
What is Polymorphism

Possible Duplicate: What is Polymorphism? My teacher said "Add Polymorphism to your code". What is Polymorphism? ...

File Search / Log File Search / Monitoring tool design

Hi I want to write application which does following Allow customer to create rule to search particular string allow customer to specify Start and end delimiter and search a string in those delimiter allow customer to specify one string and wait for another string for say 10 minutes. Any idea how to design this application. I came up...

Is it a good idea to extract controller logic into a service that extends repository functionality

Hi, I had a controller POST action that is called List that accepts a status variable which can be the following values { "all", "active", "inactive}. Then I made repository calls based on the the value of "status" inside of the controller. The controller looked like this: [HttpPost] public ActionResult List(string status) ...

How to write Internal mockable method

We are using Moq as our mocking framework, the problem is that type that needs to be mock-able is done using an interface, the problem with that is anything in that interface will be public and therefore considered part our public API. is there a way to have to have a member that is mockable and not public? ...

Options for Javascript Client Library for a Server Side API

I would like to write a Javascript library to wrap an API I plan on using in my application. Now because of XSS restrictions I cannot simply have my script call out to the server hosting the API. What are the options to get around this? My initial research has turned up: proxy: have the client library make calls back to my webapp's ...

Problems designing / mapping dynamic data-entry value store

This is tightly related to a previous question I had. It's a row/column view where columns can be several different datatypes and each row might have a value for each column. I thought of having the following structure case field fieldType bool_values fieldId caseId value int_values fieldId caseId value ...

Design(How-to) of classes containing collections of other classes

Hi Everyone, How to design classes involving collections of other classes? General Example: A Workspace contains number of Projects . A Project contains large number of Resources . Each Resource may contain large number of Files. So here the classes identified can be Workspace,Project,Resource and File. Workspace will have list ...

Is this Possible in WPF - 3d drag & drop design tool

Hi All, I am looking for a starting point for the following application. I am looking to create an application that will allow me to import multiple 3d image like furniture. I can then drag and drop these 3d images onto a design window which looks like a room. Once dragged here, i can then position the furniture around a room and rota...

Inherited classes returning different values - Conceptual question

This is more of a conceptual question than anything. I have a base class called "RawReader". It sets up the framework for classes to inherit it and read in specific data systems. For example, I want an app read in a known format of FoxPro database, a CSV file, or a SQL database (there is about 8 more formats currently), then transfer ...

Why would a class implement IDisposable explicitly instead of implicitly?

I was using the FtpWebResponse class and didn't see a Dispose method. It turns out that the class implements IDisposable, but does so explicitly so that you must first cast your instance to IDisposable before calling Dispose: // response is an instance of FtpWebResposne ((IDisposable) response).Dispose(); Why would the designer of a ...

CSS Reset with attractive default styles?

I'm looking for an open source css that performs a reset and adds a reasonable default level of attractiveness. For example, it might use better colors for the table, or give you some nice background images for a table. It might also give you some simple css classes to make lists attractive like listmatic.. Is there something like t...

Decision making design pattern help

Hey, I have a situation where (pseudo-code): Action a; Object o; if(objectIsPartOfGroup(o, "Group1")) a = treatCaseGroup1(); if(a != indecisive) return a; if(objectIsPartOfGroup(o, "Group2")) a = treatCaseGroup2(); if(a != indecisive) return a; if(objectIsPartOfGroup(o, "Group3")) a = treatCaseGroup3(); if(a != indecisive) ...

How to handle mututally/recursively related tables?

Hi, I'm pretty new to databases and sql. I have a problem where I have two tables which both contain a foreign key to the primary key of the other. My problem is I have a large number of elements which can have multiple names in different languages, but MUST have a single primary name/language. Firstly, I want to know if this is possib...

What is an efficient way to wrap HWNDs in objects in C++?

I have been working with C++ and Win32 (non MFC/ATL) I am playing around with writing my own class library to wrap certain Win32 objects (HWNDs in particular). When it comes to creating windows, I find the "RegisterClassEx / CreateWindowEx" method very awkward. This design makes it hard to write simple class wrappers (one must resort t...

Does anyone really use flowcharts before or after writing code?

If so, is it helpful and practical to the rest of them ...

What tasks are F# most suitable for?

I've read a lot about F# and seen sample code of some of the nice features, like piping. For a random business application, what modules would be best suitable for being programmed in F#, or would benefit the most in readability/clearness? ...

Processor can support/require an RTOS ?

I have few queries related with going in for an RTOS for the different processors in hand. These are generic questions. Maybe you can clarify with examples specific to any processor/rtos or even generally. How to determine if a processor can support a RTOS ? How to know if the processor requires a RTOS ? ...

Pattern/Strategy for creating BOs from DTOs

Hi, I like the approach of having property bag objects (DTOs) which define the interface to my server, but I don't like writing code like this: void ModifyDataSomeWay(WibbleDTO wibbleDTO) { WibbleBOWithMethods wibbleBO = new WibbleBOWithMethods(); wibbleBO.Val1 = wibbleDTO.Val1; wibbleBO.Val2 = wibbleDTO.Val2; } This copy...

What fonts support a large number of weights? / How to fake font-weight?

Specs: JS required amyway on site. but prefer pure-CSS/HTML IE7+, iPhone supported Old browsers (e.g. IE6) not supported Standard HTML with no crazy kludges (eg cufon, images, cifr). Questions: What fonts support 4 or more weights? Most seem to only have one or two. Answers so far: Myriad Pro (supposedly? test below fails for me)...

Tuftian design for usernames display

I'm working on a website with a major social networking component. I want the short username display (1 icon (maybe 2) + a styled username) to indicate: presence (active, idle, away, offline) - font weight avatar (autogen or uploaded) - 16x16px prefixed icon explicit relationship to current user (followee, follower, mutual friend, FO...