
what are the disadvantages of using the perl debugger vs a real REPL like Devel::REPL?

Hello, I usually use perl -de 42 for obtaining an interactive perl shell. I have seen Devel::REPL and I have seen some blogs like explaining how you can enhance Devel::REPL with the plugins, but I have not used yet. I am wondering: is it too bad to use the debugger as an in...

How to proceed after Delphi 2010 "Debug session in progress. Terminate?" message?

I am getting a lot of occurences of the message "Debug session in progress. Terminate?" when trying to re-run my application after routine editing in Delphi 2010. My Application has already been run (maybe several times) and quits without any problem back into my editing mode, yet after completing my edit sometimes the Run option is disa...

crashes not trapped with MS VS Debugger - how to catch?

I'm getting random crashes from my c# app (Windows 7/VS2008), and it doesn't give me a usual stack trace, but rather suggests to close/debug/find info windows 7 kind of dialog box. I'm running the app either from under VS2008 or stand alone - same thing. Clicking "Debug" suggests to debug with a new instance of the VS, which fails as "an...

Visual Studio showing {...} as value for Javascript variable in debugger

Visual Studio 2010 shows '{...}' in the debugger as the value for a Javascript variable. The type is object. How can I view the contents of the variable? There's no expansion icon. ...

PHP Debugger similar to ASP.NET

In Visual Studio, I can start the debugger and am able to debug any page I want. Say I launch index.aspx, I can step through the code. Then I click on a button that navigates to page1.aspx, I can step through the code whenever a breakpoint is hit. I am trying to find a similar tool for php. I tried using xDebug and Zend on Eclipse, but ...

Improvements in debuggers?

Have there been any improvements in debuggers in the past 20 years or so? When I start up pdb I feel like nothing has changed. Am I missing something huge? What innovations, specifically, have been added to debuggers in recent years? ...

Compiled .NET application - get property value at runtime

I have a piece of software, which is obfuscated. I need to get value of a specific property it assigns to a control. EXE deobfuscation isn't an option. Is there any tool I can use to get the value at runtime? Can it be done in debugger, if yes, then how? ...

Unmanaged/native alternative for managed System::Diagnostics::Debugger::Launch function?

I have a mixed-mode application in which I want to fire up the debugger if an error is found in the internal datastructures. Strange enough, the DebugBreak and __debugbreak functions don't seem to work as expected (the .Net framework seems to intercept the breakpoint exception, leading to all kinds of nasty side effects). The solution o...

Getting strange debugger message: Assertion failed: (cls), function getName: what is this?

Since I upgraded from Xcode 3.2.3 to 3.2.4 and iOS 4.0.1 to iOS 4.1 SDK, when I set a breakpoint in my code and single-step over instructions, at each step, the debugger will spit one or more of that line: Assertion failed: (cls), function getName, file /SourceCache/objc4_Sim/objc4-427.1.1/runtime/objc-runtime-new.m, line 3939 It doesn...

XCode Debugger Console doesn't display anything

Hello I'm developping iPhone applications for a while with xcode. But since this morning, my debugger console doesn't display anything anymore. I've reinstalled XCode. But nothing. Has someone had a similar problem? What can i do to repair it? Thanks for your help ...

Program/IDE to save state of a running program and restore later

I have a simulator written in C++ which reads a file and processes it line by line. This is a time consuming process. I mostly run into rum time errors where the program crashes after 15-20 mins. I start debugging and the program takes the same amount of time to hit the break point I set . I examine a few variables and step through the c...

Why does the debugger need symbols to reconstruct the stack?

When debugging in Visual Studio, if symbols for a call stack are missing, for example: 00 > HelloWorld.exe!my_function(int y=42) Line 291 01 dynlib2.dll!10011435() [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for dynlib2.dll] 02 dynlib2.dll!10011497() 03 HelloWorld.exe!wmain(int __formal=1, int __formal...

Debugger for XQuery that uses Saxon

Can anyone suggest a debugger for XQuery? I would prefer one that is either online or works within Eclipse, and I prefer something that uses Saxon. So far, all I've found is XQDT (which has little documentation and does not work with Saxon) and a few stand-alone commercial apps. All I want to do is understand why my XQuery isn't selecti...

ignoring second debugger and service hang in android

hi as i run my app my services r running but after some time a msg comes ignoring second debugger- accepting and dropping continuously and my service got hanged. plz help. my file is following D/PackageManager( 58): Receivers:

VS2008 Pro Debugger Loading ScriptResources Disables Step Menus

All being kept updated, this is a Web Forms Website Project using several Ajax controls on a Vista machine. I have searched the web of course but this is arcane and I have found nothing and seek help... I set some break points, then F5, IE loads the .aspx page of the C# source I am trying to debug but then the VS2008 Solution Explorer ...

How to check if self.navigationController is nil

In the following code, I am able to check with the debugger the values of self and childView. [self.navigationController pushViewController:childView animated:YES]; However, I am not able to see the value of self.navigationController. How can I check if it is nil? ...

difference between Debugger.Launch to Debugger.Break

what's the difference between Debugger.Launch(); Debugger.Break(); ? ...

StackWalk of other process in delphi ?

Do you know how to read another process stack in delphi ?? ...

std::map clear() performance in debugger?

The attached, trivial, test program tests the performance of emptying a simple std::map. Using MSVC 2008 and 2010, the debug build will take <30seconds when executed from a command prompt but almost 3 minutes when executed from within the debugger. The call to clear() is entirely responsible for the difference. If I break into the debugg...

How can I debug into an unmanaged BCL (InternalCall) method?

I want to debug into the implementation of a [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] BCL method, which is presumably implemented in C++. (In this particular case, I'm looking at System.String.nativeCompareOrdinal.) This is mainly because I'm nosy and want to know how it's implemented. However, the Visual Studio debugger is refusing...