
SQL left join with multiple rows into one row

Basically, I have two tables, Table A contains the actual items that I care to get out, and Table B is used for language translations. So, for example, Table A contains the actual content. Anytime text is used within the table, instead of storing actual varchar values, ids are stored that relate back to text stored in Table B. This allo...

Cassandra database, which python interface?

Hi, I'm going to write the web portal using Cassandra databases. Can you advise me which python interface to use? thrift, lazygal or pycassa? Are there any benefits to use more complicated thrift then cleaner pycassa? What about performace - is the same (all of them are just the layer)? Thanks for any advice. ...

MySQL Insert Statement Queue

We are building an ajax application in which a users input is submitted for processing to a php script. We are currently writing every request to a log file for tracking. I would like to move this tracking into a database table but I do not want to run a insert statement after request. What I would like to do is set up a 'queue' of trans...

Android SQLite database locale, locking, and version

In some books and online I see these method calls being made after a database is created: db.setLocale(Locale.getDefault()); db.setLockingEnabled(true); db.setVersion(DB_VERSION); Why is this done? As far as I can tell, after creating a new database, the system adds a table named android_metadata with one field named locale and that t...

How to get a list of items when using cassandra

When using a nosql type datastore like Cassandra, how would you return a result set based on a column? e.g. SELECT * FROM Articles WHERE category='blah' ORDER BY datetime DESC is this something that you would store in a sql db and then pull the data from cassandra? Or can cassandra handle this type of query? (assuming millions of ro...

Very long strings as primary keys in a database for caching

Hi, I am working on a web app that allows users to create dynamic PDF files based on what they enter into a form (it is not very structured data). The idea is that User 1 enters several words (arbitrary # of words, practically capped of course), for example: A B C D E There is no such string in the database, so I was thinking: Stor...

PHP - Drilling down Data and Looping with Loops

I'm currently having difficulty finding a way of making my loops work. I have a table of data with 15 minute values. I need the data to pull up in a few different increments $filters=Array('Yrs','Qtr','Day','60','30','15'); I think I have a way of finding out what I need to be able to drill down to but the issue I'm having is af...

Need dictionary database

Hi, I am planning to work in TRIE data structure for which I need a dictionary database or a text or word file containing the entire list of english words. It doesnt matter if the size is huge. Larger the better. ...

Storing data when using Greasemonkey

Is there a good way to store an extensive ammount of data when using Greasemonkey for when GM_setValue just doesn't cut it? ...

Can MYSQL filter by date if date is stored as text? ex "02/10/1984"

Hello! I am trying to modify an app for a client which has already a database of over 1000 items. The dates are stored as text in the database with the format "02/10/1984". The system allows you to add and remove fields to the catalog dynamically and it also allows the advanced search to have specific fields be allowed. The problem ...

MySQL Table structure of thumb UP & DOWN for comments system ?

Hello, i already created a table for comments but i want to add the feature of thumb Up and Down for comments like Digg and Youtube, i use php & mysql and i'm wondering What's the best table scheme to implement that so comments with many likes will be on the top. This is my current comments table : comments(id,user,article,comment,stamp...

How do I design a database to support OpenID

I'm looking into implementing OpenID, but I drawing a blank as to how the database would look with new / existing users. How does stackoverflow do it? I understand the concept that an external site does the authentication for me, but as far as storing user information on my end I need help with. ...

How to overcome an apparent REST vs. DRY dilemma in rails?

A rails app I'm working on features examples of quadratic equations. Obviously, these are all of a common structure: ax^2 + bx + c = 0. I don't want to store every single example of these. I'd rather generate them from a template. Storing hundreds of possible versions of this structure seems highly wasteful and un-DRY. On the other h...

Entity Framework - refresh objects from database

I'm having trouble with refreshing objects in my database. I have an two PC's and two applications. On the first PC, there's an application which communicates with my database and adds some data to Measurements table. On my other PC, there's an application which retrives the latest Measurement under a timer, so it should retrive measure...

Server authorization with MD5 and SQL.

I currently have a SQL database of passwords stored in MD5. The server needs to generate a unique key, then sends to the client. In the client, it will use the key as a salt then hash together with the password and send back to the server. The only problem is that the the SQL DB has the passwords in MD5 already. Therefore for this to wo...

.Net opening and closing database connections

I designed the data access portion of our framework so that every time a business object needs to interact with the database it would have to open a connection, invoke the data access layer (to execute the query), and then close the connection. Then if it needed to run in a transaction it would open the connection, begin the transaction,...

Using Spotlight as the "database" of an application

I'm developing an OS X application to organize "things" (as iTunes is to music and iPhoto to photos). Instead of having my own database and index, I'm considering using Spotlight to essentially serve this purpose. Has anyone tried this? Is it wise? The main benefit, as I see it, would be simplicity and avoiding redundancy. It seems a b...

How and Where do I learn about how to hook up my uncreated Database to a 3rd party API

I want to create a database with information that I can send to a third party... they give their api on their website but they don't break it down for new / newbs like myself... I'm confused and was thinking of getting a developer to do this all for me but I DON'T want to get ripped off... and overpay All it is is a webapplication back...

Require help in Writing Query

The following image have been uploaded to show what I am trying to do and what I wanted out of it Can any one help me write the Query to get the results what I want Please check the following SELECT * FROM KPT WHERE PROPERTY_ID IN (SELECT PROPERTY_ID FROM khata_header WHERE DIV_ID...

Guidance required: FIrst time gonna work with real high end database (size = 50GB).

I got a project of designing a Database. This is going to be my first big scale project. Good thing about it is information is mostly organized & currently stored in text files. The size of this information is 50GB. There are going to be few millions of records in each Table. Its going to have around 50 tables. I need to provide a web in...