a portal running java/tomcat/jahia (cms) fronted by cache servers and big ip. Cucumber + Webrat + Mechanize is a good fit for a simple smoketest of this setup. (and it has been very easy to get started). Right now I have hardcoded into /features/support/paths.rb the following lines: module NavigationHel...

Auto-detection of locales from WWW browser and testing with Cucumber

I test my application with Cucumber and it worked before I've added auto-detection of locales from WWW browser in application_controller.rb: before_filter :set_locale private def set_locale xxx = request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'].scan(/^[a-z]{2}/).first if xxx.match /^(en|fr)$/ I18n.locale = xxx el...

Cucumber tests and captcha: how to handle that?

We are considering using Cucumber for testing web applications (not in rails, most of them are actually). The applications are in production, our main goal is to test if everything is fine with the services, from time to time, infra people would run it. We have two questions: 1) Is this a good use for cucumber? Do community pe...

Cucumber + Rspec + Rails + Webrat, factor_girl + autotest on MacOSX ... in gem.config ?

I found example how to use on: but I try to find solution to put this all gems to gem.config (enviroment.rb) with using gemcutter gem repository (this is prefered gems repository now ?) Maybe some one have properly configured ge...

IronRuby and Cucumber

When running Cucumber 0.5.1 with IronRuby 1.0 RC1, I get the following error: IronRuby.Libraries.Yaml:0:in `ScanAnchor': while scanning an alias: expected alphabetic or numeric character, but found something else... (IronRuby::StandardLibrary::Yaml::ScannerException) from IronRuby.Libraries.Yaml:0:in `FetchAlias' from Ir...

Cucumber/webrat test fails after adding Subdomain-fu and redirection functionality

I added Subdomain-fu in my project. In ApplicationController I have before_filter which checks url and redirects to, to and checks account existence (redirects to home if not exists): before_filter :check_uri def check_uri if !subdomain? redirect_to http...

Config.gem in test and cucumber environments

With RSpec and Cucumber, why is it preferred to specify :lib => false in the environment files - and then explicitly require the gems in spec_helper.rb and env.rb? ...

Cucumber + webrat + selenium, how do I ignore hidden text?

I am using Cucumber, webrat and selenium to test a web application. I use 'I should see "something"' to verify changes. However, in many places, text to be verified only changes from hidden to visible (this might be caused by removing 'hidden' class from itself or one of its ancestors). In this case, above test does not actually verify t...

Gem bundle throws wrong argument type error

I am trying to follow this tutorial and I get the following error which turns up no google results and I'm still too inexperienced to know how to fix it. Any suggestions? ERROR: While executing gem ... (TypeError) wrong argument type Symbol (expected Proc) I am not even sure what gem bundle does exactly so I am not sure where to ...

Webrat verify content in iframe or frameset

I am using Cucumber + Webrat + Mechanize adapter and want to test contents of pages that are iframed or framed into the selected page. In other words: Scenario: View header on webpage Given I visit a page containing a frameset When there is a header frame Then I should see login details in frame header The problem is of course...

How do I click on a specific button using cucumber/webrat when the name of the button starts with the same word?

I have the following html with multiple inputs: <input type="submit" value="Save and close" name="commit"/> <input type="submit" value="Save" name="commit"/> and would like to use cucumber to test clicking on the "Save" button. However, when I do this in a cucumber test: When I press "Save" it clicks on the "Save and close" button,...

Cucumber response object -- PHP environment

Hi, I'm using Cucumber to test a PHP application, and while most everything works without issue, I haven't yet figured out how to retrieve a response object for a request -- I'm looking to test whether a response is successful (code 200) and also to perform some Hpricot parsings of the response body. Right now my env.rb file is pretty ...

Ruby assertions and disabled inputs

Does anyone know how to assert that a checkbox or input is disabled? I can't find anything to indicated that this is supported I'm writing cucumber tests with webrat and test/unit. I'd like to have a step that is able to assert_disabled :some_checkbox || assert_disabled :some_input. Or some way that I can check a property of the che...

Passing options in autospec with Cucumber in Ruby on Rails Development

I always run autospec to run features and RSpec at the same time, but running all the features is often time-consuming on my local computer. I would run every feature before committing code. I would like to pass the argument in autospec command. autospec doesn't obviously doesn't accept the arguments directly. Here's the output of autos...

Cucumber Error: Socket Error for Test Environment Host in REST API

I posted this to the Cucumber group with no replies, which makes me wonder if this is actually a cucumber issue or not. I'm pretty new to cucumber, and there are a number of things I really don't quite understand about how the cucumber environment is set up and executed within the test environment. I have a REST API rails app I'm testin...

Cucumber and webrat - How to handle dynamic URLs in the paths.rb?

I am using Cucumber for BDD development in my Ruby on Rails project and I'm running into some confusion on how the path.rb handles paths used in rails applications. Given I have: class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :children end class Child < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :parent end and I have the following Cucumber feat...