
Dojo dialog nesting

can a dojo dialog bring up another dojo dialog? ...

How to enable an AfxMessageBox Yes/No (MB_YESNO) "close" button? (upper right corner "X")

When calling: AfxMessageBox(strMsg, MB_YESNO); A messagebox with the buttons "Yes" and "No" is displayed. But the "X" (close button) in the upper right corner is disabled, and pressing ESC has no effect. This is because the only valid results would be IDYES and IDNO, and not IDCANCEL. Is there a quick way of getting this behavior en...

Preventing gtk FileChooserDialog calling stat on all files in the directory?

Opening a gtk FileChooserDialog is painfully slow for nfs directories containing many files. strace shows a lot of time calling "stat". About 5 calls for each of the files in the directory. How can we switch off the calls to 'stat' and just show a list of filenames without the modification time? We're using operating Redhat enterprise 4...

Resize Modal Window in Javascript

Hola, I'm trying to resize my modal dialog window when certain items are hidden/shown. window.resizeTo(800, 600); I've tried using code like above, but it doesn't seem to work. I think because it is a modal dialog, and not a regular window. Any suggestions as to how I could resize this? ...

How can I create a "Yes To All" Button using WinAPI?

We have a legacy application written in C that uses WinAPI. We'd like to add a "Yes to All" button to a few of our dialog boxes. Unfortunately, the existing MessageBox function does not allow for custom buttons or button captions. What's the best way to do so? Is there a slick hack to easily add a custom button? Or should we create ...

Android: Can not change the text appears in AlertDialog

Today I faced a very weird problem. In my game I create AlertDialog to show the user next level challenges when one is succeeded. So, the corresponding code is like this. when the game is succeeded showDialog(R.id.display_success) is called and the following code is executed. So, I am expecting to execute this code in every call. Howeve...

Adobe AIR unrestricted access... how do i restrict it?

Hello everyone. Im programming my first application in Adobe AIR but i've noticed that on the install dialog it says my program has unrestricted access to the filesystem and such and i think that might scare potential users. Is there any way i can restrict it so that message doesnt show up in the dialog? Thanks. ...

Java Swing - how to show a panel on top of another panel?

I wish to have an internal (non window) dialog to ask for member input. I would like the dialog to be placed centrally on an existing JPanel. I have looked at layeredpanes and these seem unusable due to only having a single layout manager (or no layout manager) across all the panes. I guess I could try to override JLayeredPane and provi...

how to create a box similar to stackoverflow, click to dismiss

Duplicate: How would I implement StackOverflow's hovering dialogs? I'm trying to create an error message, that is being displayed, so far here's a crude attempt, the message displays fine, however the click doesn't work.. function message(somemessage){ $(document).ready(function(){ $('<div class="error">' + somemess...

Get button focus - MFC

Hi, I have a VC++ MFC dialog application and in my OnTimer function I am just trying to determine which button in my dialog currently has focus. Here is some psuedocode of what I am trying to accomplish.... CDialog::OnTimer() { CButton *btn = GetButtonOnFocus(); int btnID = btn->GetDlgCtrlID(); } Any help would be great...

SVN command line dialogs

How do you suppress the annoying dialogs from the command line? I'm using windows 7 (WMWare), latest command line client from collab.net, I'm getting a simple confirmation dialog when I issue a checkout command. nothing to do but hit OK, however i'd rather not be asked. ...

CMenu and Dialog-based applications

Is it possible to put a menu in a dialog based application? How? ...

How to cleanly get user input from the middle of model's method in Model-View-Viewmodel architecture?

Hi everyone, I am writing an app that listens on a network connection, and when some data arrive, it replies back, and depending on incoming data, it may need to ask user (show dialog) before replying back. I don't know how to do this cleanly in M-V-VM architecture: the events and binding to observable collections are nice if I need to ...

How to implement "confirmation" dialog in Jquery UI dialog?

I am try to use JQuery UI Dialog to replace the ugly javascript:alert() box. In my scenario, I have a list of items, and next to each individual of them, I would have a "delete" button for each of them. the psuedo html setup will be something follows: <ul> <li>ITEM <a href="url/to/remove"> <span>$itemId</span> <li>ITEM ...

Over-ride Browser Authentication Dialog

Is there a way using Java to over-ride the browser authentication dialog box when a 401 message is received from the web server? I want to know when this dialog is being displayed, and instead of it being given to the user, I fill in the credentials for them. Overview of application: i wrote the web server, so essentially i want to sto...

Remove close button on jQueryUI Dialog?

How do I remove the close button (the X in the top left corner) on a dialog box created by jQueryUI? ...

How do you test that a modal jquery dialog has lost focus?

I want to close the dialog box when you click outside of the dialog, but I'm not sure how you test that in jquery/plain javascript. Some have suggested using the blur event, but this doesn't seem to be supported by jquery dialog. ...

GetOpenFileName() does not refresh when changing filter

I use GetOpenFilename() to let the user select a file. Here is the code: wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; OPENFILENAMEW open_filename = { sizeof (OPENFILENAMEW) }; open_filename.hwndOwner = handle_; open_filename.lpstrFilter = L"Video Files\0*.avi;*.mpg;*.wmv;*.asf\0" L"All Files\0*.*\0"; ope...

Activating OnBeforeUnload ONLY when field values have changed

Hey guys, What I'm trying to achieve is to Warn the user of unsaved changes if he/she tries to close a page or navigate away from it without saving first. I've managed to get the OnBeforeUnload() dialog to pop-up... but I don't want it to be displayed at all if the user hasn't modified any field values. For this, I'm using this hidd...

How do I create an auto-run Dialog themed Activity in Android 1.5 (Cupcake)?

In the onCreate() of my "main" class I'm checking some things and occasionally need to show a popup. The popup is just another Activity which has been themed as @android:style/Theme.Dialog in the Manifest file. This has worked perfectly for months, but now that I'm on Cupcake it's basically just drawing the screen as all black. Here's ...