
gae error : Error: Server Error, how to debug it .

when i upload my project to google-app-engine , it show this : Error: Server Error The server encountered an error and could not complete your request. If the problem persists, please report your problem and mention this error message and the query that caused it. why ? how can i debug this error ? thanks ...

What is a specifier-qualifier-list?

GCC likes to tell me that I'm missing a specifier-qualifier-list in its error messages. I know that this means I didn't put in a correct type of something. But what exactly is a specifier-qualifier-list? Edit: Example C code that causes this: #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct { undefined_type *foo; } b...

squirrelmail http error

I have install squirrel mail and get this message error when trying to login. 0 : Unable to find the socket transport "http" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? I have create a test user, and when login I type test@localhost I use XAMPP (Basis Package) version 1.7.2 I want to know why the error happen and how to f...

Php getting too many connections error from MySQL

Hello everyone, I am using MySQL and PHP with 2 application servers and 1 database server. With the increase of the number of users (around 1000 by now), I'm getting the following error : SQLSTATE[08004] [1040] Too many connections The parameter "max_connections" is set to "1000" in my.cnf and "mysql.max_persistent" is set to -1 in ph...

mixed declarations and codes

When I compile function with "gcc -o dene -Wall -ansi -pedantic-errors dene.c" ,gcc emits no error.(can you look a line which starts with char ....,in if loop,) static void remove_negation(char *s,char *s1) { char **cmainp=malloc(sizeof(char*)*1); int len=0;int d=0; int i=0; ...

Struct declaration error in C

ive got a struct problem it returns: cd.h:15: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers its probably something simple ... struct cd { char titel[32]; char artiest[32]; int speelduur; }; typedef struct cd CD; struct cdlijst{ CD *item; struct cdlijst *next; } ...

HTTP Error 0 js/upload in drupal when attaching a file

I am trying to attach an 8M .wav file to a "story" in drupal. I can attach similar smaller files, but when i try this one and larger sizes i get in HTTP Error 0 message after a minute or to. I have checked all my max upload, Max Mem sizes they are set at well over 8M at 64M and 256M. Anyone else have this issue uploading files ever? ...

WebClient security error when accessing the world of warcraft armoury

Hello World, I am trying to piece together a solution to a problem. Basically I am using Silverlight 4 with C# 4.0 to access the world of warcraft armoury. If anyone has done this - please oh please provide the working .net 4.0 code. The code I am attempting to run is (e.Error contains a securtiy error): private void button10_Click(ob...

"Null" is null or not an object error in IE javascript

The following code executes fine in Firefox and Chrome, but gives an error: 'null' is null or not an object when executed in Internet Explorer. if (xmlhttp.responseXML != null) { var xmlDoc = xmlhttp.responseXML.documentElement ; var ResultNodes = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName ("Result") ; <---- error here if (ResultN...

Why won't this sql update query work?

I have a table that has 5,000(table1) lines in it. Currently, 3,000 of them are filled up with data. The remaining values are currently null. In a separate table(table2), I have the remaining 2,000 rows of data. I am simply trying to take the values in table2 and put them in table1, but this statement isn't working: Update table1 Set ...

How to track down a double free or corruption error in C++ with gdb

When I run my C++ program it crashes with this error. * glibc detected ./load: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0000000000c6ed50 ** I'm trying to track it down using cout statement but am finding it difficult. Could gdb make this easier? How is it done? ...

Why are Python exceptions named "Error"?

Why are Python exceptions named "Error" (e.g. ZeroDivisionError, NameError, TypeError etc) and not "Exception" (e.g. ZeroDivisionException, NameException, TypeException etc). I come from a Java background and started to learn Python recently, as such this is confusing because in java there is a distinction between error and exception. ...

How to debug without Visual Studio?

Hello, Python -> c++ dll -> c# dll I have a com interop c# dll that is loaded in a wrapper c++ dll throught the .tlb file generated in c# to be used in a python project. When I run in my computer it works fine but when I run in a computer that just got formated it gives: WindowsError: exception code 0xe0434f4d I have the redistribut...

Fatal error with php code

Hello I have a problem in my php code that uses recursion: <?php solveTowers(5, "A", "B", "C"); function solveTowers($count, $src, $dest, $spare) { if (count == 1) { echo "Move a disk from ".$src." to ".$dest ; } else { solveTowers($count - 1, $src, $spare, $dest); ...

ShouldNotReachhere classFileParser ANDROID

Any idea how to fix this issue? I'm using Eclipse and it seems to occur even when I create a new android project. :( # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # Internal Error (classFileParser.cpp:3174), pid=3944, tid=3256 # Error: ShouldNotReachHere() # # JRE version: 6.0_18-b07 ...

Permission Denied error in IE when closing popups

Hi everyone! I have a simple web testing application which is supposed to open and close several popups by itself (without user interaction). For this purpose i have a javascript function to access the variable where the popup reference is stored and close it if it´s not null, fairly simple. However I get random errors in IE (in FF it w...

How to solve this error that is shown on Windbg?

Hello, I've loaded a .exe and it gave this error: Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.12.0002.633 X86 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. CommandLine: "C:\Users\Public\SoundLog\Code\Código Python\SoundLog\dist\SoundLog.exe" Symbol search path is: *** Invalid *** **********************************************...

How to fix this exception shown in windbg execution?

Hello, after running the .exe thought WinDBG, this was the exception information provided by pressing "k" when the exception occured: ChildEBP RetAddr 0012e2f4 6f9fbb1c KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x58 0012e354 6fba88f4 mscorwks!RaiseTheExceptionInternalOnly+0x2a8 0012e36c 6fba8966 mscorwks!RaiseTheException+0x4e 0012e394 6fba8997 msco...

Problem using help in Octave

Hi, I cannot get any help information from my octave command prompt. Example, when I enter octave:1>help rand I get the error message error: fwrite: invalid stream number = -1 error: called from: error: /usr/share/octave/3.2.3/m/help/makeinfo.m at line 147, column 5 error: /usr/share/octave/3.2.3/m/help/h...

Update panel Windows IE issue

Hi, I am using asp update panel in my pages but everytime i refresh the page in IE (currently using IE8), i get series of error. Same doesnt happen in firefox however. Any inputs are welcomed ...