
How to export 20 000 contacts from MySQL database via PHP for import into an desktop address book?

Hello, I need to write a script to export contact data for printing on stickers for mailing. There could be up to 20 000 records in the database table. The main problem is that the number of records could be so high and the site is hosted on a shared server and exporting the whole 20k records would, presumably, kill the script or stall....

Export Drupal Content?

I want to know what is the easiest way to export ALL content of a specific user in Drupal, by only making use of the database. Is this even possible? Reason being, I moved a site, and now clients created content on the old server, unknowingly, and I need to move it to the new server. Unfortunately, the site can't be accessed anymore (du...

mysql: export single row, but with all dependencies

Mysql question. I want to export one single row from one table with a catch: I want to pull together with it all the rows in all other tables referenced from the initial row by foreign keys - and referenced from the new rows too, recursively, until I get all rows that the initial one "needs to exist". How can I do that? ...

how to export visual studio project to qt?

Hi, I wonder how can I export a Visual Studio C++ project to qt? I am using openCV and openMP so I would like to know about setting this libraries in qt. Thank you very much. ...

Where to find DLL or Documentation for XtraExport?

As i googled, it really impressed me that neither a documentation or dll exists for XtraExport (take a look No Doc Exists for XtraExport), and it is still used and needed. My problem is that I wanna do some exportations, and I found an example of DevExpress (exporting a gridview data to xls file) for this. That's not working for me, sinc...

Error while exporting from ms sql to access

I am trying to export the following data in the query from ms sql server to access, it says an error "Field wkid already exists in the table results" when i try to execute the same using sql query analyser, its not giving any error.i am getting the results in the grid Select a.wkid,a.stid,a.pfid,pf.pfname,a.modid,mm.md,a.catid, [sp],re...

Excel Export of SSRS Report shows outdated data

I have an SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) report, that uses a view. That few had to be adjusted yesterday. Now the report shows online the correct data, however as soon as I click on export to Excel it seems to bring to outdated data. Opening the Excel yields data that was correct before the view adjustment. Is this Excel Version so...

What is a good Microsoft SQL Database Export / Import tool?

I need a tool that will look at a Microsoft SQL Server database and export the data as a SQL script. I want to be able to run the script on another box with an empty database and insert all the data from the previous one without having to muck with the index's due to ref-integ constraints. ...

Save RDLC reports as PDF programaticaly

I have a report that I need to run multiple times and save as PDFs. I am currently generating the report as a PDF programatically but want to save the reports without the user having to choose the save option manually each time. The code I use to render a single report as a PDF is: Dim warnings As Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.Warn...

Building charts with Google PageSpeed data?

So if you use the PageSpeed plugin for Firefox, there's an Export Data feature under the Analyze Performance section. So I've gone through our site and done an export on every type of page we use. Now I'd like to import all of this nifty info into a charting system or something so I can start studying the results. I did some searching o...

Export subtree in Git with history

I have a folder in my Git repository that I'd like to move out in to its own repository. Is it possible to move the history of that folder along with the folder? I've previously been doing just a git rm -r --cached subfolder/ and then git init on the subfolder. However, the history is not imported in to the new repository. ...

JExcelApi: multiple formats in one cell?

In Excel, I can have multiple text styles in a single cell. Is there a way to create a file like this using JExcelApi? I'm not seeing anything so far: setCellFormat is a method on WritableCell, and there doesn't seem to be any way to set a format for anything within a single cell. Am I just missing it (quite possible!), or is this not...

How to address an issue while sourcing an env file in bash ?

Some issue arise when sourcing one of your env file (a series of variable exporting) for instance: ... export MY_ROOT=/Soft/dev/blah/blah export MY_BIN=${MY_ROOT}/bin ... results in $. my_env.sh $echo $MY_BIN /bint/dev/blah/blah => "/bin" seems to overwrite the begining of the variable instead of suffixing it.. Any idea? By the...

How to import a .dmp file (Oracle) into MySql DB?

The .dmp is a dump of a table built in Oracle 10g (Express Edition) and one of the fields is of CLOB type. I was trying to simply export the table to xml/csv files then import it to the MySql, but the export simply ignored the CLOB field... (I was using sqldeveloper for that). I noticed this post explaining how to extract the CLOB t...

How to export an Excel from dataset and save it into a specific path without showing the save as box

Hi, I have a code to exporting dataset to excel working fine, I want to exporting the excel into a specific location on the server, my code is down here and what changes should I do: Any ideas? public static void ExportDataSetToExcel(DataSet ds, string filename, string path){ HttpResponse response = HttpContext.Current.Response;...

Reading a text file and exporting its contents to sql

I'm trying to have files(.shp and image file types) that are listed(the location) in a text file exported to a database, by importing it into the manifold program and then exporting them from there into sql. The code is in C# and any references, similar coding and examples are welcomed. info: I'm using Manifold System 8.0 Ultimate Editi...

Moving Data Views Across Sharepoint Sites

We have a production SharePoint site that uses a custom database quite a bit. We have a dev site on a separate box where we develop all of our things then move them over to a live site when they are ready for our customers. We have many pages that use data views to show information from the database. Most of the actual programmability...

How to export connection using Eclipse Remote System Explorer

How can I export every connection in RSE from an Eclipse installation to another? I can get it to export connection one by one but I cant't get it to export every connection at once. Thanks! ...

Export structure and data (like in PhpMyAdmin)

I want to export data and structure from MySQL database using PHP. I know about SELECT INTO OUTFILE command but I want to have the file like the one which is generated by PhpMyAdmin in Export window, so all the CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO. HDo you know how PhpMyAdmn generates those files? I was browsing through the code and I've found ...

Virtual Tour using sketch up, ajax, flash technologies.

I want to know if there are existing technology that make your 3d models in sketch into virtual tours, using either Ajax or Flash for web presentation. If there's none, which will be a good approach in creating a virtual tour? Flash or Ajax? ...