
How should I use ivy in a CI environment?

I am using ant and Apache Ivy, and i have multiple plans in my CI server building the same source code, executing different types of tests. Ivy must be deleting myorg-myproject-runtime.xml file in my cache and recreating it because the CI build plans are being executed so many times. Eventually one of the CI build plans reads the file...

Maven equivalent for python

Hi, I'm a java developer/python beginner, and I'm missing my maven features, particularly dependency management and build automation (I mean you don't build, but how to create a package for deployment?) Is there a python equivalent to achieve these features? Note: I use python 2.x Thanks. ...

How to specify JAR dependencies in Grails BuildConfig.groovy?

I am getting the following error when trying to deploy a WAR file (MIPS.war) onto a target environment: INFO: Deploying web application archive MIPS.war 2010-08-04 12:44:56,977 [main] ERROR context.ContextLoader - Context initialization failed org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'plugi...

How do you find out which solutions in your svn have a reference to a specific project

There are many visual studio solutions on our company svn, with different teams working on different areas. Some of our projects are re-useable library projects. The problem comes when someone makes a breaking change in a library project that is part of a specific solution..... How does that person know what other solutions will possib...

How to check pom.xml for updated dependencies

I am fairly new to Maven and pom.xml. Is there a way I can find out which of my dependencies that are outdated, so that I can update version numbers in my pom.xml. In other languages, for instance, Ruby has the command gem list outdated that gives me a list of dependencies (rubygems) I can update I am using IntelliJ Idea if that can he...

Does Eclipse do a binary-compatibility-check of jars as they are added to a project?

While I was singing the praises of Maven's dependency management, an Eclipse user told me (an IntelliJ user) they don't need stuff like that because any time they add a jar to a project Eclipse will test it's binary compatibility against other jars in the project. Is this true? Is this Eclipse itself or a plugin? Is there similar functi...

Different compile-time and runtime dependencies

Why it is common practice to keep compile-time dependencies and runtime dependencies different? Why not to use same dependencies all the time? Even if you don't need some libraries when you compile your code - they'll just be ignored. The obvious answer is to avoid collisions, if so how can they happen? ...

Dependency Management/Team Projects in Team Foundation Server 2010

I'm trying to find the best way logically separate projects in TFS 2010. Currently we have three separate projects: A core framework project which is run on a server A console application that references the core framework dll. A web application that also references the core framework dll. TFS partitions projects into Team Projects....

Dependency Management Question

Hello, I'm not sure I really understand dependency management. Does it mean you're only not dependent on the details of another class? It doesn't mean have anything to do with the call itself correct? I keep hearing to make smaller more specific class but they can't depend on each other and this doesn't seem possible to me. Can someone ...

Graph visualization of existing .NET code

I've seen that VS 2010 Ultimate can generate model graph from existing code. But VS 2010 Ultimate version costs 11K US$, way too much for my budget. Is there any good alternative to do graph visualization of .NET code? ...

Maven - Dependency Inheritance - Provided

Hi all, I make use of dependency POMs which I will then go and include into another projects as as dependency. The problem I am having is while it aggregates the POM with those dependencies, it appears when I declare dependencies of scope, provided, those aren't included. Is it possible to include provided dependencies in dependency P...

Ivy custom url resolver

I am trying to create custom resolver in my ivysettings.xml file: <ivysettings> <settings defaultResolver="default"/> <resolvers> <chain name="default"> <url name="scala-tools"> <ivy pattern="[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/ivy-[revision].xml" /> ...

Dependency management by external tools versus IDE sugar

I'm using Intellij IDEA IDE. Instead of using it's internal build and dependency management tools I prefer external tools (ant+ivy if it matters). I want IDEA be able somehow catch on the flylibraries that were retrieved by dependency manager, index them and obviously provide ide sugar (code suggesting and so on). Is there plugin or any...

dependency management and release lifecycle in dotnet

Recently my team has hit the wall while trying to manage dependencies semi-automatically. You know, the trunk/lib folder in svn with a ci-server that commits fresh versions of dlls into that folder. But migration of one of the projects from svn to git exposed the problem that repository is growing too fast and we are trying to use svn a...

Adding dependencies to C# project - same assemblies of different versions

I need to be able to call utilities from different versions of the same assembly both residing in GAC: gacutil /l TestAssembly TestAssembly.dll, Version= .... TestAssembly.dll, Version= .... And somewhere in code I need to dynamically load either one: TestObject testObject; if (loadFromVersion1) { test...

Maven missing transitive dependency

Hi, I have a maven project with a dependency (datanucleus-db4o). This dependency has itself a dependency on db4o (db4o:db4o:jar: Now maven says: 09.09.10 19:43:09 MESZ: Missing artifact db4o:db4o:jar: I am new to maven. Is it right that datanucleus-db4o defines its own depe...

Missing maven dependency using nexus setup

I am trying to build a maven project to test out some testing software - Arquillian. I setup nexus and added the jboss repositories to the bottom of the public group. When i run mvn test i get this error: Missing: ---------- 1) com.sun.istack:istack-commons-runtime:jar:1.1-SNAPSHOT Try downloading the file manually from the projec...

Maven MOJO transitive dependency resolution ordering from the bottom of the graph

I'm resolving transitive dependencies in my MOJO and wish to have them returned in order from the bottom of the dependency tree up. Is this possible using Maven2? Here's my code so far: Set<?> dependencyArtifacts = project.createArtifacts(artifactFactory, null, null); ArtifactResolutionResult result = resolver.resolveTransitively( d...

Maven POM dependencies to ivy.xml file

Is there a maven plugin which i can use to convert the maven pom dependencies including transitive dependencies to an ivy.xml file? ...

Tool or IDEs that can generate dependency trees?

Does anyone know of free tools, IDEs or plugins (preferably for Netbeans or Eclipse) that can generate dependency trees like NDepend for Visual Studio? I am looking for one that does it for PHP, but ideally it would support multiple languages. ...