
Embedded Visual C++/Why is my Symbol Undefined?

I am new to this platform, and I am trying to resolve an issue with existing code that was developed by a contractor many years ago. In Resource.h, I have something that looks like this, where the last two items I have added. #define IDC_HOSPITAL_NAME_LABEL 1069 #define IDC_REASON_LABEL 1070 #define IDC_HOSPITAL_...

Is this C function written in poor form?

char byte_to_ascii(char value_to_convert, volatile char *converted_value) { if (value_to_convert < 10) { return (value_to_convert + 48); } else { char a = value_to_convert / 10; double x = fmod((double)value_to_convert, 10.0); char b = (char)x; a = a + 48; b = b + 48; *converted_value = a; *(converted_value+1) = b; r...

Display Systesm in Safety critical embedded systems resources required

I am looking out for resources that can answer following questions of mine. Where exactly does the display systems in SC ERTS architecture fit in. What is the difference between SC display systems and normal ones? What roles does hardware and software play in display systems? I got to prepare a detailed survey of display systems for...

Qt, text on a black and white screen

I'm using Qt (embedded) to make a GUI on a black and white screen. The problem is Qt renders text with shades of grey so it is unreadable on the black and white screen. Does anyone have any idea how to make the text just use 1 bit per pixel, or purely black and white? Thanks, Mark ...

What are good tools for using Model Driven Development with Embedded work?

I believe there has been some up-take of model-driven development / engineering (aka OMGs model driven architecture) in the real-time and embedded software development sectors. What tools and tool vendors have people had experience with? Google gives me lots of academic papers and a vendor or two (IBMs Rational Rose Technical Developer...

Wireless communication: AVR based embedded system and iPhone

What is the best way to realize wireless communication between an embedded system (based on an AVR controller) and the iPhone? I think there are only two options: either WiFi or BlueTooth. The range is not really a problem, since both devices should stay in the same room. I have no idea, if there are any useful WiFi boards that can be c...

Interfacing 45DB161 data flash with 89LP4052 controller.

I am trying to interface the data flash with 89lp 4052 controller. Crysal used 11.0592 mhz. This controller has built in spi bus. I tried all combinations of CPHA AND CPOL. Tried mode 0 as well as mode 3. Not able to read staus register. Some times it happens that it reads the register but sometimes it just ff code out from flash. m...

Managing redundant typedefs from multiple vendors

What are some of the best ways to manage redundant typedefs used for platform independence from multiple middleware (operating systems, protocol stacks) vendors in the C programming language. e.g.: target.h /* inclusion lock etc */ typedef char CHAR; typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef unsigned short int WORD; /* ... more of the same ....

How to use a MIT License in an Embedded device

I would like to embed JQuery into an embedded device running a web server. Being an embedded device, storage is at a premium. Here is the comment header of JQuery: /* * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.3.2 * http://jquery.com/ * * Copyright (c) 2009 John Resig * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * http://docs.jquery.com/...

Finding out no bits set in a variable in faster manner

Possible Duplicate: Best algorithm to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer? Finding out the no. bits sets in a variable is easier. But how could we perform the same operation in fastest method ? ...

One Wire Problem

Hi all! I need your qualified help! I'm programing in C++, using a PIC 18F87J50 and trying to connect DS18B20 at my H0 Port! I think my underlying programing is correct so.... the problem I have (think I have), is when performing a ROM Command, I'm searching for the 64-bit ROM CODE. The first byte should tell me what family the compon...

1wire problem in detail

I have defined these functions below, and when I ask Device_ID function for example of the family code, I only get FF (should be 28), acctually I get both the family code, 48-bit serial, and the crc 8 bit to be all "ones". It seems like the detect slave device function works as it should.... If i connect the slave he say's I am here, and...

Anyone knows of a good addressbook implementation?

I am looking to add an address book to one of my programs. For that purpose, I want to have something that is flexible and customizable to the point of allowing me to hook up additional metadata to contacts in it from third parties. I don't mind paying for a solution as long as I get something that is usable for me. My requirements: ...

Accurate Timings with Oscilloscopes on PC

In the world of embedded software (firmware) it is fairly common to observe the order of events, take timings and optimise a program by getting it to waggle PIO lines and capturing their behavior on an oscilloscope. In days gone by it was possible to toggle pins on the serial and parallel ports to achieve much the same thing on PC-based...

Are there any good reference implementations available for command line implementations for embedded systems?

I am aware that this is nothing new and has been done several times. But I am looking for some reference implementation (or even just reference design) as a "best practices guide". We have a real-time embedded environment and the idea is to be able to use a "debug shell" in order to invoke some commands. Example: "SomeDevice print reg xy...

FPGA Programming and how does IP Core licensing work?

Hello, I have been looking into developing a hardware module for HD video capture. I an new to the whole thing so I looked around and found that I need an FPGA development board to test my design out and then may be deploy it through ASIC or FPGA itself. I found that people have already written cores in Verilog/VHDL which I can direct...

Resources for learning Verilog

I'm new to Verilog. Can someone suggest a learning resource, book, video, blog, anything that they had a good personal experience with and helped them learn it faster? If it helps, I have experience programming in several high-level languages, but have no experience programming in C. Thanks ...

What language to learn for microcontroller programming?

I'm getting into microcontroller programming and have been hearing contrasting views. What language is most used in the industry for microcontroller programming? Is this what you use in your own work? If not, why not? P.S.: I'm hoping the answer is not assembly language. ...

How to organize sources of complex program?

We're creating very complex embedded system and «sources» contains few projects of Visual C++, IAR, Code Composer Studio and Altium Designer schemes and pcbs. All of that possibly could be in few versions. So, what practice could you advice me to arrange all that stuff? Thank you ...

embedded system : reading that same memory block with two different DMAs

I am new to embedded devices programing. I have a task that reads a block of data from the DSP memory address and copies it to other addresses (where other peripherals are mapped). the copying process is done by programming one of the DMA channels in the device. I would like, to have a copy of that data copied elsewhere in addition fo...