
How to see the values of a table variable at debug time in T-SQL?

Can we see the values (rows and cells) in a table valued variable in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) during debug time? If yes, how? ...

Compile scala classes with debug info through Maven

I have a scala project that I use Maven and the maven-scala-plugin to compile. I need to include debug information in the compiled classes and I was wondering is there a way to ask Maven or the scala plugin to do this. I found this page that makes it sound possible but it's not clear where to put the params in the pom.xml. If possible I...

Set a file wide breakpoint in gdb

Hello everyone, I'm trying to understand how a piece of code is working. I've enabled a breakpoint for a function, but it looks like it never gets hit. So, I'd like to break whenever ANY function within this class is invoked. Is this possible? Thanks! ...

How to debug compiled Java code in Eclipse

Hi, I wonder if there are any solutions for Eclipse IDE to debug Java code for which I have no source, i.e. to debug dynamically decompiled code, step through it, etc.? I tried to use JD-Eclipse, JadClipse, and these plug-ins work great if I want to look at some class files, but as I debug, I get "Source not found." - how can I "attach" ...

Custom windows error reporting on Windows XP

Is there a way to customize the data used in windows error reporting on Windows XP SP3? I have a managed application (CLR2.0) and I'd like to create a custom minidump (containing some additional user information) in case of a unhandled exception. This minidump shall then be sent as part of the WER. Thanks, Thomas ...

Does log4net support including the call stack in a log message

I wish to include the call stack (e.g. the methods that called me) in a log4net message. Is there a standard way of doing this? (I know this will be slow, but I only need to do it on some errors) ...

Opening 32-bit process crash dumps in 64-bit Windows (so Wow process) in Visual Studio 2010

CpupSyscallStub is what I See for all threads, in Windbg I can switch to 32-bit mode and get the real threads. How do I do this in VS2010? ...

VisualStudio C++ how to make debuginfo reliable in releasemode

Hi! I've got a little problem. my application runs without problems in Debug mode, but crashes in release mode. I can't track down the problem, because in release mode all the Debuginfo appears to be nonsense. However - sometimes in other projects the Debug output is also valid in release mode. What projectsettings do I have to change s...

Why is "Evaluation of lambda expressions is not valid in the debugger"?

I have a seemingly innocent code snippet, which I typed into Visual Studio 2008 Immediate Window. ? results.Join(lstDocs, Function(docID) docID) Evaluation of lambda expressions is not valid in the debugger. As the message says, it's not possible to call a lambda expression in the debugger. Why is it not allowed? ...

Unterminated string constant error

We just dicovered a bug in our app that returns this error. When going to a certain page in our ASP.NET 2.0 app. When I press "Yes" to debug, the source of the page is displayed, but the line that is referenced has NO Java script on it. I am trying to figure what maybe causing the issue and how to debug it. This is IE only application. T...

Can you redirect log output of Xcode console to Terminal when running iPhone Simulator?

I don't like using Xcode's console output window when debugging an iPhone app in the Simulator (or on a device for that matter). I'd like to be able to use the Unix toolbox and do things like filter the logging output with grep. But to do this I need to get Xcode to send the logging output for the running iPhone app to the Terminal. Is ...

How to debug node.js applications

How do I debug a node.js server application? Right now I'm mostly using alert debugging with print statements like this: sys.puts(sys.inspect(someVariable)); There must be a better way to debug. I know that google Chrome has a command line debugger. Is this debugger available for node.js as well? ...

Remote C++ Debugging with RSE

I'm stuck after step 3 in trying to setup remote cross-debugging with Eclipse/RSE: Installed RSE 3.1 on Eclipse 3.5 Setup a SSH connection profile to my remote device built binaries using a cross-compiler Now I can't find the Eclipse option to transfer the binaries to my device and debug using gdb. Under Debug Configurations, I can't...

Attaching a debugger to a running process on Vista or Windows 7 using Debugger.Break()

When encountering a Debugger.Break() statement on Vista, you will get this message instead: "SomeProcess.exe has encountered a user-defined breakpoint." If you click options in the right order, you might be able to attach your debugger. if you don't, you won't. How do you force Windows to give you the Attach dialog every time? ...

<br /> <b>Parse error</b>: syntax error, unexpected $end in <b>E:\xampp\htdocs\online\viewhistory.php</b> on line <b>43</b><br />

Below is the code of viewhistory.php. <?php foreach($_POST as $value){ if (empty($value)) { echo 1; exit(); } } //come code; //SQL query; while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { //some code; if (!empty($reference)) { $referencetxt=<<<html | Referenced Solution ...

Visual C# backtrace: how to know where [external code] resides?

I am using visual c# to debug a large c# project. The project is very large and only some of the pdbs are build by myself. I can build all the pdb however it's very time consuming. I am debugging a backtrace but a part of the trace is marked with [External Code]. I know some pdb is missing, but how can I know which DLL the external code...

How to make gdb run a user-defined function (defined in .gdbinit) everytime it starts ?

I have a set of basic breakpoints defined in a user-defined fn setup in my .gdbinit. So, every time i start gdb, I have to execute that fn. to set all my brkpoints , before I start debugging. Can I configure my .gdbinit so that whenever it starts , it first executes my user-defined fn setup ? ...

Debuging issue with maven, jetty and IDEA

I have problem with running jetty in debug and attaching IntelliJ IDEA to listening port. mvnDebug jetty:run-exploded will start jetty as I can see following message Preparing to Execute Maven in Debug Mode Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000 However when I try to to connect IDEA to port 8000 I will get message...

how to step into system.web.mvc

Hi, Please don't focus on the examples, I have a bad habit of using examples to clarify my questions resulting in people answering my examples not my questions. The Question: Does anyone have know how I can step into system.web.mvc? The Background (you can skip this to avoid confusion): A couple of weeks ago I had a problem where MVC ...

How to debug windows service which fails in Init() method

I have a windows service which fails in Init() method and throws some exception , so only way for me to check what the error is by looking at the event log. I want to debug the windows service, but the problem is that i can attach debugger only when service is rnning, in my case it fails in Init() method only. Any idea ? ...