Building on , I'd like to run a hook to untabify my C++ files when I start modifying the buffer. I tried adding hooks to untabify the buffer on load, but then it untabifies all my writable files that are autoloaded when emacs starts.
(For those that wo...
I'm working on a toolkit (sort of a live-CD Lisp-in-a-Box) for people new to Common Lisp, and I want to make sure it is broadly satisfying. What is attractive to you about Lisp? What do/did/would you need to get you started and keep you interested?
What I have so far: SBCL 10.22, Emacs 22.3, SLIME, and LTK bundled together and config...
I recently tried switching from using python-mode.el to python.el for editing python files in emacs, found the experience a little alien and unproductive, and scurried back. I've been using python-mode.el for something like ten years, so perhaps I'm a little set in my ways. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who's carefully evalu...
In Eclipse, in the menu, I can go to Window -> Preferences -> Keys and set the Scheme to "Emacs." I can also click "Export" at the bottom-right hand side of the dialog to export a .CSV file containing a listing of my keyboard mappings.
How do I re-import this configuration into a different installation of Eclipse? The File -> Import opt...
So, i'm running emacs over a crappy ssh connection and I have it set up to use cscope. I can not use X because of this...hence I'm running emacs inside putty. However, when I search for something with cscope and it opens up the other buffer, I can not
follow the links where cscope tells me which file and line number the item is on. When ...
Problem: EmacsW32 is a version of Emacs that allows the user to make Emacs treat the "Windows" key as the "Meta" key (instead of treating the Alt key as the "Meta" key). Although this works as advertised, the question is what happens when you want to create an Emacs keybinding for the "Alt" key?
Question: Is there a way in this case to ...
I've been trying to use Zsh within my emacs session, without emacs remapping all the Zsh keys. I found ansi-term works pretty well for this but, I'm still having some problems. I was getting lots of junk characters outputted with, I was able to fix it with:
## Setup proper term information for emacs ansi-term mode
[[ $TERM == eterm-colo...
With VIM or Emacs I can put comments in the file that will be VIM's settings for that file:
* Local Variables:
* mode: C
* c-basic-offset: 4
* c-indentation-style: linux
* indent-tabs-mode: nil
* default-tab-width: 8
* fill-column: 125
* End:
* vim: et:sw=4:ts=8:si:cindent:cino=\:0,g0,(0:
Can the same be do...
Does anybody know if there is a color theme like the TextMate Dawn theme, for Emacs ? I simply don't like the way the fonts look on my dark emacs theme and I am not sure if it's emacs's fault or just the theme.
Here's a comparison:
Hello people. I was trying to use the slime-connect function to get access to a remote server with sbcl. I followed all the steps from the movie from Marco Baringer, but I got stuck when creating the ssh connection for slime. This is after already starting the swank server on the remote machine. I did it like this:
ssh -L 4005...
Emacs Lisp function often start like this:
(lambda () (interactive) ...
What does "(interactive)" do?
I've got a variable in Emacs called my-var that I'd like to set whenever I press C-v. How do I do that? I tried this:
(defun set-my-var (value)
"set my var"
(defvar my-var value
"a variable of mine")
(global-set-key "\C-v" 'set-my-var)
But that fails:
call-interactively: Wrong number of arguments: (lambda (...
Is there a way to modify/tell dired to copy files asynchronously? If you mark multiple files in dired and then use 'C' to copy them, emacs locks up until every file is copied. I instead want this copy to be started, and for me to continue editing as it goes on in the background. Is there a way to get this behaviour?
EDIT: Actually, C...
Is there a version of JDE for emacs that supports the 6.10 JDK? I haven't been able to find any information on this. While it runs, every time I attempt to compile files the DJE says that it doesn't recognize my JDK version and reverts to assuming it is a Java5 version.
Question: Does Emacs have a canonical equivalent of Vim's Folding with Foldmethod=indent?
I am particularly interested in something that can work alongside any Emacs major mode and any file. The Emacs searches have not turned up a definitive answer.
How do you set a function to \C-' ? when I try to do :
(global-set-key "\C-'" 'myfunct)
it gives me "Invalid modifier in string".
Question: For typed in commands invoked via M-x I am having difficulty understanding how Emacs allows recalling and rerunning the commands. The command-history works quite differently from Vim. It puts the commands in a buffer rather than the "minibuffer".
Is there a way to get something similar to Vim's approach (i.e., previously typed...
Is there a way to rename an open file in Emacs? While I'm viewing it? Something like save-as, but the original one should go away.
In Notepad++ editor, there's a convenient feature: if you select a word in your text (not necessarily a keyword), the word is highlighted throughout the text. Is there any similar way in Emacs? Not necessarily with selection, I think something like C-"something" M-"something else" which highlights all words same as the word under the cur...
I try to keep my fingers on home row as much as possible.
Typing all the parentheses makes me move away from there a fair bit.
I use Emacs; the parentheses themselves are no issue, I'm comfortable with them. And I don't like modes that type them for me automatically.
I've thought about remapping the square brackets to parentheses an...