
Measure the pronounceability of a word?

I'm tinkering with a domain name finder and want to favour those words which are easy to pronounce. Example: nameoic.com (bad) versus namelet.com (good). Was thinking something to do with soundex may be appropriate but it doesn't look like I can use them to produce some sort of comparative score. PHP code for the win. ...

Scalable Regex for English Numerals

I'm trying to create a regex to recognize English numerals, such as one, nineteen, twenty, one hundred and twenty two, et cetera, all the way to the millions. I want to reuse some parts of the regular expression, so the regex is being constructed by parts, like so: // replace <TAG> with the content of the variable ONE_DIGIT = (?:one|two...

Free machine readable english dictionary required

I need an English dictionary that provides grammatical information about each word, for e.g. classification into nouns, verbs and so on. This is for semantic analysis. Format can be plain text, csv, xml or whatever. ...

Mentioning the word "exception" in an user manual

I'm trying to dumb down how I mention "whenever the application resets due to an exception-handled runtime error", especially the exception-handled part. What would be a much easier term to understand than "exception-handled runtime error"? Thanks in advance. ...

Programming with English as second language. How to improve?

Since English is the Lingua Franca of programming, this question is for all programmers who need to learn English for programming related reasons. I'm Italian but most of the time I spend on the Internet is for reading or writing something in English. My English is still pretty bad; reading is relatively simple, writing a bit more diffi...

How to call user control panel in American English?

How do I call the control panel in a business directory website, except "control panel"? Initially we thought of "My Office", but it revealed a bad idea as soon as I needed to write "Welcome to your My Office" ("welcome to My Office" is no good either: it invites the user to someone else's office :-). I've seen versions like "Personal ...

What is the correct terminology for "->", ie $class->method()

$class->method() ^ | what's the correct terminology for this? thanks guys! ...

dictionary web services api

Is there a free available public APIs that I can call to get the english dictionary word definitions? I would like to call it from python web app. ...

Where to get a list of almost all the words in English language?

I want to get some random text generated. I tried writing a basic Java programme, int nowords = r.nextInt(2000); int i, j; for (i = 0; i < nowords; i++) { int lengthofword = r.nextInt(10) + 2; for (j = 0; j < lengthofword; j++) { int ch = r.nextInt(26); System.out...

Company internal number

I'm brazilian and I'm developping a management software for internal use in the company I'm working on. I'd like to know a common english term to describe an imployee's internal company registry number. I've been thinking in "registry number" or something like that. ID is not suitable because the DB table already has an ID field. Can any...

Canadian to US English

Does there exist something like Canadian to US english e-dictionary which I can use in my application ? ...

MSVC Unicode not displaying English

Hello. My problem is that my Unicode c++ program that I'm writing in MSVC express is displaying all strings in an Asian font. I cannot myself figure out how to make it display in English. Thank you for your time. ...

Converting natural language to haiku?

Is it possible to programmatically convert regular English into English haiku? Or is this something too complicated to contemplate? I have a feeling that this is a lot more involved than a Pig Latin formatter. ...

How do you create an english like word?

How do you create words which are not part of the english language, but sound english? For example: janertice, bellagom ...

How to Convert English to Cron?

I did some searching but haven't landed anything that looks useful yet but I am wondering if anyone knows of something (tool,lib etc) that can parse English phrases and translate them into a cron string. For example: Every Tuesday at 15:00 converts to 0 15 * * 2 It seems like something that would have lots of gotchas and it would be pr...

Programming == Configuring ?

I hear a couple of people using the term 'programming' rather than configuring, for example: Have you already programmed Apache's Virtual Hosts configuration correctly, with ServerName named FOO? Program your .vimrc first before starting Vim the first time. The last is a word-by-word citation from my teacher, but I didn'...

What's the opposite of 'clone'?

I have a class that implements ICloneable. I need it to have a backup of an entity, so when the user clicks cancel, etc., I have all values asides. I want to create in the cloneable class another function, that clones in, i.e. receives another class of the same type and uses the same clone but to the opposite direction while the other m...

Forcing English exception messages

When xml schema validation fails .Net throws some exception. Based on parsing this exception I know how to do some stuff. The problem is that this exception is localized, e.g. on a Japanese machine it is in Japanese. I do not want to build my application so it will parse every error in any language. I am an add-in to some other system...

TERASOLUNA English Manual

Hi. I was looking for an english version of terasoluna framework manual or tutorial but can't find any. Can anyone help me with this. Because currently it is in japanese ...

How to get english language word database?

I need a database of every single valid word in English. I checked the /usr/share/dict/words file, it contains less than 100k words. wikipedia says English has 475k words. Where do I get the complete list (American spelling)? Also, is there a single website that gives out words for other languages too? Including Asian and European? E...