
Where can I download a free, text-rich dataset?

I want to do a bit of lightweight testing and bench-marking for full-text search, so the dataset should have the qualities: 10,000 - 100,000 records. good dispersion of English words. In CSV or Excel format--i.e. I don't want to access it via API. Something like books or movies with title and description fields would be perfect. I b...

Is there a better loop I could write to reduce database queries?

Below is some code I've written that is effective, but makes too many database queries. Is there a way I could optimize and reduce the number of queries but have conditional statements still be as effective as below? I pasted the code repeated a few times just for good measure. echo "<h3>Pool Packages</h3>"; echo "<ul>"; for...

Avoid loading unnecessary data from db into objects (web pages)

Really newbie question coming up. Is there a standard (or good) way to deal with not needing all of the information that a database table contains loaded into every associated object. I'm thinking in the context of web pages where you're only going to use the objects to build a single page rather than an application with longer lived obj...

Need data on disk drive management by OS: getting base I/O unit size, “sync” option, Direct Memory Access

Hello All, I want to ensure I have done all I can to configure a system's disks for serious database use. The three areas I know of (any others?) to be concerned about are: I/O size: the database engine and disk's native size should either match, or the database's native I/O size should be a multiple of the disk's native I/O size. Dis...

Is there a way to generate a UML class diagram from an existing MySQL database?

Was just wondering if there was any software out there to do this? The storage engine is InnoDB so the foreign keys are in place to connect the tables up in the diagram (if such software even exists). ...

Do I need a spatial index in my database?

I am designing an application that needs to save geometric shapes in a database. I haven't choosen the database management system yet. In my application, all database queries will have an bounding box as input, and as output I want all shapes within that database. I know that databases with a spatial index is used for this kind of appli...

One to Many relashionships for a restaurants website?

Each restaurant has restaurant branches, each branch must determine which days of the week it opens, each of those days must determine (several) open_hour and close_hour thru that day. I created one to many relationship using these tables: rest_names ---> rest_branches ---> open_days ---> open_hours Am I going right this way? or there ...

Pros and cons of programmatically enforcing foreign key than in database

It is causing so much trouble in terms of development just by letting database enforcing foreign key. Especially during unit test I can’t drop table due to foreign key constrains, I need to create table in such an order that foreign key constrain warning won’t get triggered. In reality I don’t see too much point of letting database enfor...

I've created a database table using Visual Studio for my C# program. Now what?

Hi! I'm very new to C#, so please forgive me if I've overlooked something here. I've created a database using Visual Studio (add new item > service-based database) called LoadForecast.mdf. I then created a table called ForecastsDB and added some fields. My main question is this: I've created a console application with the intention ...

If change in a directory then do some action in linux

Hi All, I want to store the file and file information into the database automatically, when any file is inserted into the directory. Let suppose, in the /etc directory, we store some log files. And if we are inserted new file into /etc directory or change any existing file then automatically these file information should be go to spe...

How to handle request-wise DB transactions in ASP.NET MVC?

I'm using SubSonic 3.0 (SimpleRepository) to handle database access in my ASP.NET MVC 1.0 application. It would be nice to handle a transaction for every web request, committing if everything went smooth and rolling back in case of exception. Is this possible? If so, how? I know this topic has been discussed many times, but I just coul...

ASP.NET/VB.NET problem solving help!

Hi folks, Got a problem I need help with. Basically I'm gonna develop a form (part of a bigger web app) that lists a load of clients and there business contact, tech contact 1, and tech contact 2. The idea is rapid data entry. So one form shows each client with their contacts in dropdowns and I we can change each one then click a save...

setSelection on Spinner based on rowId

Hi! I have a Spinner View that's populated through a SimpleCursorAdapter. Based on the selection I need to save the rowid in the entry database (position won't work because things can be added and deleted from the Spinner Database). This I can do by using spinner.getAdapter().getItemId(pos) . But When I edit an entry I need to make the ...

Accessing a JET (.mdb) database in Python

Is there a way to access a JET database from Python? I'm on Linux. All I found was a .mdb viewer in the repositories, but it's very faulty. Thanks ...

Why is it that I cannot insert this into Django correctly?

new_thing = MyTable( >>>>select * from MyTable\G; last_updated: 2010-04-01 05:26:21 However, in my Python console...this is what it says... >>> print 2010-04-01 10:26:21.643041 So obviously it's off by 5 hours. By the way, the database uses "SYSTEM" as it...

How to convert a JET database to SQLite?

The title says it all. I'm a Linux user so an open-source, Linux-friendly solution would be preferable. Thanks ...

MS Access 2003 - Help understanding the structure of mdb, mde and be.....

Hi. I was just wanting some explanation as to what is going on once you have split your tables out into a back end file, and set an mde out for use. When a user accesses the mde, is the mdb still required to get to the tabes (or in order to make it work)? Let say I put these access apps on a shared drive for folks to use. If I split th...

Exporting many tables on Oracle

Hi, I would like to know, how to export many tables from oracle DB. I use exp.exe, create file expdat.dmp and so on. I choose to export only tables and there I must write which ones. Is there any chance of getting all of them? thanks ...

What kind of database to use in .NET

I'm writing a program in C# that will need to store a few Data Tables on the user's computer and load them back when he restarts the program: Up to about 10000 records consisting of text and integers. I don't want to use a CSV file, and I had some trouble with SQLite. Are there any other good options to try? ...

Are ontology storage engines slower than RDMBS systems?

My intuition says that ontology engines like Triplestore or Seseme are going to be slower to query than a DB, but is that really the case? What is it that would make them so much slower? ...