
jQuery UI Draggables - Change Revert Position?

Ok, this should be easy for the right person: Is it possible to edit the revert position of a jQuery UI draggables helper? For example, I have icons the user can click and drag into groups on the page. When the user clicks an icon and starts dragging, a helper message appears right under their cursor and follows the cursor so long as the...

jQuery: How Do I simulate Drag and Drop in Code?

EDIT: Here's a link to show you my sample code: http://www.singingeels.com/jqtest/ I have a very simple page that references jquery-1.3.2.js, ui.core.js (latest version) and ui.draggable.js (also latest version). I have a div that I can drag around very easily (using the mouse of course): <div id="myDiv">hello</div> and then in Java...

jQuery UI - How to know if dragged element is on top of element #x?

I have multiple draggable elements and I don't want them to be dropped on top of each other. I'd want the dragged element to appear light green when dragged, but once it's over element with certain class, it would turn red. If it would be dropped it would revert to its original position. Everything else is simple, but I would need an ev...

iPhone SDK:Trouble Dragging a UIImageView

Hi, I am trying to drag a UIImageView around the iphone screen in my app. Currently The drag functionality I have set up is fine and dragging the image does move it around the screen, the trouble is that you don't have to drag the image view to move it, you can also drag anywhere on the screen and it will move the image. I am new to t...

UITouch event or UIControlEvent for dragging through a set of images?

I have a grid of images. I want to create an effect so that when the finger dragging through "a line" of images, each image which is touched will do some event (say wobble for example) in the order of being touched. I tried to set the action:forControlEvents, but I couldn't find any appropiate UIControlEventxxx. I'm working in an UIVie...

jquery draggable element lost

Hi all , Can anyone help me by telling me that in the given code below when the first time element is dragged it works fine but when a new element is dragged then the draggable property of the earlier created element is lost. How can i do the dragging without losing it? if(tag==normal_tag1.id) { normal_tag_d=' <di...

JQuery Draggable: Is it possible to snap to grid after mouse release?

Basically, i want to use the grid option to snap a draggable div toa 30 x 30 grid but i want to keep the dragging smooth. So is there a way i can snap to the grid on mouse release (or something similar) ...

jquery clone drag

Hi all, i m having a problem in appending a tag over an area. I am tring to append the clone of #Normal_Tag1_div to #droppable after changing the id. I also want to make that clone draggable over #droppable only . How can i do that?? $('#Normal_Tag1_div').draggable({helper:'clone'}); $('#droppable').droppable({ dro...

jQuery draggable + sortable: strange mouse offset behaviour

I have draggable list of < li > elements which I'm able to drag into another empty < ul > element. If I drag the first < li > element of the draggable original < ul > everything works fine... Problem: ...but when I drag any other < li > element of that list the 'helper' moves away from the mouse pointer as soon as I cross the border of...

jQuery draggable + droppable: how to snap dropped element to dropped-on element

I have my screen divided into two DIVs. In the left DIV I have a few 50x50 pixel DIVs, in the right DIV I have an empty grid made of 80x80 LIs. The DIVs on the left are draggable, and once dropped on a LI, they should snap to center of that LI. Sounds simple, right? I just don't know how to get this done. I tried by manipulating the dro...

Getting objects to stay in a scriptaculous droppable.

I found some interesting code when I was looking at things that people had added on to Scriptaculous, and I'm trying to modify it for my purposes. I got nearly all of it working, except when I paste in the drop handler code, my page stops loading. Here's the relevant snipits: For draggables: for (i=0; i<=50; i++){ Squad = 'Squad'...

Slow Canvas Element

Hi Using the Canvas element, I draw a line from one element to another element Another element is draggable, and when dragging the element the line follows the draggable element. My problem is that the rendering apears slow (Fx 3.5 on a Mac PowerBook) I think I have seen much better performance in Canvas before Anyone with Canvas exp...

Jquery UI - Getting one element out of a display:hidden element when dragging

I have a group of elements sitting on a 'conveyor' element within another element that is set overflow:hidden using css. How do I, when dragging, get the element 'out' of the holder element that has overflow set to hidden? When I drag the "item" classed image, it only drags within the holder, when I try to move it "outside" the holder, i...

ListView, is there a simple way to allow dragging of items internally (built-in)?

Hi, I was wondering if there was a simple way of doing this (setting a property or something of the ListView) rather than going through the Drag events. All I want is similar functionality to Windows Explorer, where users can drag the ListViewItems within the ListView and when dropped they remain where the user left them. All I want to...

How do I prevent multiple jQuery UI droppables from being triggered?

I have a jQuery UI draggable and several separately-defined droppables. Because one of the droppables is configured tolerance: 'intersect', it's possible for a draggable to be dropped on more than one kind of droppable at the same time. What's the best way to prevent the unintended droppables from firing? Basically, I'd like to prioriti...

jQuery Drag/Drop problem: mousemove Event not binding for some elements

Using the latest jQuery/UI that are hosted at Google. I've got the following markup: <ul id="tree"> <li><a href="1/">One</a></li> <li><a href="2/">Two</a></li> </ul> And the following javascript: $(document).ready(function(){ // Droppable callbacks function dragOver(overEvent, ui_object) { $(this).mousemove(function(mov...

jQuery Draggable: Image Flicker

I've been developing an Image panning tool, and after a kind member directed me to the draggable plugin for jQuery, I have most of it completed. Right now if the user drags the image (contained inside a div of about 300px by 300px), the image will first flicker, then pan. This problems seems to occur after a mouse down event, on the mo...

How can I tell if an element is being dragged using jQuery?

How can I check if an element is being hovered over and/or clicked on and/or dragged? I need this info so I can stop infinite loops for the duration of the drag. ...

Manipulating jQuery draggables/droppables in script [UPD]

I want to append item to sortable list by script. Users can drag item to list directly, and can check some checkboxes and press "Send to list" button. First approach works, second is not. The problem is if I pass $(ui.draggable) to function, it works. But if i point to draggable element by jQuery chain ($(this).parent().parent().find('...

Remembering a jQuery draggable tool palette position between page refreshes

I have a tool palette which shows up when an admin user is logged in to a site. The palette is draggable (via jQueryUI.draggable) and I would like it to remember the position between pages/refreshes... Is there a standard way of doing this, or a plug-in I should be using, or do I need to roll my own (via cookies or something)? ...