
Is there a JQuery plugin which combines Draggable and Selectable

I'm looking to implement a web interface with a number of items which can be selected and dragged around to position them, either in groups or singly. Rather like the Windows Desktop, really. We're using JQuery already, so additions to that would be first choice. JQuery UI Draggables and Selectables individually do much of what we wan...

jQuery: draggable item added to a sortable list

Hello, I have a sortable list and a draggable div: <div id="draggable">Add Item</div> <ul id="sortable"> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> <li>item 3</li> <li>item 4</li> <li>item 5</li> </ul> #sortable is already a .sortable(). I should be able to "drag" another item between any of the list items (first, middle, l...

jQuery-UI Datepicker: Draggable?

(Hopefully) Simple question: Is it possible to make the jQuery UI Datepicker draggable? If so, can someone give me some sample code? ...

jQuery: draggable connect to sortable. draggable item has a different DOM from sortable list

I am now able to drag an item to a sortable. But the sortable list has a different DOM. <!-- The draggable items. Has the "original" DOM in the LI tags. --> <ul class="draggable_text"> <li><span>DRAG THIS A</span></li> <li><span>DRAG THIS B</span></li> </ul> <!-- This list has a different DOM in the LI tags --> <ul id="stagero...

Using an external element as handle on jQuery Sortable/Draggable

Hi, I need to show a div over the some items in a sortable list. This div shows information and needs to be use as handle for the sortable item. The problem is that this div is located outside the items (at the end of the body), and since sortable handle option only looks for child elements (because it uses a .find() to look for) it's ...

Please recommend a JQuery plugin that handles collision detection for draggable elements.

We're using the Draggable JQuery UI plugin and need to disallow overlapping among our elements. We could write some collision detection ourselves but would prefer to use a tested package. Any suggestions? ...

Making loaded image draggable actionscript 3

Hi, i want to load an image to stage using Loader and then I want to make it draggable. Loading is done by selecting from tilelist as seen below, but I have no idea about drag and drop in AS3, can anybody help me? I want to make it as simple as possible. Here is my code to load image: var charge1:Loader = new Loader(); addChild(charge1...

grouping draggable objects with jquery-ui draggable

Hello, I want to use jquery draggable/droppable to let the user select a group of objects (each one has a checkbox in the corner) and then drag all the selected objects as a group... I can't figure out for the life of me how to do it haha. Here is what I'm thinking will lead to a usable solution, on each draggable object, use the star...

dragging out of html body/div/everything

hi i make a class of elements draggable like this jQuery(".drag").draggable(); jQuery(".drop").droppable({ accept: ".drag", drop: function(ev, ui) { //do stuff with dropped data } }); now the problem is, i am able to drag the elements out of body, and all over the html. how do i limit the area in which it is draggable? ...

Swing: Creating a draggable component...?

Hello! I searched the web for examples of draggable Swing components, but I found either incomplete or non-working examples. What I need is a Swing component that can be dragged by the mouse inside an other component. While being dragged, it should already change its position, not just 'jump' to its destination. I would appreciate ex...

Jquery Multiple Sortable List

Can someone please explain how to take the code below. Heres a screen shot this is my JS $(document).ready(function(){ $(function() { $("#sortable1, #sortable2").sortable( { connectWith: '.connectedSortable', opacity: 0.6, cursor: 'move', update: function() { var order = $(this).sortable(...

How can I remove the original element after doing a draggable event with a 'clone' helper?

I have a list of items which I have made draggable. I am dragging these over to several sortable lists. I have to use the 'clone' helper method while dragging as the other helper methods did not work properly. Unfortunately, I don't want the item to remain in the original list once it has been dropped in the sortable list. How do I r...

How can I make an inner div trigger a drag effect on an outer div using Jquery?

Hi, I want to use an inner div to drag around an outer div, for example: <div id="outerDiv" style="height:300px; width:200px;"> <div id="innerDiv" style="height:10px; width:200px;"></div> </div> If this is my code, assuming the proper JQuery plugins are attached to use draggable, etc... How can I make it so that when the user cl...

(Ruby, Rails, Javascript) Drag and Drop without bugging the server...?

Hi All, Is there an equivalent of "link_to_function" (instead of ":action") when using "draggable_element"? Basically I need to drag and drop some items and have it reflected locally without contacting the server. My current setup is that I have two DIVs with various list items. I have one full of items with domids "points[selected][...

Draggable+Sortable & Scrollable Divs

I have a container with a list of draggable items and container with a list of sortable items. The draggables & the sortable list is connected, allowing the user to drag clones of the draggables to the sorted list. The draggable items appear in a vertical list, however the sortable items appear in a horizontal list, achieved by floating...

jquery draggable

i have a div i want to drag confined in a particular container. i tried using the containment: parent option but this results in the div getting snapped to upper or lower bounds without dragging. i have overflow:hidden set, i hope that is not a problem. (i read it somewhere) pls help me out. the code: imgCanvas.appendChild(img); ove...

jqueryUI droppable "drop" function firing on "over" only if i have on my draggable a "connectToSortable" option set

Hello guys hope anybody can help me with this little bug. You can see the code on http://designvictim.com/jqueryui/index.html Now here is my problem: I'm trying to make something similar to the widget drag and drop from Wordpress. I've gotten pretty close to what we wanted to accomplish but we wanted to be able to when you drag a ite...

How can I get a css position change to take effect during a JQuery UI Draggable element's start event handler?

I have an odd situation in which I need to modify the position of a draggable element as soon as the user starts dragging it. So, during the draggable element's start event handler, I'm trying to set the position. It doesn't respond to the position change unless - and this is weird - I do something to cause a javascript error after I cha...

jQuery UI regenerate (zombie) draggable elements

Dear all, I'd like to know how to create draggable elements using jQuery UI that once they are dragged and dropped into another container, regenerate the same item. For example, I can drop a button from container A to container B, and once I do that, the same button (a clone) re-emerges in container A. Thanks in advance. ...

replaceWith and jQuery draggable drop?

Hi all, I'm trying to understand why $('#title').replaceWith('ha'); will work outside the drop: function(event, ui) {} area in jquery's droppable script, but it won't work inside. Specifically, if I do $(".droppable").droppable({ drop: function(event, ui) { $('#title').replaceWith('ha'); } I get a Runtime Error (line ...