
(.net) CriticalFinalizerObject - What does it really do?

Hello. My understanding about this class is that you should use it when you want to be sure that the Finalizer(destructor) or the class is called, but from a couple of tests I did, it doesn't seem to be true. If it does not make sure that the dispose method is called, is there any other way of doing it? For example, if i want to make sur...

C# .NET Linq Memory Cleanup or Leak?

I have a large 2GB file with 1.5 million listings to process. I am running a console app that performs some string manipulation then uploads each listing to the database. I created a LINQ object and clear the object by assigning it to a new LinqObject() for each listing (loop). When the object is complete, I add it to a list. Whe...

How do I implement the dispose pattern in c# when wrapping an Interop COM Object?

My class contains an object from Interop and calls a method on it which causes it to alloc stuff. It also exposes a method to free that stuff, so I expect I should call this in Dispose(): class MyClass : IDisposable { private DllName.ComClassName comInstance; void SomeMethod() { comInstance = new DllName.ComClassNam...

close, dispose, finalize, GC, Idisposable,.... have you got a clear description of them ?

hi all i am completely confused about close, dispose, finalize, GC, Idisposable. Oh, could you please send me a clear description of them? ...

Dispose question

When you have code like: Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap ( 100, 100 ); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage ( bmp ); Pen p = new Pen ( Color.FromArgb ( 128, Color.Blue ), 1 ); Brush b = new SolidBrush ( Color.FromArgb ( 128, Color.Blue ) ); g.FillEllipse ( b, 0, 0, 99, 99 ); g.FillRegion ( b, pictureBox1.Region ); pictureBox1.BackColor = Colo...

using() and dispose with multiple wrapped streams

Am I right that you'd only need a using() for the outermost stream if you're doing e.g MemoryStream mstr = new MemoryStream(); using(StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(mstr)) { .... } As disposing the StreamWriter should also dispose/close the underlying stream, there's no need to do this ?: using(MemoryStream mstr = new MemoryS...

SPWeb.Site, should you call Dispose() on it?

Updated 06/08/2009 15:52: Short answer NO. Original question: I can't find any reference which gives guidance on SPWeb.Site regarding disposing. I've gone through some of the more popular best practises documentation on disposing SharePoint objects: http://www.sharepointdevwiki.com/display/public/When+to+Dispose+SharePoint+objects htt...

When to call Dispose() method in WPF application

I have a simple WPF single window application contains Textboxes and Buttons. And I also use NotifyIcon and DateTimePicker of Windows Forms in WPF window. How can I effectively dispose all the controls? ...

sendasync (smtpclient) when using the token is sent byval and not byref?

it seem, after looking with reflector, that the sendasync(smtpclient) with the object token in the parameter of the function is byval does it make sense to try to release the attachment in the callback function? everywhere people(myself included) seem to do sendasync(mailmessage,mailmessage) and in the callback(SendCompletedCallback) ...

Explicit closing required?

I am using EntLib 4.1. _db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("DbName"); DbCommand dbCommand = _db.GetStoredProcCommand("someProcedure"); _db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Id", DbType.Int32, id); result = _db.ExecuteNonQuery(dbCommand); After performing the task do I need to dispose the _db object, like: finally { _db = null; } ... ...

What are the effects of failing to close/dispose Powershell Runspace objects before process termination?

Given an application that maintains a singleton instance of a Runspace object (from System.Management.Automation.Runspaces) for the lifetime of the application, what are the potential side effects of failing to dispose of the Runspace before the application is terminated? The design rationale I have been presented with is that memory/ha...

How do I dispose of a VB6 COM object i'm using via an interop assembly from IronPython?

Hello. I'm using a third party COM component by means of a .NET interop assembly in IronPython, as seen here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1237200/how-can-i-use-a-vb6-com-reference-in-ironpython My experience in this area has been great, I'm very impressed by the amount of stuff that works seamlessly... except one thing. The 3rd...

Why doesn't parent object fail with a previously disposed child object?

Potentially embarrassing question, but there is obviously something I'm missing that I want/need to know. I expect the following code to create a new table row with new cells to be rendered later. And that's what it does ... as you would expect. using (TableRow tr = new TableRow()) { using (TableCell td = new TableCell()) { ...

Cross Method Dispose Patterns in SharePoint

I've written a class that does various modification to the contents of a SharePoint site. Inside that class, I've implemented a lazy resolved property private SPWeb rootSite { get { if ( _site == null ) { SPSite site = new SPSite( _url ); _site = site.OpenW...

Disposing a control by calling its own BeginInvoke()

Disposing a control from by calling its own BeginInvoke() is a good idea or bad idea? Or shall I use the parent control or something like that to accomplish this task? I'm using Invoke because I'm accessing the control form another thread. ...

VB/C#: Placing disposible objects in global scope: Is this okay?

As an optimization, I decided to put an object I frequently need - an SDL surface with a prerendered image of the entire level (called S_AreaBMP) - at global scope. Now it doesn't have to be created and destroyed in the DrawScreen function every frame. I only need to dispose and change it when a new level or GFX sheet is loaded, which I ...

When exposing IQueryable when does DataContext get disposed?

As seems to be popular at the moment, if you implement a repository as simply IQueryable<T> FetchAll<T>(); using LINQ to SQL, then the repository must set up a DataContext which remains available outside of the repository. So my question is, How does the DataContext get Disposed? What if an exception is generated by the code outside ...

Will using a SPListItemCollection returned from a function reopen the SPWeb?

After reading Stefan Gossner's post about disposing objects and this question about Cross method dispose patterns, I found that I was guilty of accidentally reopening some SPWebs. I know in Stefan Gossner's post he mentions you should dispose of an SPWeb after you are finished with any child object. However, the microsoft documentation m...

Is this a legitimate alternative to the "traditional" dispose pattern for class hierarchies?

I am not a fan of boilerplate code: copy-paste reuse is potentially error-prone. Even if you use code snippets or smart templates, there is no guarantee the other developer did, which means there's no guarantee they did it right. And, if you have to see the code, you have to understand it and/or maintain it. What I want to know from the...

Entity Framework - How should I instance my "Entities" object

I'm a total newbie at Entity Framework and ASP.Net MVC, having learned mostly from tutorials, without having a deep understanding of either. (I do have experience on .Net 2.0, ADO.Net and WebForms) My current doubt comes from the way I'm instancing my Entities objects. Basically I'm doing this in my controllers: public class PostsCont...