
Is there a way to dynamically create and dispose of Webbrowser control?

I have this App that uses the Webbrowser control to do automated browsing. I need to come up with a way to automatically close the browser (dispose), then create another instance that actually works. Here's some of the code that I have so far. this.webBrowser2 = new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser(); this.webBrowser2.Dock = System.Win...

How is IDisposable implemented on FileStream in .Net 1.1

This might seem like a noddy question, but I was looking at this because I heard someone claiming that you must call Close() on a FileStream, even if it is in a using block (and they have code where Close() is being called right at the end of the block). I know that Close() is meant to call Dispose(), but I thought I'd look deeper since...

Close application from captive IE session.

Folks, My question is: Can this be done better? and if so, How? Any ideas? We need to start a captive IE session from within an "invisible" C# .NET 3.5 application, and quit both the IE session and the "parent" application after processing a certain request. I've been mucking around with this problem for the last week or so... and thi...

C# Dispose method

I'm having difficulty with C#'s 'Dispose' pattern. I have 3 classes at play here: A management class, a form, and a data-storage class. The management class may (if it needs to) use the form to prompt the user for input. The form loads data from a file, which the user can then modify. As it is closed, the form must save this data back. ...

How to dispose objects having asynchronous methods called ?

I have this object PreloadClient which implements IDisposable, I want to dispose it, but after the asynchronous methods finish their call... which is not happening private void Preload(SlideHandler slide) { using(PreloadClient client = new PreloadClient()) { client.PreloadCompleted +...

SharePoint SPSite Disposing

The scenario I have, is in the Execute method of a SPJobDefinition I want to go through every SPSite in the web application. So I have the following code: foreach (SPSite site in this.WebApplication.Sites) { ... } Question is, do I need to dispose of each site? The rule I normally go by is dispose or put inside a using only if I new...

Why is NHibernate AdoTransaction's finalizer called?

I'm profiling out unit & integration tests, and I find the a lot of the time is spent on the finalizer of NHibernate.Transaction.AdoTransaction - this means it is not getting disposed properly. I am not using AdoTransaction directly in the code, so it's probably used by some other object inside NHibernate. Any idea what I'm forgetting t...

Sharepoint SPDisposeCheck

The SPDisposeCheck utility alerted me to an impproperly disposed SPWeb.Add call. As you can see below, the typical using(SPWeb NewWeb = webs.add(siteUrl ....) method would not work because of the RunWithElevatedPrivileges would make the return newWeb out of context. By looking at the newWeb = webs.Add() line below, can anyone suggest a...

Does closing a database connection in Dispose method is right?

I've had a suspicion that a database connection used in one of our applications is not always closed. I went to see the code and I've found a class DataProvider that has SqlConnection object. The connection is opened in the constructor of this class and closed in it's Dispose method (don't judge that, i know keeping an open connection is...

How to handle exception thrown from Dispose?

Recently, I was researching some tricky bugs about object not disposed. I found some pattern in code. It is reported that some m_foo is not disposed, while it seems all instances of SomeClass has been disposed. public class SomeClass: IDisposable { void Dispose() { if (m_foo != null) { m_foo.Dispose(); ...

Is there a list of common object that implement IDisposable for the using statement?

I was wondering if there was some sort of cheat sheet for which objects go well with the using statement... SQLConnection, MemoryStream, etc. Taking it one step further, it would be great to even show the other "pieces of the puzzle", like how you should actually call connection.Close() before the closing using statement bracket. Anyth...

How do I extend a WinForm's Dispose method?

I am getting this warning from FxCop: "'RestartForm' contains field 'RestartForm.done' that is of IDisposable type: 'ManualResetEvent'. Change the Dispose method on 'RestartForm' to call Dispose or Close on this field." Ok, I understand what this means and why this is what needs to be done... Except System.Windows.Forms.Form doesn'...

How do I dispose an IDisposable object if the using statement throws an exception?

How can I make sure in the following code snippet that IDataReader is disposed of if ExecuteReader throws an exception? using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { // use it } It makes sense to me that the using syntatic sugar does not call Dispose (since there is no instance to call it on). However, how can I be sure that the...

Disposing dynamically created controls

I have a WinForms TabControl that I am dynamically adding TabPages to at runtime. Each TabPage contains a WebBrowser control. I also have the ability to remove the TabPages at runtime. Should I bother Dispose()ing the TabPage and/or WebBrowser controls? It seems to me I should at least Dispose() the WebBrowser control since it is a bit...

Dispose pattern: How do I know what's managed and what's unmanaged?

Reading about the Dispose pattern, I see the documentation repeatedly refer to "cleaning up managed and unmanaged code". And in the canonical implementation of the Dispose method, I see specific flows (depending on whether disposing is true or false) dedicated to the cleanup of managed objects versus unmanaged objects. But am I, the lo...

Interesting event "Dispose" behaviour

Hi all, I have noticed interesting behaviour in our .NET WinForms app. We have an mdi form that has many mdi children added. These child forms listen to a "broadcast" event which is in essence a call to refresh itsself. The event is declared in a base class and the listening events added in the child forms. I've noticed that even when ...

Should I worry about releasing resources in this case?

Let's say I have a class Collection which holds a list of Items. public class Collection { private List<Item> MyList; //... } I have several instances of this Collection class which all have different MyLists but share some Items. For example: There are 10 Items, Collection1 references Items 1-4, Collection2 has Items 2-8 and ...

do I have to call all the exposed dispose functions of the controls within a windows form in the overriden dispose function?

Hi all, I have a windows form that contains many controls e.g timers, gridviews, and binding sources etc, and all of these expose a dispose function. Do I have to call their dispose function in this protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && (components != null)) { compon...

Does assigning to Nothing cause Dispose to be invoked?

I recently saw some VB .NET code as follows: Dim service = ... Try ... service.Close() Finally service = Nothing End Try Does assigning Nothing to service do anything? If it is a garbage collection issue, I am assuming that when "service" went out of scope the referenced object would be garbage collected and the dispose metho...

service.close() vs. service.abort() - WCF example

In one of the WCF tutorials, I saw the followign sample code: Dim service as ...(a WCF service ) try .. service.close() catch ex as Exception() ... service.abort() end try Is this the correct way to ensure that resources (i.e. connections) are released even under error conditions? Thanks for the answers guys! I up...