
Converting Table Layout To Div

I'm implementing a comment control that uses an ASP.Repeater to display each comment. The comment itself is currently displayed using a table to divide up some images to display the comment in a bubble. I know that tables are supposed to be the epitome of evil for design layout, and really expensive to display for the browser, but I'm ...

What did you do to develop good code designing practices

I've been programming c++ for four years and java for two, I feel that I have a strong grasp of the languages them selves, although I'm no wizard in either. It seems that once I hit the 75% completion mark my code seems to be a god awful ball of spaghetti mess, sometimes to the point of unreadability. What have you done to produce good ...

Best container for double-indexing

What is the best way (in C++) to set up a container allowing for double-indexing? Specifically, I have a list of objects, each indexed by a key (possibly multiple per key). This implies a multimap. The problem with this, however, is that it means a possibly worse-than-linear lookup to find the location of an object. I'd rather avoid dupl...

C++ API for returning sequences in a generic way

If I am writing a library and I have a function that needs to return a sequence of values, I could do something like: std::vector<int> get_sequence(); However, this requires the library user to use the std::vector<> container rather than allowing them to use whatever container they want to use. In addition, it can add an extra copy o...

Design Principles

What principles do you generally follow when doing class design? ...

Separation of Concerns

What is separation of concerns? What's a concern? How might one partition an app into these "different concerns"? ...

Should entities have behavior or not?

Should entities have behavior? or not? Why or why not? If not, does that violate Encapsulation? ...

Should I inject things into my entities?

When using an IoC container, is it considered good design to inject other classes into them? i.e. a persistence class ...

Modularity of Classes

Are there any tips or tricks to make my classes and application designs more modular? ...

Information Hiding and Properties

Does Information Hiding mean I should minimize the number of properties my classes have? Is that right? Do you tend to make your classes private fields with methods? ...

Black-box vs White-box Reuse

What are the pros/cons of using black-box reuse over white-box reuse? ...

Message passing between objects - How to refer to the target object?

The most basic task in an object oriented environment is executing a method on an object. To do this, you have to have a reference to the object on which you are invoking the method. Is the proper way to establish this reference to pass the object as a parameter to the constructor (or initializer method) of the calling object? If object...

Looking for visual CSS generator

Looking for some sort of tool that would allow me to layout my page visually using some sort of GUI, then generate the necessary CSS that would allow a web page to look like that. I am new to this sort of thing, so please tell me if this is even possible! ...

Communication Gap: User vs Analyst-Designer

Normal practice is to use case studies, construct work- and data-flows, etc. But this does not necessarily create a shared vocabulary between the user/sponsor and the analyst-designer: one or the other, both normally, will have to acquire terms and views of the "internals" of the others area of expertise, and this usually leads to misund...

The ultimate MySQL legacy database nightmare

Table1: Everything including the kitchen sink. Dates in the wrong format (year last so you cannot sort on that column), Numbers stored as VARCHAR, complete addresses in the 'street' column, firstname and lastname in the firstname column, city in the lastname column, incomplete addresses, Rows that update preceeding rows by moving data fr...

Do you still use UML? How? What for?

Few years back everybody in our shop was crazy with UML. Now everybody seems to have cooled off. I am curious if there is still widespread use of UML in software projects. If so, is this usage limited to whiteboarding? Do you use it for documentation? Do you use tools to generate code from it? Related: Is UML Practical? ...

What are the principles guiding your exception handling policy?

There is a lot of relativity involved in working with exceptions. Beyond low level APIs where exceptions cover errors raised from hardware and the OS there is a shady area where the programmer decides what constitutes an exception and what is a normal condition. How do you decide when to use exceptions? Do you have a consistent policy r...

Never produce to an unknown pathway, in software too? [Toyota principle]

In Toyota manufacturing lines they always know what path a part have traveled. Just so they can be sure they can fix it of something goes wrong. Is this applicable in software too? All error messages should tell me exactly what path they traveled. Some do, the error messages with stack trace. Is this a correct interpretation? Could it b...

What are some good web resources for learning Object-Oriented Programming?

I've started programming more in OO style than ever (Python). Any good web resources I could read? I need help constructing and modelling objects, relations, interfaces etc. . Not only dry theory (I've read that), but something easy to grasp (examples would be nice), do you know any site or a good book? ...

How to avoid the dangers of optimisation when designing for the unknown?

A two parter: 1) Say you're designing a new type of application and you're in the process of coming up with new algorithms to express the concepts and content -- does it make sense to attempt to actively not consider optimisation techniques at that stage, even if in the back of your mind you fear it might end up as O(N!) over millions o...