
ASP.NET Panel FindControl within DataList to change property C#

I'm new to this ASP.NET stuff. In my page I have a Datalist with a FooterTemplate. In the footer I have a couple panels that will be visible depending on the QueryString. The problem I am having is trying to find these panels on Page_Load to change the Visible Property. Is there a way to find this control in the Page_Load? For example ...

How to find the one Label in DataList that is set to True

In my .aspx page I have my DataList: <asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" DataKeyField="ProductSID" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" onitemcreated="DataList1_ItemCreated" RepeatColumns="3" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" Width="1112px"> <ItemTemplate> ProductSID: <asp:Label ID="ProductSIDLabel" runat="ser...

Implementing a pager for's DataList/Repeater

I have a DataList showing the results, and a Repeater that is supposed to be the pager. I decided to use the page number by redirecting with a QueryString parameter, so it will also be bookmarkable ... My problem is mainly in the UI actually. If I put DIV's with their onclick calling a JS function that does window.location = url + pagen...

how to bind the database value to a div?

hi, in my application i want to bind the data to a div, which is in a datalist so how can i bind the value .thank you ...

DataList Control in windows application forms

Hi guys, I am upgrading my application from vb6 to I used to populate my data in datalist control in vb6 forms. I am not finding it in windows form application. Which one control is the equivalent to it? How can i list my data in that control? just like: I had a table with data like id, name I want the name should be...

Which Control can is equvalent to databound list combox box of vb6 in windows form application

Hi guys, I think there should a control like databound list control of vb6 in windows form application too which can show up data from database. I have confused and staring my database applications in so can you suggest which control can be used? ...

export data from WCF Service to excel

I need to provide an export to excel feature for a large amount of data returned from a WCF web service. The code to load the datalist is as below: List<resultSet> r = myObject.ReturnResultSet(myWebRequestUrl); //call to WCF service myDataList.DataSource = r; myDataList.DataBind(); I am using the Reponse object to do the job: Resp...

Datalist - Show information in reverse order.

I have a datalist that shows information from a SQL table perfectly. Is there a way to show the information in reverse order? Example: Person1 Person2 Person3 Instead I would like:; Person3 Person2 Person1 ...

Output data from this dataclass

Please can someone help with which controls / method to use to get data out of this class into nested lists, i.e parent, child, grandchild, greatgrandchild? When I run: Dim menu As New MenuBuilder Response.Write(menu.BuildMenu().ToString) I only get the top level links and none of the child levels Thanks. Public Class MenuB...

button events in datalists

Hi guys, I have a datalist and want to dynamically add buttons to it. I am using the OnItemCommand datalist event and setting the CommandName/ CommandArgument attributes of the button. However I am having trouble with handling the button click - does not seem to fire. It works when I declared a button on the aspx page, but not for but...

Building a dynamic editable matrix - ASP.NET

Scenario: I am building a flexible discounting component, whereby discounts can be specified for different types of customers against different types of products (means tested). The discount categories, product types and discount rates are all configurable by the user and ideally I would like the user to be able to view and edit the dis...

Database Schema Error

When I use the Data-List object in Visual Studio 2008 while creating a website, and select a data source, after I choose my data source and click OK it gives me this error: I've searched the net and found that: I Installed the "Microsoft ...

datalist selection to filter gridview etc etc

I want the selection of a multicolumn *datalist of food items & *checkboxlist of nutritional criteria to filter a *gridview of a recipes table. Then I want the selection of the *gridview to give selected recipe detail. The nutritional criteria can be however you think most convinient to pull off the task though currently I have a many ...

how to know the TOOL TIP of button clicked within the datalist

I need code example please.i tried selectedindexchange but it doesnot register any index change what to use? its c# vs08 sql server the code files are .cs file using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Data.SqlClient...

Lightbox in datalist Image control

Hi All, I have a datalist control. I am using 2.0 with C#. In this datalist I have a image control <asp:Image ID="ImagePreview" runat="server" Width="62px" Height="62px" /> I have to make a lightbox for the images in the datalist. please help me. I have search on internet & I got some wonderful articles but they all are...

Datalist in ItemCommand event not firing?

hi, in my web application i have a datalist in that i am binding some images. in datalist itemcommand event i write code some code which is not firing, i mean the itemcomand event is not firing. can u help me. this is my source code DataList control: <asp:DataList ID="DLQuickVideos" runat="server" RepeatColumns ="2" CellPadding="0" ...

Hiding a jquery ui accordion panel

I have these several datalist of hyperlinks, which will append a querystring to the URL when cliked. These datalists are inside 7 panels of jquery ui accordion. Is it possible to hide a panel if I click any of the hyperlinks inside it? How do I do this? Let's say I clicked a hyperlink in datalist 1 which is in panel 1, when the page red...

Respond to Button Events in DataList

Hi, After some help and reviewing of the code I got this working without any errors. However when I push the button nothing happens, the text-box ain't updated. I also wounder how i can access the data inside the DataList so that I can manipulate it inside the "DataList1_ItemCommand" function. <p> <asp:TextBox ID="NameTextBox" r...

ASP.NET DataList for a single item

Context: In an ASP.NET application, I need the behavior of the ItemTemplate / EditItemTemplate that the DataList control provides. However, I only need one item in my control, which makes the DataList seems like overkill. Question: Is there a control in ASP.NET made to store a single item that has the template content behavior of the D...

ASP.NET / DataItem of DataList is null after Postback

After postback (click on a button) in my ASP.NET form, all the DataItem of my form are null. Why? What should I do to retrieve the content of the DataList even after postback? protected void buttonAddRecord_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (DataListItem item in listFields.Items) { // item.Data...