
Convert text to .resources file

I created a new VS solution which needs to contain a modified subset of files from another solution. Both solutions have a default namespace of "Microsoft.Windows.Controls". The assembly from the old solution is named "WPFToolkit", and the new assembly name is "DatePicker". One of the files I copied over to the new solution is an embe...

Embedding commercial fonts into websites

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Searching for a cross-browser solution to embed commercial fonts like HelveticaNeue or Univers etc. I found some promising approaches. First of all I will enlist all found, modern and easy to use approaches here: sIFR Cufón typeface.js CSS3 font-face sIFR is well known and kinda easy to implement,...

how do I get full url from GetWebResourceUrl

So I've embedded my silverlight XAP like this [assembly: WebResource("GravityWeb.PlayerControl.Silverlight.SilverlightPlayer.xap", "application/x-silverlight-2")] and I can get the embedded url like this this.Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(this.Page.GetType(), "GravityWeb.PlayerControl.Silverlight.SilverlightPlayer.xap"); but th...

Mono .EXE assembly set explorer icon

When compiling with gmcs on Linux, how can I set the explorer icon the final EXE will use? I have a .ico file to attach to the output exe. The answer must be build-automatable and execute on Linux (w/o wine -- build machine architecture is not x86). GCC and binutils targeting Windows x86 are available. If you give the answer referring...

Ajax Assembly Error - Assembly {0} does not contain a Web resource with name {1}

I have an assembly that contains an embedded resource. However, when this assembly is accessed via the web, I get the following error: Assembly 'MyAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not contain a Web resource with name 'MyAssembly.MyScript.js'. Ironically enough, if I write an app that uses reflection ...

Best YouTube embedded player? (based on Chromeless API)

Hi. I'm building a website that will include embedded videos, and I've decided to use YouTube for video hosting as it's got the best functionality and the largest community. However, I would like to use a custom embedded player (using the Chromeless API) because the official YouTube player is too associated with amateur sites. Features ...

Video embed flashing

Can anyone help me with this video embed and tell me why it's flashing instead of playing the video? http://www.seilingsfloors.com/dvd/ Update: I have verified that the .flv file is the correct size and am still experiencing the issue. ...

Embedding background images in an e-mail

Hi, I'm trying to use an embedded image in an e-mail as the background image, i've got the following code to embed it: LinkedResource backgroundLink = new LinkedResource("..\\..\\background.gif"); backgroundLink.ContentId = "BackgroundImage"; backgroundLink.TransferEncoding = System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding.Bas...

how should i deploy resources like icons?

What is the best practice for deploying / packaging resources like icons? I'd like to avoid loose files due to the number of icons. Can I create a "resource" dll in visual studio? If so, is this the best way to go? What is the process? ...

How to embed multilanguage *.resx (or *.resources) files in single EXE?

There are plenty of tutorials how to create multilanguage RESX files and how to create satellite assemblies with AL.exe, but I haven't found working example how to embed RESX/Resources/satellite-DLL files in single EXE file and distribute whole multilanguage app as such EXE. I tried to use ilmerge.exe, but it looks like it doesn't work ...

Last.fm or Spotify API

Hello, I was hoping someone could offer me advice, Im looking to build a website, and was hoping that I could inergrate my last.fm radio station or my spotify account into it so the users can listen to what I am. I know there are API's for each but do any of them support listening to music, nothing seems conclusive in there documentati...

Getting/generating an image from embedded flash video

So what I am curious about is if it is possible and how, to have an embedded video and capture the thumbnail. There are other sites that share video and I'd like to get the thumbnails from the embedded videos, but they use flash video players to show the video and likely use flashvars to pull up the right video. I appreciate any help h...

Playing embedded wav files using SoundPlayer

I have a Compact Framework 3.5 application that is responsible for scanning barcodes. There are 3 different sounds it should play depending on the situation, so I created a wrapper class around the SoundPlayer object and call the Play method on that. public static class SoundEffectsPlayer { private static readonly SoundEffect _alert...

How to use compiled global resources in ASP.Net MVC

I want to compile *App_GlobalResources/Strings.resx* into my assembly (and eventually use satellite assemblies for Strings.es.resx, Strings.fr.resx, etc.) but the following error occurs once the app is published: "Could not load file or assembly 'App_GlobalResources' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specifi...

How do I combine all my localization satellite assembies into the EXE?

I've started adding multiple languages to my project using resx files (eg. MyText.resx, MyText.ru-RU.resx, etc.). When I compile, I end up with files like this: MyApp.exe ru-RU\MyApp.resources.dll es-ES\MyApp.resources.dll Is there any easy way I can have everything compiled into the EXE? It's just a small utility which I distribute i...

Using an embedded DLL?

Is there any detailed guide on how to use a resource embedded dll within a c# source? All the guides I find on Google don't seem to help much. It's all "make a new class" or "ILMerge" this and ".NETZ" that. But I'm not sure on how to use the ILMerge and .NETZ stuff, and the guides on classes leave out what to do after making the class fi...

Flash CS4 embedded font style issue

Hi der! I'm using some fonts embedded in SWF in a program I'm developing. I need to use some specific font style like '37 Thin Condensed' and '26 Ultra Light Italic' etc... how can I specify these style when using fonts? I want to set style using AS3 code... ...

Running a custom VirtualPathProvider with a PreCompiled website

Hi, currently I have a custom VirtualPathProvider in a Asp.net MVC web application. This VirtualPathProvider checks the Area from the route "/{Area}/{Controller}/..." and uses the NameSpace.{Area}.Main.dll module to return the views that are contained in that assembly as Embedded Resources. This works great and I don't have to deploy a...

Platform independent resource system (like the Qt Resource system)

Is there a platform independent resource system for C++ like the one that comes with Qt (but without the Qt dependency)? I would like to access arbitrary data from within my C++ source code. That is, not only icons but also translations or shaders, etc. Alternatively some sort of virtual file system library to access e.g. a ZIP compre...

Identify embedded code in textbox using jQuery

I recently found out about oEmbed which is "a fomat for allowing an embedded representation of a URL" basically you enter the url of a youtube video that you like and oEmbed will return the embedded code of the video in this page. I want to give my users the option to either enter a url or embed code in a textbox. If is embed code it s...