
Any recommendation for a good enough Winforms GUI design?

I am developing a mid-size application with VB2008. To better test my application I am following a MVP/Supervising Controller approach. My question is: What are your recommendations to separate responsibilites? So far I've come up with a winform with an instance of a controller and with an instance of my class. The controls are updated ...

What is the single best javascript lightbox script currently available?

What is the best javascript lightbox script currently available? I'm working on a project and am a bit baffled at the number of lightbox scripts out there. The one I need should: not allow flash movies to show through the grayed out background work in all browsers including IE6, Opera should allow html content, flash files easily ski...

What's the best way to load highly re-used data in a .net web application

Let's say I have a list of categories for navigation on a web app. Rather than selecting from the database for evey user, should I add a function call in the application_onStart of the global.asax to fetch that data into an array or collection that is re-used over and over. If my data does not change at all - (Edit - very often), would...

Can we achieve 100% decoupling?

Can we achieve 100% decoupling between components of a system or different systems that communicate with each other? I don't think its possible. If two systems communicate with each other then there should be some degree of coupling between them. Am I right? ...

Hints for a high-traffic web service, c# sql2000

I'm developing a web service whose methods will be called from a "dynamic banner" that will show a sort of queue of messages read from a sql server table. The banner will have a heavy pressure in the home pages of high traffic sites; every time the banner will be loaded, it will call my web service, in order to obtain the new queue of m...

Where is the best place to get Drupal & Sugar CRM developers?

Where can I go to get a good Drupal + SugerCRN developer? ...

What is the best way to create a security architecture?

I'm designing a portal's security architecture. The site has pages, videos, pictures, users, databases, file system objects, etc. What is the best way to control access to all of these objects? How would you store permissions? Is a 64-bit database variable enough for storing permissions? E.g. Windows employs ACLs and SIDs. Do you have ...

Is it stupid to write a large batch processing program entirely in PL/SQL?

I'm starting work on a program which is perhaps most naturally described as a batch of calculations on database tables, and will be executed once a month. All input is in Oracle database tables, and all output will be to Oracle database tables. The program should stay maintainable for many years to come. It seems straight-forward to imp...

Does Test Driven Development take the focus from Design?

I have mixed feelings about TDD. While I believe in testing I have a issues with the idea of the test driving my development effort. When you code to satisfy some tests written for an interface for requirements you have right now, you might shift your focus from building maintainable code, from clean design and from sound architecture. ...

Why is it impossible to override a getter-only property and add a setter?

Why do you think (or, why is it good that) Microsoft chose not to allow: public abstract class BaseClass { public abstract int Bar { get;} } public class ConcreteClass : BaseClass { public override int Bar { get { return 0; } set {} } } ...

Who's responsibility is it, anyway? A design question.

In the application I am writing I have a Policy class. There are 4 different types of Policy. Each Policy is weighted against the other Policies such that PolicyA > PolicyB > PolicyC > PolicyD. Who's responsibility is it to implement the logic to determine whether one Policy is greather than another? My initial thought is to overload...

How to add an event to a class

Say I have a class named Frog, it looks like: public class Frog { public int Location { get; set; } public int JumpCount { get; set; } public void OnJump() { JumpCount++; } } I need help with 2 things: I want to create an event named Jump in the class definition. I want to create an instance of t...

How do you know when to use design patterns?

Anyone can read the GoF book to learn what design patterns are and how to use them, but what is the process for figuring out when a design pattern solves a problem? Does the knowledge of the pattern drive the design, or is there a way to figure out how a pattern can be used to change a design? In other words, are there patterns for Patt...

When should I use a struct instead of a class?

MSDN says that you should use structs when you need lightweight objects. Are there any other scenarios when a struct is preferable over a class? Edit: Some people have forgotten that: 1. structs can have methods! 2. structs have no inheritance capabilites. Another Edit: I understand the technical differences, I just don't have a good f...

How do you prevent over complicated solutions or designs?

Many times we find ourselves working on a problem, only to figure out the solution being created is far more complex than the problem requires. Are there controls, best practices, techniques, etc that help you control over complication in your workplace? ...

Designing a Yahoo Pipes inspired interface

I really like the interface for Yahoo Pipes ( and would like to create a similar interface for a different problem. Are there any libraries that would allow me to create an interface with the same basic look and feel? I especially like how the pipes behave and how they are not just straight lines. Edit: T...

Is there a Technique in C++ to know if a class has a member function of a given signature

Hi, I'm asking for a template trick to detect if a class has a specific member function of a given signature. The problem is similar to the one cited here but not the same: in the item of Sutter's book he answered to the question that a class C MUST PROVIDE a member function with a particular signature, ...

Best Font for Webforms

Can anyone suggest the best fonts for the web application. Iam using gridviews and details view for most of my forms. Also can suggest the perfect color for the gridviews and webforms. I an very bad in colors. ...

How to design for saving incomplete data entered by user?

We have a Dot net Win forms Application which has few Forms with more than 40 fields to fill. When the User fills say 25 fields and then realizes that he needs to get some more data before he can save the information or He enter all the data but their is some Business validation error on which needs contact someone else before correcti...

Can CSS truly override the order of HTML elements on a page?

If you have several DIVs on a page, you can use CSS to size and float them, and move them round a little...but I can't see a way to get past the fact that the first DIV will show near the top of the page, and the last DIV will be near the bottom! I cannot completely override the order of the elements as they come from the source HTML.......