
GetOpenFileName() with OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT flag set

Hello, I'm trying to use the GetOpenFileName() common dialog box call to pop open a dialog box and allow the user to select multiple files. I've got the OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT flag set, as well as OFN_EXPLORER set so I get the "new style" file selection box. When I set up my OPENFILENAME structure, I have ofn.lpstrFile pointing to a buff...

VC++ : How to prevent esc from closing a dialog box (not mfc)

How could I prevent esc from closing a dialog box? I searched for this topic, but all I found was for MFC (You can overwrite PreTranslateMessage function in MFC). but my program is written in Windows API, not MFC. I tried to catch all Keyboard messages in Dialog procedure, but none of them works. I also tried using subclassing in dialo...

Remote Desktop, two monitors, dialog windows

In the office I have two monitors. At home I have one. When I use remote desktop (Win XP) to work from home, most of the applications are smart enough to all crowd into the primary monitor so I can see and use them. However, it seems their dialog boxes are not. For example, I need to upload a file and click the "Browse" button. I do not ...

eclipse jface filtered items selection dialog with multiple-column table

I'm coding up a dialog box for an Eclipse plug-in much like the built-in FilteredItemsSelectionDialog from jface, except that the items that can be selected are (basically) made up of three strings, so I would like the table to show three columns that are sortable in addition to being filterable. I started pursuing the cleanest solution ...

Emulating the Vista notification icon dialog boxes with WPF

When single-clicking a notification icon in Vista (such as the network or sound icons) you are presented with a bordered yet captionless dialog (http://i.msdn.microsoft.com/Aa511448.NotificationArea22(en-us,MSDN.10).png): How can I emulate these in WPF? Creating a new window and setting WindowStyle to "None" and ResizeMode to "CanRes...

How do you make a non-modal topmost dialog that is only topmost in regards to the parent form in WinForms?

Thinking about this for an About dialog but I'm sure it's applicable in other places (say a find box) Sorry if this is a dupe, but I couldn't find this or how to articulate the last part about it only being on top of the parent. How do you make a form that is always on top of the parent form, but is non-modal, but doesn't cover up oth...

Adding OCX Control to a Resource Dialog (how Do I control it)

Hi there, I'm adding an OCX to a resource dialog that I've created in my C++ project. The ocx adds properly; but my question is how do I access the ocx programatically? I don't see a member variable (or even a class) attached to it. This is my .rc contents ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////...

Labeling file upload button

How can I internationalize the button text of the file picker? For example, what this code presents to the user: <input type="file" .../> ...

Open window on click in textbox using jQuery

Hello, I want to create a functionality similar to what www.redfin.com has on their search page. A search form is opened as a user clicks in the text box. I am using MVC and jQuery but am not sure how to go about it. I tried using the Dialog plugin but for some reason the dialog only opens once. <input id="txtSearch" type="text" /> <d...

jQuery portlet and dialog box problem

Dear All, I create sortable element and attach an on-click event on every portlet to open dialog box, but when i open (drag more portlet to the main dashboard), and click the setup link (on the header of the portlet) the alert() (i setup for testing purpose) always fire for every portlet on the main dashboard, why is this happen ? B...

Is there a "stock" idle / wait dialog?

My C# application is running at system startup, and must wait for the local SQL Server instance until it can actually do anything. Right now, I just spin waiting for the server to respond (I used to get a wait handle on the service, but that wasn't reliable), then launch the app's main dialog. The problem with this, of course, is that ...

jQuery dialog theme and style

How do I change the title bar background color of jQuery dialog? I have looked at the themeroller but it does not seem to work for me. Thanks ...

Automated Clicking Problem

I am coding up a program for automated testing which randomly clicks an open application window using various User32.dll library calls. My current problem is this, if a click would open a dialog, using Process.WaitForInputIdle() does not wait long enough for that dialog to be detected the next trip around the loop, which means several cl...

How would I implement stackoverflow's hovering dialogs?

I am in love with stackoverflow's single-color "click-to-close' hovering dialog boxes that greet a user when they try to vote and aren't logged in or use the site incorrectly. Any idea how and/or what technology Jeff used to implement these neat little devices? EDIT: I'm specifically talking about the SQUARE dialog boxes that say "Cli...

HTTP uri in a GTK# FileChooserDialog

Can GTK#'s FileChooserDialog be used as a unified file/URI dialog? I'd like it to accept http/https/ftp URIs without "rewriting" them (prepending local directory). Even if I set LocalOnly=false and paste a http://.... uri into the text box inside the filechooser, I cannot get the original entry. Local directory is always prepended to th...

Java save function doesn't work

hey, I have this code that should save a java.util.Vector of custom serializable classes: if(filename.equals("")){ javax.swing.JFileChooser fc = new javax.swing.JFileChooser(); if(fc.showSaveDialog(this) == javax.swing.JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){ filename = fc.getSelectedFile().toString(); } } try{ java.io.FileOutputStream fos =...

Java - How to create a custom dialog box?

I have a button on a JFrame that when clicked I want a dialog box to popup with multiple text areas for user input. I have been looking all around to try to figure out how to do this but I keep on getting more confused. Can anyone help? ...

WiX 3.0: List of available UI Dialogs

I am creating a UI for a WiX installer, and I have included WixUI_Common. I have searched around, but I cannot seem to find a comprehensive list of the dialogs that are provided by WiX. Please list any dialogs you know about and what the dialogs do. Update: Thanks to CheGueVerra's answer, I was able to find the wxs files defining all...

Eclipse RCP, SWT, JFace: How to create a dialog that is modal only to a view (not the entire shell)?

Hi there, Is there anyway to create a dialog that is modal to a view and not the entire shell (application)? So if say, I have one view called A that is overlaying another view called B, I want to open a dialog that is only modal to view A, so when I switch to view B, the dialog and the view A will be covered by view B. Is there anywa...

JQZoom inside a Dialog

Hi, I need to add zoom to an image which is displayed in a dialog. However, I am not having any luck with either Magiczoom, or JQZoom. Has anyone come across this before? Thanks, Natasha ...