
Firefox 3.6 not displaying content - xajax, jquery, css

Hi, I know this question may sound vague, but I have been debugging (PHP and js) our application for a day now and have not found any issues in the data generation. Our application uses xajax to generate lists based on data that we have in our DB. we have a list in particular that works on every other browser: IE 7&8, Firefox 3.0.13(Lin...

how to tell if a php array is empty

players will either be empty or a comma seperated list (or a single value). What is the easiest way to check if it's empty? I'm assuming I can do so as soon as I fetch the $gameresult array into $gamerow? In this case it would probably be more efficient to skip exploding the $playerlist if it's empty, but for the sake of argument, how wo...

In php, is 0 treated as empty?

Code will explain more: $var = 0; if (!empty($var)){ echo "Its not empty"; } else { echo "Its empty"; } The result returns "Its empty". I thought empty() will check if I already set the variable and have value inside. Why it returns "Its empty"?? ...

vb.net vs2008 empty executable

Is it possible to compile a vb.net project into an empty exe file (only containing the header information like version number, company, product name etc) in VS2008? ...

How to hide div if table row is empty?

I have a table on my page and I want to display a message telling the user that they need to create content before the table is visible. Currently when the table is empty the user can still see the table headings( article, date added etc) Using Jquery how would I hide the table and the div containing the table? Do you know what I mea...

Youtube API PHP problem

Hello, i am using a youtube api php and have problem... OS: debian, php 5.2 <?php require_once 'Zend/Loader.php'; Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_YouTube'); $yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube(); $query = $yt->newVideoQuery(); $query->setQuery($searchTerm); $query->setStartIndex($startIndex); $query->setMaxResul...

How can i sort java JTable with an empty Row and force the Empty row always be last?

I am using JTable with an empty row at the bottom of the table in order to give the ability of adding new line to the table. After insert or writing data in the empty row i am adding automtacly a new empty row below it. (It suppose to act like the Microsoft visual tables) I am using the java default row sorter, The problem is that i n...

mvc 2.0 validation

I am use DataAnnotations validation, it work perfectly but when I validate empty text box field I have error The value '' is invalid how can I customize this error? p.s. error shows only when clients script are off ...

C# DataRow Empty-check

I got this: DataTable dtEntity = CreateDataTable(); drEntity = dtEntity.NewRow(); Then I add data to the row (or not). Lots of code, really don't know if there's anything inside the row. Depends on the input (i am importing from some files). I'd like to do something like: if (drEntity`s EVERY CELL IS NOT EMPTY) { dtEntity.Rows...

Checking for an empty field with MySQL

I've wrote a query to check for users with certain criteria, one being they have an email address. Our site will allow a user to have or not have an email address. $aUsers=$this->readToArray(' SELECT `userID` FROM `users` WHERE `userID` IN(SELECT `userID` FROM `users_indvSettings` WHERE `indvSettingID`=5 AND `optionID...

How to remove empty tables from a MySQL backup file.

I have multiple large MySQL backup files all from different DBs and having different schemas. I want to load the backups into our EDW but I don't want to load the empty tables. Right now I'm cutting out the empty tables using AWK on the backup files, but I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this. If anyone is interested, this i...

How check if sms/inbox is empty?

Hi! I'd like to know if we can write a short boolean test wich return true if sms/inbox is empty or not. something like Databse("content://sms/inbox")==null? Thank's for your answer! ...

Tinyeditor + using jquery to update

Hello, I tried to use Tinyeditor (works without js libaries)... http://www.leigeber.com/2010/02/javascript-wysiwyg-editor/ The problem i have now is... there isn't a docu on their website how to implement it to a CMS. After pressing the submit, it seems that the iframe does not send the changes to the textarea. On comments area the t...

using cakephp, how do I handle model operations that return no results so my view doesn't break?

In my controller I have model operations that can return empty results. I've setup the view to display the results using a foreach loop. But if the model opertion is empty and returns no results then the foreach loop is breaking in my view. This is the operation: $match3 = $this->Draw->Match-> find('all',array('conditions'=>array('Matc...

removing contents of div using Jquery "empty" doesn't work

I'm trying to remove contents of particular div which are basically list items and a heading by using jquery empty so that I could replace with new contents. What happens when I run the code is, the whole div element blinked and flash the replaced content and then the old one reappear. Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong? Here's an ...

excel blank (empty) cell

I need to return a value of "1" if a referneced cell is Empty. I can do it if the value is zero but how do i do it if it is empty? ...

$_POST goes empty after adding a new input type "file"

Hi, I'm not finding a way to understand and fix this and I've done a lot. I've got a script, wish is a simple form, that sends a file trough POST. The second file, process the info. By default, I give to the user a few fields, one of them being a input field of type "file" and there's also, a few "hidden" one's, that gives me values t...

jquery change element to element

Hello <div class="leftlink" id="mcontacts"> <img src="test.gif" class="arrowred"/> <a href="/contacts/" class="u">Контакты</a> </div> if(window.location == 'http://my.site.com/contacts/') { $('.menuwelcome').css('display', 'block'); $('.leftlink').find('Контакты').css('font-weight', 'bold'); $('#mcontacts').find('a'...

jQuery .each() with multiple selectors - skip, then .empty() elements

I'd like to remove all matching elements, but skip the first instance of each match: // Works as expected: removes all but first instance of .a jQuery ('.a', '#scope') .each ( function (i) { if (i > 0) jQuery (this).empty(); }); // Expected: removal of all but first instance of .a and .b // Result: removal of *all* ins...

Problem with empty line in FlowDocument with Figure in WPF

I put this content as Document in FlowDocumentReader. FlowDocument flDoc = new FlowDocument(); flDoc.ColumnGap = 10; flDoc.ColumnWidth = 130; flDoc.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Justify; flDoc.IsOptimalParagraphEnabled = true; flDoc.IsHyphenationEnabled = true; flDoc.IsColumnWidthFlexible = true; Paragraph par = new Paragraph(); par....