
Where is the Git Repository Path created?

When one creates a NEW repository with Git, does the path where the .git subdir is added have to be the SAME one as the path where the project files are (i.e. the files to be managed by Git)? Another way of asking the same question is: If I want to create a new Git repository, does the repository path always have to coincide with the re...

Source code directories: "common" and "include"?

I've noticed that some sources have common and/or include as sub-folders. I am talking about C/C++ sources in particular. What are they supposed to contain? ...

Web directory structure problem

This is my directory structure: -st.ambulance ---public_html ---resources My document root is public_html. I have a script in resources that I need to execute securely (meaning: normal users shouldn't be able to execute it). How would I do this? ...

Should external libraries be inside or outside my PHP project directory structure?

I'm building my first PHP project, and am not sure where to put external libraries like doctrine. I could put them inside my app, making it easier to reference with a relative path: myproject app public lib doctrine log Or I could put them outside my project directory structure, making it easier to share between mul...

PHP Includes in Apache Password Protected Directories

(THIS IS A DUPLICATE, I FORGOT A TAG, PLEASE FORGIVE) I'm writing a small CMS for a client using my own little framework and am running into one issue (not 100% sure it's an issue, but I'm sensing it will be). So, for example, I have a News.php class that handles all of my Blog updates (CMS user input) and output (display of blog data ...

Why is stylesheets and scripts separate from app in rails directory structure

Hey all, I never understood why the stylesheets and scripts are outside the /app folder in ruby on rails. Is there benefits of housing them in the /public folder away from the /app? Thank! Matt ...

Directory Structure for a Small Library

So I wrote a fun little extension method library while trying out c# and c# closures(smalltalk style ifTrue,ifFalse and timesRepeat). I was thinking of putting this on some code sharing site but am unsure of what sort of directory structure it should have(tests,library,license,ect.). Also should I include compiled dlls? Bonus points i...

source code trees: wide or deep

After writing a few python appengine apps I find myself torn between two approaches to organizing my source code tree: wide or deep. For concreteness, consider an internal application for a small consulting shop to manage business operations like contact management, project tracking & reporting, and employee management. The applicati...

User files directory structure

We are working on a web application where every user will have 20-30 projects. A project can be an image project with about 200-300 images, or a video project with only one video, or a flash project (swf) with only one flash. Images will be resized and stored in 5 different formats (different resolutions). At the very beginning all stat...

How to check if directory 1 is a subdirectory of dir2 and vice versa

What is an easy way to check if directory 1 is a subdirectory of directory 2 and vice versa? I checked the Path and DirectoryInfo helperclasses but found no system-ready function for this. I thought it would be in there somewhere. Do you guys have an idea where to find this? I tried writing a check myself, but it's more complicated th...

Project Structure for Hibernate Struts project?

I started developing one Blog Website based on Hibernate and Struts. I was wondering how to maintain the structure of the directory and files. That is, the presentation, hibernate DB access layers, controllers and business layers. Any suggestion? Regards Swar ...

How do I handle symbolics links in projects under source control?

We have several php projects. The projects use the Zend Framework and we also maintain a common core library with various functions. Right now my directory structure looks like this project-1 \application \model \views \controllers \libraray \...

search files in directory using php

i have a situation,i am creating a folder everytime when new user register.the folder name is equal to therefore user_data folder contains all folder which name is equal to username. when user upload something then it directly save to its desired username folder. so now i want to search perticular file from these folder. i k...

Directory tree data type?

What would be the return type of the following method? (T) public T GetDirectoryContentsRecursively (string path) { ... } The method will read the contents of a remote directory, and read the contents of each sub-directory and each of that object's sub-directories and so on. I have thought about using List<object>, where object coul...

Keeping directory structure when creating frameworks in xcode

I'm trying to create a .framework in Xcode and have successfully done so, but as it turns out, Xcode flattens the directory structure of when copying headers in the Copy Headers build phase. I've tried adding the files as Folder References instead of the groups, but then it won't even recognize the header-files as header files! So, how ...

Directory structure management for PHP script

I'm writing a profile-based image downloader, and it's structured in multiple files: lib/ profiles/ getbooru install readme uninstall If I include these files like this: include 'lib/curl'; include 'lib/string'; foreach(glob('profiles/*') as $profile) include $profile; The program only works if you call it from the program's di...

SQL Server: Fast way to load a directory tree (name, date modified)

(I looked for an answer, but nothing really solved my issue so far.) I want to keep a table up to date with a file directory tree within Microsoft SQL Server 2005. I do the norm now: insert into #resultTable (Path) exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dir/s/b G:\FileLibrary' but this takes about 4 1/2 minutes to load each time (not to mentio...

Create branches inside an existing bzr project

I'm the only developer of a small project. I truck that project with bazaar. At the initial stages I did the following: mkdir myProject cd myProject bzr init bzr mkdir src bzr mkdir data bzr mkdir foo .... I have had some progress with this project and it already contains couple of dozens of commits. Now I have realized that I need to...

Recursive directory list/analyze function doesn't seem to recurse right

I wrote what I thought was a straightforward Python script to traverse a given directory and tabulate all the file suffixes it finds. The output looks like this: OTUS-ASIO:face fish$ sufs >>> /Users/fish/Dropbox/ost2/face (total 194) === 1 1 - === css 16 ----- === ...

Apache VirtualDocumentRoot best setting

Hi, I want to have a clean, efficient directory setup with VirtualDocumentRoot. (Reference: In particular, I am thinking of the following: 1) to be served by /apache_root/ 2) to be served by /apache_root/www/example....