Hi guys, I'm trying to populate a dropdown list in my web page from a mysql database table which has only one column (pathology_id). I know there is test data in there but the best I can do is populate the box with the field name, not the row values. The code I have thus far is below, can anyone suggest how to get more than just the colu...
I am creating a number of dropdown lists dynamically using jQuery. I would like to be able to trigger an event when the selected dropdown list item changes. From browsing on here and elsewhere I see that it's not possible to bind to the change event of the dropdown lists using live() so I am wondering what are the alternatives? I know it...
A form is populated from a list and I need it filtered. I have a table with a date column and would like to display only the rows of the required month. For this I have used XPath filtering:
[((ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(@MyDateColumn) ,1061 ,'MM'))=02)]
This gives me the results for February, all ok. Now what I am trying to achieve ...
How would I get a drop downlist to populate with check boxes.
I am porting a c# project to flex, and I would like to imitate the functionality of their checkbox drop list.
Anyone got any idea how I would go about this.
Please and thank you.
In my web page I show loading image with dim background. Dropdown list is not bound inside the dim background .In IE only I experience this problem..How to fix it..
I'm building a web app that will come back with a report. For certain parameters where the user has requested a dropdown list, they also want to be able to select more than one option at a time.
e.g. show me all transactions from the states of TX, WV, and ID.
The reason I've decided to go with the dropdownlist they requested and not a ...
I have an array of type Person, which contains string objects: FirstName, LastName, login.
I have this bound to a dropdownlist.
Now along with this array, I also want to display one more item called "Desk". How can i do that?
My current code is:
Person[] traders = GetTraders();
ddl_trader.DataSource = trader...
I've a very trivial requirement which makes me go nuts. I've a DataGridView in windows forms application. This contains one databound ComboBox Column. I'm using DisplayMember and ValueMember properties of that combobox.
Now my requirement is ComboBox should show the list of DisplayMembers in drop down list but when user selects one ite...
I am trying to find a good way to have a dropdownlist by specifying UiHint "DropDown" to the property of the ViewModel and then just using HtmlHelper EditorFor to render the dropdown via an generic EditorTemplate so that it can be used across solutions. I found a very good approach by Tom Schreck Here It works fine. The only thi...
I'm trying to make the selected item the value of an asp:Label if this is possible
I am putting my drop down list in like this
For ddlAdults As Integer = 1 To strNumberSlept
CType(e.Item.FindControl("ddlEditAdults"), dropdownlist).Items.Add(new ListItem(ddlAdults.ToString(), ddlAdults.ToString()))
Next ddlAdults
And I need to add a s...
I would like to add items to a dropdownlist progmatically.
I have an empty drop downlist and depending on a number of factors I then populate it with various action choices.
the Drop Down list is called dlFirstChoice and I would like to add some values to it, can some one give me the basic code to do so, I have tired ILists and A...
For my website, I need to have a way for users to enter their cities.
I'd like to use 2 drop-down list for that: a "State" and a "City" drop-down lists. The choices in the "City" list would depend on what "State' has been selected.
However, there bound to be cases where a user's "City" is not in the drop-down list. To handle those case...
I want to make sure that all of my form fields uses the same font. I have:
But this doesn't get applied to drop down lists, nor to multi-line text boxes.
Well the title basically explains the problem pretty good, I have a hierarchy of n-level depth that I would like to display in a number or cascading dropdown lists. When making a choice in the first dropdown list all child nodes for that choice should be populated in another dropdown list next to the first, and for every choice in that s...
I am using the jQuery Drop Down Check List component:
However, it doesn't seem that there is support to add a tooltip to such a drop down. Usually, you just add the 'title' tag for every option and a tooltip is automatically shown. However, this is not the case with this compon...
I have a web app hosted with GoDaddy (so the web server is in Arizona - Mountain Time). My users are mostly in Central Time Zone, but I could have some from other time zones.
I have a web page with a databound dropDownList using TimeZoneInfo, and I want to set the selected value of this dropDownList to whatever timeZone the user is i...
I run for several hours on a bug ie6, it was not the only one that I was locking it remains only to solve this one and I would finally be quiet.
I have a vertical menu that I built, the problem is that the second level menu does not overlap with that of the first level despite the z-index. Under FF is impeccable, in ie6 it fair.
NEWBIE ALERT! (C# guy trying to learn jQuery for a new MVC app).
I modified some code I found on the web (Stephen Walther- http://bit.ly/bWxU3E) and modified it to use jQuery instead of the MSAjax library. It is a cascading dropdown list and some dummy data. Works great. Next, I try to put the function bindDropDownList() into a separate...
Hi All
I have a dropdown list as :
<s:DropDownList id="cad" width="100%" dataProvider="{model.referenceList.refPatientResponseLists}"
labelFunction="myFunction" selectedIndex="{model.cd.code}"/>
Now the refPatientResponseLists returns 3 rows of data & I need to display the 3 values in the Dropdownlis...
Hi Guys,
I have a dropdownlist that controls the contents of 3 gridview controls. These are used in a webpart. However, every time the selectedindexchanged method of the dropdownlist fires an event, the contents of the dependent gridviews adds another rendering of a gridview. Hence, it doubles and even triples the contents of those grid...