
Conversion from YUV444 to RGB888

I am new in this field and i desperately need some guidance from u all. I have to support yuv444 to rgb 888 in display driver module. There is one test which i have done for yv12 rgb565 in wince 6.0 r3 which is mentioned below. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Function: PP_CS...

Can I prevent IVideoWindow::put_Visible from posting a message?

When ever IVideoWindow::put_Visible() is invoked, it peek a message from the message queue and dispatch it. That totally messes up the call sequence. I have fixed several crashes caused by this, in a case by case bias. That is, to set a flag before invoking put_Visible() and then clean the flag. And in an event-handler, check the flag f...

windows mobile 6.5 Gestures and DirectDraw

I'm trying to build a UI using directdraw in c#. For this im using a DirectDrawWrapper as sugested here. My initial tests setting up the screen work perfectly. But now i'd like to incorporate gesture recognition into the UI. So i instantiate a GestureRecognizer and tie it to the _form which also gets passed to the DirectDrawGraphics c...

how can I detect the maximum size of overlay hardware via Direct Draw library?

how can I detect the maximum size of overlay hardware via Direct Draw library? ...

How to scale a sprite image without losing color key information?

Hello everyone, I'm currently developing a simple application that displays map and draws some markers on it. I'm developing for Windows Mobile, so I decided to use DirectDraw and Imaging interfaces to make the application fast and pretty. The map moves when user moves finger on the touchscreen, so the whole map moving/scrolling animati...

Implement Hardware Acceleration for Graphics in Silverlight for Windows Embedded

Does anyone have any sample code to how to use DDraw & OpenGL in wince? I have searched the net and I didn't find anything on how to implement hardware acceleration in wince using DDraw & OpenGL. Please guide me how to use OpenGL API in wince 6.0 r3 for implementing hardware acceleration. I want to know the steps regarding how to u...

Win32: How to determine if DirectDraw is disabled?

When using CachedBitmaps in GDIPlus, there is graphical corruption if Windows video "Hardware Acceleration" is lowered enough that DirectDraw is disabled: There are six levels of hardware acceleration: Disable all accelerations Disable all but basic accelerations. (Default on server machines) Disable all DirectDraw and Direct3D acce...

DirectDraw: Clipping fails if surface is larger than backbuffer

Hello, I'm writing a game engine for mobile devices, and I'm trying to support multiple resolutions. The game world can be much larger than the screen, so I'm using a clipper to create a viewport on the world. My device has a resolution of 240x320. When I set the viewport to 240x320 and my world to 240x320, all is fine. I can slide the...

Delphi + webcam

hi! I am looking for a way to use my webcam in delphi, primary for grabbing a picture, by some reason I cannot use TWAIN drivers. ...

ActiveX HWND, DirectX WindowLess mode

Hi. I would like to render video in ActiveX control (not in pop-up DirectShow window). I have: IID_IVMRWindowlessControl IID_IVMRFilterConfig9 CLSID_VideoMixingRenderer9 I would like to set WindowLess mode, but I don't know how to get HWND of..., exactly, of what? IEFrame, HTML element? hr = pWc->SetVideoClippingWindow(???); Anyo...

DirectDraw better than Direct3d for streaming?

Let me specify little background. I currently use an open source program to run my TV Tuner (DScaler). The final version for the software has some support for Direct3D output, the problem with this is that it lags. I have been going through the code and reading through DirectX documentation trying to find a place to optimize the code so...

sdl remote desktop

Hello, for a simple demo program I am using the SDL library to play a mpeg movie file. Unfortunately the demo app should be executed on one of our windows 7 servers and it should be looked at remotely. The problem is, that when I connect via RDP to the server the SDL window stays black - although the movie becomes played (I hear the ...