
Purposefully Slow MATLAB Function?

I want to write a really, really, slow program for MATLAB. I'm talking like, O(2^n) or worse. It has to finish, and it has to be deterministically slow, so no "if rand() = 123,123, exit!" This sounds crazy, but it's actually for a distributed systems test. I need to create a .m file, compile it (with MCC), and then run it on my distribut...

HTTP debugging proxy for Linux and Mac

I use the Fiddler proxy to debug all kinds of HTTP issues on Windows. It's great for inspecting headers and responses across multiple pages. Is there a good HTTP debugging proxy for Mac and Linux? I found Charles, but it's $50 once the trial runs out and it crashed on me. I could use Wireshark, but it's a pain. ...

Can I use F# Interactive to script or interactively debug/test my C# GUI projects ?

I have seen a demo of F# and DirectX. User selects a part of F# code and sends it to F# interactive. It between, the form's thread is working: the form shows dynamic content and responds to clicks. Can I conclude that for existing C# winforms project I can create a F# project which references it and then launch the F# project in F# i...

problem debugging with Code::Blocks on Ubuntu using gdb

Hi! I just started programming C++, first in ms Visual c++, then in Code::Blocks. The problem is that on my computer, running Ubuntu, Code::Blocks "out of the box" does not debug, even the default "hello world", it just skips all breakpoints and finishes the program. I have a virtualized Windows machine using Sun's VirtualBox and the ...

How to follow the origin of a value in Java?

I have a variable that very rarely gets an incorrect value. Since the system is quite complex I'm having trouble tracing all the code paths that value goes through - there are multiple threads involved, it can be saved and then loaded from a DB and so on. I'm going to try to use a code graph generator to see if I can spot the problem by ...

Why does this function work for literals but not for more complex expressions?

I am having some insidious JavaScript problem that I need help with. I am generating HTML from a JSON structure. The idea is that I should be able to pass a list like: ['b',{'class':'${class_name}'}, ['i', {}, 'Some text goes here']] ...and get (if class_name = 'foo')... <b class='foo'><i>Some text goes here.</i></b> I use the fo...

Breakpoints out of nowhere when debgging with gdb, inside ntdll

Hello all, I made a very simple program which automates some things for me.I wrote it in c++ and it runs on Windows. While debugging it with GDB from inside the Codeblocks IDE , I get many breakpoints out of nowhere. I have no idea what might be causing this problem. The breakpoints seem to be related with memory issues ... since when I...

Break on EXC_BAD_ACCESS in XCode?

I'm new to iPhone development and XCode in general and have no idea how to begin troubleshooting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal. How can I get XCode to break at the exact line that is causing the error? I can't seem to get XCode to stop on the line causing the problem, but I do see the following lines in my debug console: Sun Oct 25 15:...

Is there a firebug-like tool for IE6?

Possible Duplicate: Firebug for IE I have no tool to inspect into DOM in IE6 now. ...

Find where a class was instantiated

I have trying to solve the error : Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class I have been looking everywhere and I can't find where the class was instantiated. Is there anyway I can print debug info about the existing instance of that class. ...

Building a primitive debugger in Visual C++

I'd like to build a primitive debugger in Visual C++ that does few basic things: 1) Attaches to a running process. 2) Sets breakpoints in the applications. 3) Reads register values. How involved is this, and where does one start? ...

Is there a way to debug a subprocess using pydev?

Hi all I'm using Eclipse / PyDev trying to find a way to debug code that uses subprocess.Popen to create a child process: I want to be able to debug the child process that is created. The problem is that I cannot find a way to debug accross process boundaries, and I'm guessing that it is actually not possible. Still, you never know un...

Find all variables that point to the same memory in Visual Studio

In Visual Studio 2008, is there a way of finding all the variables that point to the same object as another variable? So in the example below I would want to find out that ref1 and ref2 both point to the same object as original. var original = new List<string>() { "Some Data" }; var ref1 = original; var ref2 = ref1; Essentially I wan...

How to debug "Safe handle has been closed" error

Code which I have inherited keeps crashing out rather powerfully with the following error (not changed at all): System.ObjectDisposedException: Safe handle has been closed at Microsoft.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.GetOverlappedResult(SafeFileHandle hFile, NativeOverlapped* lpOverlapped, Int32& lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, Boolean bWait) ...

Will IntelliTrace(tm) (historical debugging) be available for unmanaged c++ in future versions of Visual Studio?

I love the idea of historical debugging in VS 2010. However, I am really disappointed that unmanaged C++ is left out. IntelliTrace supports debugging Visual Basic and C# applications that use .NET version 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, or 4. You can debug most applications, including applications that were created by using ASP.NET, Win...

gwt application logging, profiling, benchmarking

Is there a good methodology for logging/benchmarking/profiling a gwt application to identify bottlenecks? Something like a timing/logging framework or similar. ...

Watch Date in Eclipse for Java Application

I have been trying to add to the Watch window a Java Date object (java.util.Date). Sometimes, when i hover over a Date in the source editor view, it shows the Date value in a readable format (e.g. 2009 Oct 26 14...) but sometimes, it just does not show the Date value but it only shows the declaration of the date variable/identifier. So a...

Not able to debug external program from visual studio 2003 and .NET framework 1.1

I am working on an old .NET 1.1 windows application. In the debugging configuration we have set debug mode to an external program which is an exe file. I want to debug that exe when I run this windows application. But when I set an break point I am getting an error "symbols not loading". I tried all the things searched from google like...

Are named functions underrated in JavaScript?

Taking the jQuery framework for example, if you run code like this: $(document).ready(function init() {; }); The stack trace you get in Firebug will look like this: init() anonymous() anonymous([function(), init(), function(), 4 more...], function(), Object name=args) anonymous() anonymous() As you can see, it's not very ...

Methods for debugging NSIS installers?

Although NSIS allows you to build quite powerful installers, the "so low level language that it reminds me of assembly" that NSIS uses is quite prone to making mistakes and therefore, when you want your installer to do something more complex other than writing files, debugging is a must. Until now I've used the following Dr Printf-like ...