
How to turn the V8 compiled javascript into an EXE?

I know that google's v8 compiles javascript into native machine (binary if I understand correctly) code. Is there a way to take the output and turn it into a exe? ...

What, if any, are the implications of compiling objects with gcc -fPIC flag if they get used in executables?

I am putting together a makefile for a project i am working on. I have an executable and a shared library in the project. Both use some of the same source files which get compiled separately into object files. To be able to use these objects in the shared library I need to use the -fPIC (position independent code) flag in gcc. Are there ...

Extract resources from PE file via script/command-line

I want to write a script (or something similar. don't care which language) which extracts the resources from a PE file (.rsrc section). I'm using Python's pefile and peutils for various PE tasks, but couldn't find anything which actually extracts the resources. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks, Moshe ...

How can I convert an offset in text segment of an Win32 executable into a pointer at runtime?

How can I convert an offset in text segment of an Win32 executable into a pointer at runtime? When using a disassembler, I can see the relative addresses. But how can I convert them to an absolute address at runtime? For example: .text:402BE620 Which address is that at runtime? How can I convert that number into a pointer? Some bac...

How to run unmanaged executable from memory rather than disc

I want to embed a command-line utility in my C# application, so that I can grab its bytes as an array and run the executable without ever saving it to disk as a separate file (avoids storing executable as separate file and avoids needing ability to write temporary files anywhere). I cannot find a method to run an executable from just it...

c# program works from cmd prompt but not run seperately?

I would post a snippet, but I honestly have no idea what part of my code could possibly be doing this. The program is sizable, I don't want to make you all wade through it. What kinds of things could possibly be the cause of this? Everything works perfectly when called from the command prompt: "readoo.exe". But when I click the exe in it...

system.io.directorynotfound -> But it works in Console!

My files are referenced like so (it's all relative): // WHERE YOU KEEP THE PAGE TITLE XML public static string myPageTitleXML = "xml/pagetitles.xml"; and using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(myPageTitleXML)) { //etc.. . .etc....etc.. } I get system.io.directorynotfound, and "this problem needs to be shut dow...

sending a.out to someone

I have some c++ code compiled using GLUT and OpenGL on os x. It all works fine. I have it as a.out Is there a way to send this to someone using os x? Will there be some weird dependencies? Can I send it to someone using linux? I doubt I can do either which is why I'm asking on here. I looked around on google but couldn't find anything ...

Why don't C header files increase the binary's size?

I wrote the following C++ program class MyClass { public: int i; int j; MyClass() {}; }; int main(void) { MyClass inst; inst.i = 1; inst.j = 2; } and I compiled. # g++ program.cpp # ls -l a.out -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 4837 Aug 7 20:50 a.out Then, I #included the header file ios...

Visual Studio 2005 application portability

I am creating an application (VS2005, C++ Forms application) that is supposed to work on many different machines that won't have any version of Visual Studio and I am wondering what I should worry about. I am using the Mysql connector, so apparently the machine running it will need to have some compatible version of MySQL, but appart fro...

What's the advantage of having an 8-letter process?

If you run Sticky Note in Windows 7,its process, is called StikyNot.exe. Several other Windows processes keep their process names under 8 letters. Why do they do that? What is the advantage? Are they just clinging to the past? Or should everybody be publishing 8-letter executables? ...

Is there an ideal size for executable modules on Windows?

I've been taking note of the .exe file size of many applications. I saw that Visual Studio 2005 has an .exe size of 453KB, and VS2008 of 1.04MB because they divide the application into many parts (.exe + many .dll files). I saw also that MS Outlook has a very large .exe file (11.8MB) while MS Word is very small (398KB)! After ponderi...

Is there any way to change directory using C language?

Is there any way by which I can change to any directory by executing a C program? ...

Creating a single exe file from Python code

Possible Duplicate: py2exe - generate single executable file A friend of mine managed to pack some a Ruby script he wrote in a single exe file. When I tried to do the same thing for a Python script, with py2exe, I also got several pyd files and a dll. Is it possible to pack a Python script with all it's DLL's and pyd files int...

How can I hide the details within my .NET executable?

If I have a simple CRUD app executable in .NET, what prevents a user from loading it into RedGate Reflector and viewing all the contents, including db connection strings, passwords, etc? Can I protect against this in any way? ...

Protecting executable from being patched

My logic of APT (Anti-Paching Technology) is as follows... 1) Store on the MSSQL server the md5 hash of the executable for protection. 2) Perform an md5 comparison (within my application startup) the hash found on the server, with the executable itself. 3) If comparison fails exit application silently. And all these above before it i...

How can I create an executable to run on a certain processor architecture (instead of certain OS)?

So I take my C++ program in Visual studio, compile, and it'll spit out a nice little EXE file. But EXEs will only run on windows, and I hear a lot about how C/C++ compiles into assembly language, which is runs directly on a processor. The EXE runs with the help of windows, or I could have a program that makes an executable that runs on a...

Determine if an executable (or library) is 32 -or 64-bits (on Windows)

I am trying to find out if a given executable (or library) is compiled for 32-bits or 64-bits from Python. I am running Vista 64-bits and would like to determine if a certain application in a directory is compiled for 32-bits or 64-bits. Is there a simple way to do this using only the standard Python libraries (currently using 2.5.4)? ...

how to transform CLR to EXE

when we create an application in VC#, talking about .net 3.5 in particular, the are comipled to CLR, what i want is that they should be compiled to EXE executable code that doesn't require .NET Framework Environment for them to run. Is it possible ...

haXe - Generating Exe's (cpp)

Hello, I've been instructed to download and install FlashDevelop and it seems fine but I don't know how to generate exe files when writing programs in haXe. I try to Build or Run the project in FlashDevelop BUT it just doesn't do anything. Can anybody please advise me on how to do this? Thank you ...