
When is it useful to define your own delegates instead of using the generics?

I've been going through some old code, where I came across some custom defined delegates, which are used thus: private delegate void ListenDelegate(UdpClient listener, bool multicast); private void ListenOn(UdpClient listener, bool multicast) { new ListenDelegate(_ListenLoop).BeginInvoke(listener, multicast, null, nu...

Making a Lambda Expression Target a Delegate regardless of signature

Ok, maybe the title isn't the most descriptive thing in the world, but this problem is killing me. What I'm trying to do is create an ActionLinkFor helper method, like so: public ActionResult Index() { // Does Stuff } public ActionResult SomeAction(int param1) { // Does Stuff } These are two action methods. Action methods can h...

Setting delegate property without IB

Does anyone show how to set the delegate properly for this without interface builder? ...

Pass Result of ASIHTTPRequest "requestFinished" Back to Originating Method

I have a method (getAllTeams:) that initiates an HTTP request using the ASIHTTPRequest library. NSURL *httpURL = [[[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@"/api/teams" relativeToURL:webServiceURL] autorelease]; ASIHTTPRequest *request = [[[ASIHTTPRequest alloc] initWithURL:httpURL] autorelease]; [request setDelegate:self]; [request startAsynchr...

Is there a way to do this with delegates in .Net 3.5 ?

We have a system where we need to dynamically change what happens at the end of a set of steps. We're doing this using a delegate. However the methods that we need to call at the end of the set of steps have different signatures. We have a choice at the moment to either do this using a standard delegate signature (probably copying the ev...

C# - Silverlight - Dynamically calling a method

Is there anyway in C# to call a method based on a Enum and/or class? Say if I were to call Controller<Actions.OnEdit, Customer>(customer); Could I do something like this then? public void Controller<TAction, TParam>(TParam object) { Action<TParam> action = FindLocalMethodName(TAction); action(object); } private Action<T> Fi...

Can I "inherit" a delegate? Looking for ways to combine Moq and MSpec without conflicts around It...

I have started to use MSpec for BDD, and since long ago I use Moq as my mocking framework. However, they both define It, which means I can't have using Moq and using Machine.Specifications in the same code file without having to specify the namespace explicitly each time I use It. Anyone who's used MSpec knows this isn't really an option...

Implement Delegation in Android

Is there a way to implement delegation in Java for Android? Or does the activity class automatically ? My friend is an iPhone programmer, so he uses delegation in the form of an HelloWorldAppDelegate. How could delegation be implemented in Android? ...

When is Facebook Connect supposed to call its delegate methods?

Hi The Facebook connect code is eluding me a bit. I have no problem doing a login, and a wall post, however, I simply can not figure out how the delegate methods for the FBDialog andFBStreamDialog is supposed to work. - (void)postToWall { FBStreamDialog *dialog = [[[FBStreamDialog alloc] init] autorelease]; dialog.delegate = s...

Dictionary with delegate or switch?

Hi, I am writing a parser, which call some functions dependent on some value. I can implement this logic with simple switch like this switch(some_val) { case 0: func0(); break; case 1: func1(); break; } or with delegates and dictionary like this delegate v...

WPF/MVVM: Delegating a domain Model collection to a ViewModel

A domain model collection (normally a List or IEnumerable) is delegated to a ViewModel. Thats means my CustomerViewModel has a order collection of type List or IEnumerable. No change in the list is recognized by the bound control. But with ObservableCollection it is. This is a problem in the MVVM design pattern. How do you cope with ...

Hi, I wanna know how to release game UIView and go back to the root menu

Hi , for example , when you playing game , you are play in the game UIView and when you exit your game and return to the game root menu, there're a 'exit' button on the game UIView I wanna click this button to release self view and go back to the main menu how to do this? ...

How can I safely raise events in an AsyncCallback?

I'm writing a wrapper class around a TcpClient which raises an event when data arrives. I'm using BeginRead and EndRead, but when the parent form handles the event, it's not running on the UI thread. I do I need to use delegates and pass the context into the callback? I thought that callbacks were a way to avoid this... void ReadCallbac...

How to work with delegates and event handler for user control.

I have created a user control that contains a button. I am using this control on my winform which will be loaded at run time after fetching data from database. Now I need to remove a row from a datatable on the Click event of that button. The problem is that how do I capture that event in my form. Currently it goes in that user control...

SKProductsRequest delegate methods are never called.

This used to work for me but is now not working anymore and I can't figure out why. I have in-app purchase setup in my app. I confirmed that I have a correct set of product identifiers, matched by corresponding in-app purchase items in itunesconnect. The call goes out to Apple view [productRequest start], but I never get a response ba...

Not understanding delegation in Cocoa

I don't understand the concept of delegation is used in XCode. When a new project is created, an app delegate and a view controller are created, but what does the app delegate do? How does main.m know to call the delegate? ...

c# delegete creation and activation

I have two functions: double fullFingerPrinting(string location1, string location2, int nGrams) double AllSubstrings(string location1, string location2, int nGrams) I want to go in a loop and activate each function in its turn, and after each function I also want to print the name of the function, how can I do that? ...

jQuery delegate table rows selector

I have a table which may contain other inner tables (it's not possible to edit generated markup). I want to create a delegate function for row mouseenter and mouseleave which only triggers for the associated main table rows (and not inner tables rows), as following: $("#tableid").delegate("tr", "mouseenter mouseleave", function(e) { ...

NSDrawer delegate pointing to deallocated object?

A user has sent in a crash report with the stack trace listed below (I have not been able to reproduce the crash myself, but every other crash this user has reported has been a valid bug, even when I couldn't reproduce the effect). The application is a reference-counted Objective-C/Cocoa app. If I am interpreting it correctly, the cras...

Implement delegates for Core Data's fetched results controller or not

What advantage is there to implementing the four delegate methods: (void)controllerWillChangeContent:(NSFetchedResultsController *)controller (void)controller:(NSFetchedResultsController *)controller didChangeSection:(id )sectionInfo atIndex:(NSUInteger)sectionIndex forChangeType:(NSFetchedResultsChangeType)type (void)controller:(NSFet...