
how to divide and follow a module mindsent in your application?

Hey There Stackoverflow, I was wondering why there are so few examples and reading material on how-to program to modules. Pretty much every large project you start to get lost there in the middle of so much code, even if its on a separate folder. (Well, I do) I would like to understand and maybe see a quick example or link to one, of ...

How to publish a web app that is using Enterprise Library for logging?

I'm building a web app and want to enable logging/error tracking. After reading the old question here, I choose Enterprise Library because I like the flexibility of handling various events/exceptions differently. It was simple to setup and install. But, I am not sure how to publish the web application. Specifically... since the loggin...

Telling my manager that having a plan is important

The question: My manager currently believes that design is important, but not crucial for all but the most ambitious projects. It is my opinion that he thinks it is important to design, but not necessary and that big ball of mud programming can 'get the job done.' What are some methods of discussing (topics, examples, etc) the importan...

Advice : Personal project : garbage collector.. i need a starting point

hello, i've been reading about memory allocation and c++ programming in general.. my boss thinks it is a good idea to try and design a simple garbage collector to enhance my learning ( i always believed.. it is better to code a project, than to do a generalized written code, to test functions, because it helps understand the exact usage ...

Run methods as service c#?

I have a couple of methods that do processing after fetching data.I need call these five services in order 1-5,well I would like to make it a exe that can run from the windows scheduler (so that I don't have to write my own scheduling code).The main reason for this exe is so that it can be run on a server rather than on a desktop and do ...

Best way to define your web applicaion URLs

I've always found that defining URLs for other "pages" in a Web Application seems either clumbsy and fragile or bloated. E.g. you have an application that manages customers, sales, prospects and thus has the following "pages". customerlist viewcustomer editcustomer addcustomer viewcontact editcontact addcontact prospect (x3? x4?) sale...

How important is modularization of software projects

Modularization is obviously important in software projects, but I want to know people's opinions on how important and for what reasons it is important. I've obviously got my own ideas since I'm asking this, but think of it like a "common brainstorm" of the reasons one should modularize one's software projects... ...

Information Hiding vs. Hidden Dependencies

Dear StackOverflow, What are some common best practices in procedure (or function, module, etc.) design for balancing the desire for information hiding and an appropriate level of abstraction in the procedure's interface with the problems inherent in introducing hidding dependencies? To be more concrete, suppose I code a procedure call...

How to layout the code of a simple game?

I'm coming from a background mostly developing websites, and maybe some simple form-based apps. MVC works well for that, but I don't quite see how that's applicable to a game. So how do you guys do it? I'm developing with Qt and OpenGL, if that's relevant. I have a QGLWidget which I'm basically using as a central hub at the moment. Shou...

Language integration

I may be the minority here, but it seems through my entire academic/professional career I've been taught varying languages. During this time, syntax and programming paradigms were the focus, but at no point were we taught about integrating systems written using varying languages and the proper way to make this decision. Now for the rec...

How should one use permissions on objects in .NET?

Say I have a database containing Books and Users and these users have certain permissions on books(like editing, deleting, etc.). Now I would write methods like the following and expose this as both an API and WebService. [WebMethod] Book GetBook(User login, int id) { if (!CheckLogin(login)) throw new Exception("Login error"...

What features are the most important for data-bound grid controls

Certain features for data-bound grid controls are a given and should be available in any grid. Like rows and columns (other layouts are possible in many) and checkboxes for boolean values with text representation for other values. But many grid controls offer a cacophony of features that may not be applicable to all of the use cases. Som...

Function with variable number of args in C and a design-oriented question

I have a C function named SetParams(...) with a variable number of arguments. This function sets up a static data structure (let us name it Data). SetParams is used with pairs of arguments, e.g. SetParams("paramA", paramA_value, "paramB", paramB_value) etc. It can also be called many times, e.g. SetParams("paramA", paramA_value); SetPar...

do you rely on your memory or consult references and use a lot of intellisense?

I am asking because I am living my 40s. I have noticed I do not code as much as I use to when I was in my 20s and part of my 30s. Basically, today I dedicate more time to analysis and design, then I give away the design to programmers and they do the coding. But, this have affected my coding productivity because I must consult references...

Refactoring domain logic that accesses repositories in a legacy system

I am working with a legacy system that has an anemic domain model. The domain has the following entity classses: Car, CarType, CarComponent, CarComponentType. For each of these, there is a separate repository. There is also a number of services that access these repositories and contain basically all logic. I need to implement a metho...

How to deploy software iteratively?

Reading through wikipedia I came across the concept of Sprints in Agile development. From my understanding a Sprint is when a group of developers code a certain amount of features and once these features are programmed they are packaged and shipped of to the client, then the next sprint starts and another set of features are coded and sh...

Why can static classes not implement interfaces?

Possible Duplicate: Why Doesnt C# Allow Static Methods to Implement an Interface? In my application I want to use a Repository that will do the raw data access (TestRepository, SqlRepository, FlatFileRepository etc). Because such a repository would be used throughout the runtime of my application it seemed like a sensible thing ...

How do I handle multiple datasources?

I am working on a web application (PHP + Doctrine + MySQL) to sell. The problem is that there is information that the clients will need from my central data source and they will have information that they don't want me to see (financial and such). My Question, what is the best way to get that information to the customer application? My...

Critique my server design please.

Hi Guys, I am designing a server in java which would be used to trade bonds. This server will act as a mediator between the client UI and the analytical server. The analytical server is the brain, my server will simply interact with it (using tcp sockets) and forward the responses to the client. The server is expected to handle ~500 cl...

Terminology: What's the difference between a class and a component?

Within the OO paradigm, we choose to use classes because they help us to break the system down, and provide nice side benefits such as encapsulation, separation of responsibilities, inheritance, modularity, etc. If we look at a software system at the component level, can we simply treat components in the same conceptual way, i.e. a comp...