
MS Access VBA Export Query results

Hi all, I need help coming up with a method to allow a user to export a query's results to an xls file on a button click event. I've tried using an Output To macro, but it doesn't work for a query containing 30,000+ records. Thanks in advance ...

Extract/Export attachements from Lotus Notes Email using C#

Hello I need to extract/export the lotus notes email attachment into file system. for that I wrote following method but each time I am receiving an error at line foreach (NotesItem nItem in items).. Can anybody please tell me what I am doing wrong .. Thanks Jwalin public void GetAttachments() { NotesSession session = ...

FormView to Excel - How to pull data from controls in template to place in cells.

Here is the layout, I have a FormView control with dynamic data coming in from a SQL server. I am using the ReadOnly mode of the FormView. How can I tweak the PrepareFormViewForExport method to remove the textboxs and leave the values in the FormView behind? Right now the output is showing labels but leaving out the values from the textb...

Expression Engine Template Exporting

I have a project that was developed into a Expression Engine template. I used the Core version of EE to develop this template on my local machine. Now I need to export this template/weblog so it can be loaded onto the production server so the client can begin using EE to update their site. The issue I am running into is how to export th...

SharePoint import error - 'Access Denied'

I'm trying to import data from another environment to a new server that we just setup. I was initially running into this error, but I eventually resolved it by using localhost instead of the server name. Now, the import completes but skips some items with the following error: [9/28/2009 6:34:30 PM]: Progress: Importing File _catalogs/ma...

How can I export score data from a Flash Game (still in development).

The game will be on a school VLE (virtual learning environment) like 'Moodle'. Can you export to email? Spreasheet? Or can it only be done with php? Do not want to be spending weeks on it! ...

How to use export with Python on Linux

I need to make an export like this in Python : # export MY_DATA="my_export" I've tried to do : # -*- python-mode -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os os.system('export MY_DATA="my_export"') But when I list export, "MY_DATA" not appear : # export How I can do an export with Python without saving "my_export" into a file ? ...

Create Runnable JAR with .properties files using Java Eclipse

Hi, I'm trying to build a runnable JAR using Eclipse's Export function. everything works fine except several .properties files I have under the root directory. I added all the .properties files into Build Path, and they appears under 'Order and Export' tab in Java Build Path dialog. However, when I try to run the Export, I got the foll...

ORA-00980 error when attempting export using the EXP command

I'm trying to export a schema in an oracle 10 database using the EXP command. Let's call the schema "myschema" and the tns name "mydb" to protect the names of the innocent. Anyway, here's the command line that I'm using exp myschema/mypassword@mydb file=myschema.dmp grants=y This works when I try to run an export on other instan...

How to export to CSV from sqlite3 on the iPhone?

How can I export data from an sqlite3 database in Objective-c? Can I issue a dump command at least? What options do I have for exporting? ...

Export Visual Studio test results in some document / report format?

It is possible to export/print Visual Studio test results in some document format, maybe including test details? Thanks ...

subversion exporting file problem while exporting file/dir to unix server

am trying to export the file from SVN repository to our Unix server but after exportation files are being corroupted (a charecter ^M beeing added) and we can not use that file to deploy on test servers. When he use below export command, export got sucessfull but each file created in UNIX workarea has "^M" charcater at the end end of ea...

how to wrap report for word output in jasper report?

Hi, I have report where report width is more than 2000px; it is working fine with pdf and excel output but when we export for word it is showing 550px; report only other part we are not able to see. We have one report which contains ... abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz when we export for excel or pdf it's working fine but when we export fo...

How to export single Report data into multiple files of single format?

Hello All, My report size is very high. So it is giving problem while exporting in any format. But I want all Report data should be exported. So is it possible to export this large sized data into multiple files of same format? Say, if my report contain 3000 events, then rather than exporting it in single file (say csv format file), ca...

Any way to tell if an Oracle export is still running?

I've got an Oracle export that's been running for almost 2 days now. The export file shows a modification time of 5 am this morning and does not appear to be growing. The log file does not show any errors. I think it's stuck and I need to restart it, but I'd hate to cancel it only to find out it was still going and I simply didn't wai...

Import CSV from url address and export as XML -- Rails

Two questions: How can I import a file from a web address, without a form? Example: Organisation.import(:from => 'http://wufoo.com/report.csv') How can I use xml builder without pulling from the db? More Info My company uses wufoo for web forms. The data from wufoo is exported as csv files. To get the data into my company's cms, it...

Export file as CSV in Crystal Report 11

Hi I am trying to export a report as CSV format from Crystal Reports 11, but the problem is that each string value is wrapped inside quotes, which I don't want. I tried to set the delimiter as space but it didn't works. Can someone please help me with this..? Here is my code: elseif ExportFormat = "CSV" then ExportType = "5" ExportFile...

PDF Export problem in Reporting Services

I have come across an error when exporting a report to PDF in Reporting Services 2008. The error message is; Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error...

export canvas data to json

Hay guys, i've made a simple drawing application using the canvas tag. However i would like to export the data to JSON so it can be saved. How does one go about this? ...

Avoiding duplicate emails during first sync between IMAP account and new email client

Avoiding duplicate emails during first sync between IMAP account and new email client I have an IMAP account that I access through my email client at work, I plan to access this same account at home. The account has thousands of emails in it, and rather than downloading all of these during the first sync at home, I would like to export...