Hello, before developing it ourselves, we are looking for a combo-box-drop-down-list with the following optional features:
combo-box can be programmatically turned on/off
drop down remembers the last x (x set by program) user selections and displays them at the top of the drop down list, so that the user does not have to scroll through...
Hi everyone
I have some code which fills a dropdownlist:
pn.DataSource = Datatbl.Tables["datalist"];
pn.DataValueField = "partnumber";
pn.DataTextField = "partnumber";
pn.Items.Insert(0, "");
pn.SelectedValue = ligne["pn"].ToString();
and when the value in the Database in null (""), it throws this error:
I have a dropdownlist, and a Gridview where one of the columns is a dropdownlist.
both dropdown lists use the same data source.
When a value is selected in the dropdownlist (outside the gridview) I want to chaneg the selectedValue and selectText of every dropdownlist in my gridview.
This is what I have tried:
Hi guys,
I have a registration form where a customer selects their desired package via a dropdownlist. They then select whether they wish to avail of a multiyear discount by choosing Yes or No radio buttons. If the yes radio button is selected, a dropdownlist is shown (using javascript) with a selection of years 1-3.
I'm not familar a...
I was wondering why this doesn't work:
Is it possible to declaratively bind to an Object's property.
<asp:DropDownList id="ddl" runat="server"
DataTextField="Value.DisplayName" />
Code Behind
var d = new Dictionary<int, MailAddress>();
d.Add(0,new MailAddress("[email protected]", "Mr. Foo");
I'm looking to build or incorporate a dropdown menu system into an app I'm building however I need some help figureing out how it's accomplished. From my best guess I'd have to use the UIActionSheet, however it doesn't seem all that customizable. The best example I've come accross is within the AppShopper iOS application:
Drop ...
I have a form which includes adding operting time for a restaurant.
operation_hours(weekday, open_time, close_time, restaurant_id)
i use this in the form
<div class="operation_hours">
<?php echo $this->Form->dateTime('RestaurantOperationHour.open_time', false, '12', null, array('interval' => 15, 'value' => '10:00:00')); ?>
<?php echo...
hi, i have a plain dropdown list (html ) that looks pretty simple. It is a list of countries and i need to add the flag inside the select . Is there a nice jquery replacement out there?
Something like http://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/ could work (check out the currency list).
I am using a dropdown box in sharepoint designer, I want the data to be populated from the database.
What control in sharepoint designer should I use. I cannot use sql data source as it says it is not supported in sharepoint enviroment.
Please let me know your thoughts
thanking you all
How can I clone dropdown list(combobox) with selected option?
jquery .clone method is not working in firefox for selected option.
I have a div having different controls. I have to copy entire div to a variable something like this
var $orginalDiv = $('#myDiv');
var $clonedDiv = $orginalDiv.clone();
Hello, I'm interested in learning the smart, elegant way to build navigation items throughout a site that have the carrot that when clicked expands a list of menu items.
I would like for the menu items to be built dynamically (not necessarily all with ajax). But they shouldn't be hard coded on the page.
That appears to be how sites lik...
I have problem with the third level of a drop down menu, which 'over-passes' the right edge of the document window when you hover it's parent, you have a look here to see what I mean, if you hover 'Accounts' -> 'Manage',
I want that third level to 'float' to its parent's left when it 'auto-detects' th...
I have a bunch of key in AppSettings section of my web.config file. I want to read the key and values of those app settings using XML reader technique and populate them in the list box.
Hi guys,
I have a label, costLabel.
What I want to be able to do is change the value of this label depending on the selected value of a dropdownlist.
This is my HTML:
<td width="343">Package*</td>
<td colspan="4">
<select class="purple" name="package">
<option value="standard">Standard - €5...
I have a dropdown list, what I would like to do is assign values to the items in the drop down list and then display these values in a label depending on which item is selected..
Here is what I have already:
<td width="343">Package*</td>
<td colspan="4">
<select class="purple" name="package">
I am kinda new to this, but I am trying to fill an array from a sql statement that pulls several permit numbers from a table.
So in the table every person can have multiple permits, I need to store all the permit numbers and display them in a drop down box via javascript. I get the information from the array but the information is disp...
I have a dropdown list which is in updatepanel. I have to fill that dropdown on a client event through javascript which calls __dopostback of the updatepanel and calls its load event.
Problem is that when i submit the form updatepanel_Load event also execute again and it again reset the DropDownLIst which causes the loss of selectedValu...
I would like to show different values in a dropdownlist, while editing a gridview, depending on which user is logged in. For example...
The officer would see "Approved by Officer" status.
The director would see "Approved by Director" status
I am trying to add these programatically to a dropdownlist which I have in the edit template of...
I have a webpage that should be relatively lightweight, the problem is that i've got a table with editable user data on each line and the data includes a dropdownlist with hundreds of options.
i've argued against the use of so much values but i guess i wasn't able to come up with a satisfying solution; so the ginormous dropdownlist stu...
I am trying to have different options for different user roles. Here is my code:
Private Function GetApprovedBy() As String
If User.Identity.Name = "officer" Then
Return "Approved by Officer"
ElseIf User.Identity.Name = "manager" Then
Return "Approved by Manager"
Return St...