
The C++ Programming language, Definitions vs Declarations exercise (simple, if tedious help needed XD).

Hi there. I've been working through Bjarne Stroustrup's "The C++ Programming Language" (2nd edition - I know I should really get a new copy but this is a library book!), and had a few questions about one of his simpler questions. In Chapter 2, when talking about Declarations and Constants, he lists a set of declarations, some of which ar...

Exporting and deploying sharepoint list definition between servers

I have created a list in sharepoint 2010 and want to somehow export the list definition for use in a feature in visual studio 2010. The reason is so that I can package it and deploy it to another server. Is this the right approach to deploying existing sharepoint artefacts to a different server? ...

ASP.NET - How can I build a browser definition file that detects ONLY Googlebot?

I've tried looking at the Oceans BrowserCap file for inspiration, but it's just a little over the top for me. I basically need the equivalent of this in a .browser file <browserCaps> <filter> <!-- Google Crawler --> <case match="Googlebot"> browser=Googlebot crawler=true </case> ...

Python definitions relying on other undefined definitions?

I didn't know what to title this, so if anyone wants to edit it: Go ahead. def Function_A() print "We're going to function B!" Function_B() def Function_B() print "We made it!' This is a beginner question, but the solution hasn't occurred to me as I've been spoiled by compiled languages. You can see here, Function_A leads to Funct...

What does an if look like in IL?

What does an if statement look like when it's compiled into IL? It's a very simple construct in C#. Can sombody give me a more abstract definition of what it really is? ...

What is the difference between a language and a framework?

Can someone give me a clear, concise definition of the difference between a programming language and a framework? I have scoured the web and been unable to find an adequate definition. For extra credit, is it possible for a language and a framework to become so inextricably linked that there IS no difference, or is there such a clear l...

why my template is already defined?

hey, i'm trying to compile my work and i'm getting this error : function template has already been defined and it's written about all my template functions. any idea what can cause such thing? ...

Declaration or Definition

I have a confusion about declaration and definition. In the statement int switchon(float duration); Q1. Is the parameter 'duration' being defined or is it being declared? As per section 3.1/2 of the holy Standard, it is a definition, but I am unable to understand why. Q2. What is the exact difference between declaration and defini...

MySQL: how to prevent insertion of a row with all columns = NULL ?

In my MySQL table, every column by itself can be NULL, but there must be at least one column with a non-NULL value. At the moment, I am wrapping an insert statement in a stored procedure which prevents insertion of all-NULL rows, but that of course does not keep anyone from using native INSERT statements, circumventing my wrapper procedu...

How do you define an XML schema ID attribute that has a pattern??

This XML documentation seems to say that the ID derived type supports a pattern, but when I try to define one with this code: <complexType name="CourseType"> <attribute name="courseNumber" type="ID"> <pattern value="[A-Z]{2}(\d{3}).(\d{3})" /> </attribute> <attribute name="numOfCredits"...

Error defining and initializing multidimensional array

I get error in compilation with the following definition. int matrix[ ][ ] = { { 1, 2, 3}, {4,5,6} }; char str[ ][ ] = { "abc", "fgh" }; Why is the compiler complaining missing subscript and too many initializers. ...

Is this code valid C++ ?

Is the following code valid C++? const int var = 10; { int var[var]; // why doesn't this give any error ? } Note : The code compiles on my g++ compiler. ...

How best to structure a definition list with accessibility in mind

I have a dl that I've coded like so: <dl> <dt>term 1</dt> <dd>definition 1</dd> <dt>term 2</dt> <dd>definition 2</dd> <dt>term 3</dt> <dd>definition 3</dd> </dl> I'm finding it hard to apply the right css for the layout that i want ie. each term and definition in a column. structuring the html in the following way wo...

C# definition problem

I have defined a performance counter as: PerformanceCounterCategory pcc = new PerformanceCounterCategory("Network Interface", ipAddress); string instance = pcc.GetInstanceNames()[1]; //first card PerformanceCounter bandwidthCounter = new PerformanceCounter("Network Interface", "Current Bandwidth", instance, ipAddress); in my code, b...

Prolog type definition in swi-prolog

Hi,in visual prolog there is "domains" section in a prolog program in which you can define types. Is there any similar thing in swi-prolog? In visual prolog a type is defined like: domains NewType = thing1; thing2 ...

Constants and Classes Declarations Across Multiple Source Files in C++

I am sure this problem is asked a lot but I can't seem to find anything relevant. I have multiple source files in a C++ project. In typical fashion, there are multiple header files with class and function declarations and associated source files with their definitions. The problem is that when I try to use one of my classes defined in an...

What is boilerplate code?

A coworker had never heard of this, and I couldn't provide a real definition. For me, it's always been an instance of 'I-know-it-when-I-see-it'. Bonus question, who originated the term? ...

What does ES5 refer to?

Hello everyone. I have been trying to understand what ES5 is and what does ES5-compliant really means but without much success. It's also true I didn't spend a lot of time trying to find the answer. Can anyone very briefly explain please? Thank you. ...

Variable declaration and definition

int x; Is this declaration or definition ? As I write the following code, #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int x; printf("%p",&x); return 0; } it prints some address.So as memory is allocated , int x; can't be a declaration. So is it a definition ? ...

What does () accomplish in a subroutine definition in Perl?

The following code is lifted directly from the source of the Tie::File module. What do the empty parentheses accomplish in the definition of O_ACCMODE in this context? I know what subroutine prototypes are used for, but this usage doesn't seem to relate to that. use Fcntl 'O_CREAT', 'O_RDWR', 'LOCK_EX', 'LOCK_SH', 'O_WRONLY', 'O_RDONL...