
Get a JQuery function to execute after and independently of onLoad

Is is possible to execute a JQuery function by injecting it into the page? IT CAN'T be attached to the .ready function. The reason is that the user will be uploading an image via iframe. I need JCrop to execute after I display the uploaded image. echo "<script>$('#pictures_step1_right_bottom1', window.parent.document).html('<img id=\"cr...

How are jsp pages executed,what's the principle in it?

I'm reading the steps to build a web app skeleton: http://maestric.com/doc/java/spring/setup#web_app_skeleton And feel it's greatly different from other languages like PHP. How is it executed? ...

C#- Executing Exe without using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start

Hi all, I have a program that crashes when I execute it with System.Diagnostics.Process.Start in C#, but works fine if I execute a shortcut or batch file that runs the exe. Are there any alternative means of executing programs in C#, or any reasons why Process.Start might not work compared to the shortcut or batch file? I'd rather not h...

ways to execute python

So far to execute a python program , I'm using > python file.py I want to run the python script simply using file name ,like > file.py similar to shell scripts like > sh file.sh > chmod +x file.sh > ./file.sh or move file.sh to bin and then run > file.sh ...

Ruby: execute a binary file in memory?

Is it possible to read binary in ruby file and execute it directly in memory? for example something like this: x = IO.read('/bin/ls') execute(x) I tried system(x) but it gives: ArgumentError: string contains null byte ...

How do I execute a cmd in C#, then in the same window execute another command that follows?

Hey Guys, Right what im trying to accomplish is a program that basically sets the active partition in 1 click, saving the effort time and skill of using cmd prompt etc. I have looked into the System.Management name space but couldn't work out how to use it :( So i have resorted to using CMD, i have got a module application written in...

Perl - Internal File (create and execute)

I have a quick question about creating files with perl and executing them. I wanted to know if it was possible to generate a file using perl (I actually need a .bat script) and then execute this file internally to the program. I know I can create files, and I have with perl, however, I'm wanting to do this internally to the program. S...

how to execute console application from windows form?

I want to run a console application (eg app.exe) from a windows form load event. I'v tried System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(), But after it opens app.exe, it closes it immidiately. Is there any way that I can run app.exe and leave it open? ...

execute adb shell command at runtime from the android application

hi. In my application I want to create a directory xyz in sdcard at the runtime from the my Application. But it doesn't work. Here is my code.. public class process extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)...

Redirect and parse in realtime stdout of an long running process in vb.net

Hello there, This code executes "handbrakecli" (a command line application) and places the output into a string: Dim p As Process = New Process p.StartInfo.FileName = "handbrakecli" p.StartInfo.Arguments = "-i [source] -o [destination]" p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True p.Start Dim outpu...

Making Swedish characters show properly in Windows Command Prompt using Python in Notepad++

The title explains it well. I have set up Notepad++ to open the Python script in the command prompt when I press F8 but all Swedish characters looks messed up when opening in CMD but perfectly fine in e.g IDLE. This simple example code: #!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- print "åäö" Looks like this. As you can see the outp...

PHP Launch Execute Files Concurrently

Hi all. Basically, I was doing some testing using apache bench. The file i was testing takes 2 seconds to execute (its optimised, it connects to an external server hence the slowdown) Basically I found that the more concurrent useres i emulated, the more executions of the file i could do per second. Is there anyway that i can do someth...

Returning to an ASP.NET page

Hello, I'm on an asp.net page and I want to redirect to another page and then come back to the original page in the same spot to finish executing the original page. I heard that Server.Execute might work. My question is how can I accomplish this or can I accomplish this? ...

Is it possible to execute binary files in java?

Hi, I have a list of binaries written in java, ada,C, python and I want to execute them. How to do that ? Is there any JVM binding to those languages ? Thanks for your answers ...

How to execute big SQL files on SQL Server?

I have about 50 T-SQL files, some of them are 30MB but some of them are 700MB. I thought on executing them manually, but if the file is bigger than 10MB it throws an out of memory exception on the SQL Server Management Studio. Any ideas? ...

Execute php file from another php

I try to call a php file that starts like <?php //Connection function connection () { ... I call from a php like: <?php exec ('/ /opt/lampp/htdocs/.../name.php)') ?> I get: line1-> cannot open ?: No such file line 3 //Connection: not found line 4 Syntax errror: "(" What happens? Why I can't execute it? ...

Execute multiple command lines with the same process using C#

Hi according to my last question here I try to write a sql Editor or some thing like this,in this way I try to connect to CMD from C# and execute my command. now my problem is for example I connect to SQLPLUS after that I cant get SQLPLUS command,and the other resource I review don't satisfy me.Please help me how after I connected to Sql...

How to start a Python script several functions in

Hello, I have a Python script and I want to call it several functions down the script. Example code below: class Name(): def __init__(self): self.name = 'John' self.address = 'Place' self.age = '100' def printName(self): print self.name def printAddress(self): print self.address ...

Execute Statements in a Transaction - Sql Server 2005

hi, i need to update a database where some of the table have changed (columns have been added). I want to perform this action in a proper transaction. If the code executes without any problem then i will commit the changes otherwise i will rollback the database back to its original state. I want to do something like this: BEGIN TRANSA...

"Executing an update/delete query" exception for @NamedQuery doing REMOVE

Hi. The following exception thrown for Spring Batch application: 19:12:40,083 ERROR main AbstractStep:213 - Encountered an error executing the step javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: Executing an update/delete query Code,where named query used: entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager() .createNamedQu...