
How to get data from a .DBF file in iPhone

Hi I need to get data from my database which is a .dbf file. Is it possible to fetch data from the same to the iphone. How is it done? Please help needed. Thanks, Shibin ...

Web Application Auditing

How can I audit a web application specifically database changes, when the application is connecting to the database as a system account? I would like to use a simple database trigger to write to an audit table but I am unsure of how I would be able to add the user that is logged on instead of the account that is actually doing the work...

Database Design for multiple users site

Hi, I am required to work on a php project that requires the database to cater to multiple users. Generally, the idea is similar to what they have for carbonmade or basecamp, or even wordpress mu. They cater to multiple users, whom are also owners of their accounts. And if they were to cancel/terminate their account, anything on the pag...

Which column type should I use for storing HTML of an unknown size?

What column type should I use for storing html content from a website with an unknown size? (I'm scanning certain html pages, and create an database entry if there are changes between the last stored entry and the current html code.) My database is a MSSQL 2008 express database. ...

Starting out NLP - Python + large data set

Hi, I've been wanting to learn python and do some NLP, so have finally gotten round to starting. Downloaded the english wikipedia mirror for a nice chunky dataset to start on, and have been playing around a bit, at this stage just getting some of it into a sqlite db (havent worked with dbs in the past unfort). But I'm guessing sqlite ...

SQL Server: pulling and updating local data

Hi guys, I have two SQL Server 2008 databases called Anna and Bob. Bob has to pull and transform data from Anna to keep updated his tables. Ideally Bob will be always synchronized with Anna, but some delay would be acceptable. What is the best way to do this? Thanks in advance. ...

XML flat file vs. relational database backend

Most projects now need some form of a database. When someone says database, I usually think relational databases, but I still hear about flat file XML databases. What parameters do you take into consideration when deciding between a "real" database and a flat-file XML database. When should one be used over the other, and under what cir...

Is the backslash \ counted as a character in MySQL?

Hello, if i have a table which has columns with fixed lenght, Will mySQL count the backslashes as characters? Example : people(name[10],age[3]) If i store in the name column a MySQL escaped value like : Blahblah\'s Will MySQL cut it at the quote? Thanks ...

SQL Server Concatenate string column value to 5 char long

Scenario: I have a table1(col1 char(5)); A value in table1 may '001' or '01' or '1'. Requirement: Whatever value in col1, I need to retrive it in 5 char length concatenate with leading '0' to make it 5 char long. Technique I applied: select right(('00000' + col1),5) from table1; I didn't see any reason, why it doesn't work? but i...

best solution for use access in project for database with security

best solution for use access in project for database with security i need to use access with 600 megabyte in my project and my problem is low security for example i can rename access database extension to increase security and people don't use my database for other goals i will not to use sql server for every one to use my application ...

Database relationships using phpmyAdmin (composite keys)

Hi, I am bit confused on making a good relational database. I am using phpmyAdmin to create a database. I have the following four tables. Don't worry about that fact place and price are optional they just are. Person (Mandatory) Item (Mandatory) Place (Optional) Price (Optional) Item is the main table. It will always have person...

Rails migration won't run, no error thrown

Here's a simple migration I'd like to run : class AddTimeOfRevisionToBrandWikis < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column :brand_wikis, :time_of_revision, :datetime end def self.down remove_column :brand_wikis, :time_of_revision end end Here's what I get when I try to run it : $ rake db:migrate (in /Users/koua...

How to Merge two databases in one in SQL Server 2008?

Hi I have 2 PCs, each one of them has SQL Server 2008 installed on it and there is a database with data in it. I need a way that I can move data in my DB from this SQL Server to another one (another PC which has the same DB) move data from one PC to another one - There is one problem, the ID column, because each DB in my 2 PCs has...

capturing user IP address information for audit

We have a requirement to log IP address information of all users who use a certain web application based on JEE 5. What would be an appropriate sql data type for storing IPv4 or IPv6 addressses in the following supported databases (h2, mysql, oracle). There is also a need to filter activity from certain IP addresses. Should I just treat ...

Is there a database with git-like qualities?

I'm looking for a database where multiple users can contribute and commit new data; other users can then pull that data into their own database repository, all in a git-like manner. A transcriptional database, if you like; does such a thing exist? My current thinking is to dump the database to a single file as SQL, but that could well g...

Storing class constants (for use as bitmask) in a database?

Let's say I have a class called Medium which can represent different types of media. For instance: uploaded video embedded video uploaded image embedded image I represent these types with contants, like this: class MediumAbstract { const UPLOAD = 0x0001; const EMBED = 0x0010; const VIDEO = 0x0100; ...

Replace data in MySQL table with data from another table

I am trying to modify an existing MySQL database for use in a new application. I have a table of items (table_items), which has multiple fields, including "ItemID" and "ItemName". I have another table (table_list) which has "ItemName" in it, but no ItemID. I need to either update this table to contain ItemID instead of ItemName, or creat...

Using a table-alias in Kohana queries?

I'm trying to run a simple query with $this->db in Kohana, but am running into some syntax issues when I try to use an alias for a table within my query: $result = $this->db ->select("ci.chapter_id, ci.book_id, ci.chapter_heading, ci.chapter_number") ->from("chapter_info ci") ->where(array("ci.chapter_number" => $chapter, "

Storing info in a PostgreSQl database issue

Ok I am making a registry for my website. First page asks for some personal info if($error==false) { $query = pg_query("INSERT INTO chatterlogins(firstName, lastName, gender, password, ageMonth, ageDay, ageYear, email, createDate) VALUES('$firstNameSignup', '$lastNameSignup', '$genderSignup', md5('$passwordSignup'), $m...

Using a database class in my user class

In my project I have a database class that I use to handle all the MySQL stuff. It connects to a database, runs queries, catches errors and closes the connection. Now I need to create a members area on my site, and I was going to build a users class that would handle registration, logging in, password/username changes/resets and logging...