
ANTLR no viable alternative at input '<EOF>'

I'm still on the learning path with ANTLR. I've built a grammar and for the most part it does what I expect, but I need it to be able to run silently (no output to stdout or stderr). Grammar grammar MyPredicate; options { output=AST; } parse : expression EOF ; expression : field WS? OPERATOR_BINARY WS? value ...

Hibernate, c3p0, and Mysql: the java.io.EOFException

Hello, I'm using Hibernate with MySQL and c3p0, and when the MySQL connection expires after 8 hours (wait_timeout), Hibernate is unable to reconnect and i get the following exception: com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure due to underlying exception: ** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION ** java.io.EOFException ST...

[VB.NET]Transferring data from 1 file to another

Basically I want to take My Client. Then for example Lets say in my client I have "A = 1" Then my 2nd file which has random data in it. So Client= My Client File = The File which I want in the end result How could I Inject "A = TextBox1.Text" from Client to File. I heard it's called "End Of File" or something like that. Any help please?...

EOF using seekg, tellg .

I have seen a couple good ways to find EOF using C++. I have been looking around and pieced this together based off of something I read on cplusplus.com: ifstream is; is.open ("test.txt", ios::binary ); // get length of file: is.seekg (0, ios::end); length = is.tellg(); is.seekg (0, ios::beg); Then you can loop until reaching the EOF:...

Why is this program segfaulting?

I've written a program called Mathtext. This program gives plain text "style" by shifting certain character ranges into Unicode ranges such as 'mathematical letterlike symbols" to produce plain-text italics, bold, serif, etc. It works as a line-by-line interpreter, like a shell, outputting the translated line after a line is entered. Th...

How to make tclsh to ignore EOF?

At csh you can do set ignoreeof or at bash tou can do export ignoreeof=1 and this will make csh/bash to ignore EOF, i.e. it will not exit on Ctrl+D, or when it reaches the end or file. Is there a way to make the same with tclsh ? Is there a way to make tclsh not to exit when it reaches the end of file ? ...

Bash: append text to last line of file

How can I add a percentage symbol % to the end of the last line in a text file? I do not want the % to be on a new line, it must be at the end of the last line. Thanks! ...

C/C++ Determine Whether Files have been completely written

I have a directory (DIR_A) to dump from Server A to Server B which is expected to take a few weeks. DIR_A has the normal tree structure i.e. a directory could have subfolders or files, etc Aim: As DIR_A is being dumped to server B, I will have to go through DIR_A and search for certain files within it (do not know the exact name of ...

PHP using Gettext inside <<<EOF string

I use PHP's EOF string to format HTML content without the hassle of having to escape quotes etc. How can I use the function inside this string? <?php $str = <<<EOF <p>Hello</p> <p><?= _("World"); ?></p> EOF; echo $str; ?> ...

With sendfile(), is it possible to tell when in_fd is at EOF?

Reading through the man page of the Linux system call sendfile, I am wondering whether it is possible for the calling program to know when in_fd is at EOF. Presumably, this could be signaled by a return value of 0, but this leads to the question of what a return value of 0 actually means. If sendfile is like write, then a return value of...

Return value of ifstream.peek() when it reaches the end of the file

I was looking at this article on Cplusplus.com, http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iostream/istream/peek/ I'm still not sure what peek() returns if it reaches the end of the file. In my code, a part of the program is supposed to run as long as this statement is true (sourcefile.peek() != EOF) where sourcefile is my ifstream. Howeve...

How to see if a Reader is at EOF?

My code needs to read in all of a file. Currently I'm using the following code: BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(myFile)); while (r.ready()) { String s = r.readLine(); // do something with s } r.close(); If the file is currently empty, though, then s is null, which is no good. Is there any Reader that has an ...

How do you read scanf until EOF in C?

I have this but once it reaches the supposed EOF it just repeats the loop and scanf again. int main(void) { char words[16]; while(scanf("%15s", words) == 1) printf("%s\n", words); return 0; } ...

C++ eof() problem - never returns true?

So I'm trying to read this file. Everything looks like it should work, but during runtime the program times out and stops working, and I have to close it. What is going on? I suspect that the oef() test is never returning true and it keeps looking for more in the file. I have no dragging empty lines in the text file. I've tried debugging...

Read and copy file with EOF indicator in the middle

Hi, I used the code below to copy from one binary file to another, but the first file contains some EOF indicators (0xFF) as part of it, so the copy function actually copies the file until its first EOF indicator. For example: if my file is {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x02, 0xFF, 0xFF} then only {0x01, 0x02, 0x03} will be copied to ...

EOF while scanning triple-quoted string literal

i've looked on the web and here but i didn't find an answer : here is my code zlib.decompress(""" xワᆳヤ=ラᄇHナs~Ʀᄑç\ムîà Z@ÑÁÔQÇlxÇÆïPP~ýVãì゙M6ÛÐ|ê֭ᄁᄂヤ=)}éÓUe﬿ö3ᄎᄌú"}ʿïÿ÷1þ8ñ́U÷ᄏñíLÒVi:`ᄈᄎL!Ê҆p6-%Fë^ヘ÷à,Q.K!ユô`ÄA!ÑêweÌ ÊÚAロYøøÂjôóᅠÂcñ䊧fᆴùテúN :nüzAÝ7%ᄌcdUタᄌ3ôPۂタlンyHᆲᄑ$/yzᄒíàヌ'ÕÓ&`|S!<'ᄂ÷Zļᄐ2ホモ;ニ(ÅÛfb!úü$ナテᄒ,9ßhàPᄎᄄێフÑbØὛホQᄍ-Ü}(n;ᄄホLヤ\^ï9ᆭᄍラ...

fgetc does not identify EOF

Below program runs fine on solaris/linux various flavor, but not on AIX. on AIX while(c!=EOF) if i replace by while(c!=0xff) it just run fine completely Any thought ? i checked the man page of fgetc on aix, and it should return EOF constant ! #include <stdio.h> #include<unistd.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char c; FI...

C - Feof(stdin)-how to indicate end of input in Windows?

Hi I have this code int x,y,m; for(;;){ m=scanf("%d %d",&x,&y); if (m!=2 || m==EOF){ break; } else{ printf("/%d/%d/\n",x,y); } } if (feof ( stdin )){ printf("End of input\n"); }else if(m!=2){ printf("There was an error\n"); } Under linux ctrl+D indicates end of input , and for windows ctr...

GIT - getting 'early eof' error on pull....

I think I'm about fed up with GIT - I keep getting these obscure errors with no indication as to where or why. This last is on a pull on a cygwin side with GIT version - I get an 'early eof' message and then it won't go any more. The repository scenario is: MAC - working repository MAC - bare repository serving as a central ...