
Export DataTable to Excel File

Hi, I have a DataTable with 30+ columns and 6500+ rows.I need to dump the whole DataTable values into an Excel file.Can anyone please help with the C# code.I need each column value to be in a cell.To be precise,I need the exact looking copy of DataTable in an Excel File.Please help. Thanks, Vix ...

What is the easiest way to import some CSV files with relation to a DB?

I have multiple CSVs. they are all export from a relation DB. Now each CSV contains thousands of entries, and references to other tables represented by other CSVs file. how can i import those file in a new Database ? Shoul i create a fresh model ? Thanks John ...

export CVS repository

Hi, how to export a CVS repository from one machine to another? Would it work if i transfer the whole CVSROOT then make it the CVSROOT of the new machine? if so, would it also include all the revision history? or there are additional directories need to be exported... Thanks in advance ...

Can I export tables from kcachegrind?

I have generated a call profile with callgrind which I can turn into nice and clear tables using kcachegrind. Now I would like to discuss the result with others, thus I would like to export e.g. the "callers table" for one specific function. Apparently, kcachegrind does not provide such a functionality (at least in 0.4.5), does it? If ...

GridView export to word document and save on server in asp.net

Hello friends I have problem of export gridview to word document and save it on server. And then convert document to PDF. I am unable to save document file on server. Please help asap. I donot know how to save it on server on a particular folder without showing it in attachment. Please help. ...

VB6 and Crystal Reports 7, setting "Record Style" export options programatically

I'm making a change to some legacy software to dump the contents of a CR7 report in the "Record Style" format, which basically dumps each visible data field into a fixed-length text file. This is all well and good, with one exception. All of my numbers are being rounded to the nearest whole number when I need some of the numbers to sho...

How can I export data from SQL Server?

I need to export database from SQL Server 2005 to SQL scripts (like we can easily do in MySQL). So I want to get generated file with scripts like this INSERT INTO ... [row 1] INSERT INTO ... [row 2] INSERT INTO ... [row 3] ... Can anybody explain how can I do this step-by-step? ...

Exporting EAR file in Eclipse taking long time

I'm working on a project on Eclipse, more specific RAD build. The EAR file exported is around 40 mb, last week it was taking 1 minute, today its taking more than 10 minutes. I didnt change much code, nor changed any config related to the JVM. I export directly from RAD, right click on the project and export EAR. So whats going wrong? ...

Gridview: Export to csv issue

Morning all - another day, another question from Rich! I have the following scenario. I have two methods of populating a GridView with data. These are as follows: protected void btSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lqPackWeights.WhereParameters.Clear(); ControlParameter cp = new ControlParameter(); cp.Type = TypeCo...

Export multiple queries to different tables

I need to export; Multiple queries to different tables of ms access database from ms sql. I know it is possible by taking each query and export it to a single table and repeating the same for different queries. What i want to know is... can it be done in one stretch? suppose there are three queries and each query output need to be in...

How to export a single table from phpmyadmin to a comma delimited text file?

Hi, I need to export a table from phpmyadmin to a comma delimited text file. I think there is a code but can't seem to find it. I found one but it doesnt work. I need to export this table because I need to organize it and sort it and add another column so I can add data to this column. How can I do this please? Many thanks ...

List of all classes exported by a flash movie

A Flash movie loads another movie that contains various asserts - movie clips in its library with 'Export for Action Script' settings set. Is there any way to determine the list of class names of all these exported asserts from within the movie that loads them? ...

Possible to svn export and include unversioned files?

I would like to export my code from the working svn copy while including all unversioned files. For example, there are uploaded images/config files etc, that I would like included in the export. How can I achieve this? ...

Is there any way I can use Moose::Exporter from within a Moose object?

I'm looking for a way to set up some helper methods from within a parent Moose class, rather than a standalone utility class. If it is possible, it would be a more transparent way of adding Moose sugar to modules, as it does not require explicitly requiring any helper modules (as everything would come via the extends declaration). Based...

Export MS Access tables through VBA to an excel spreadsheet in same directory

I have two tables in my access database that I want to be able to export to excel. I can do it by opening the table and then doing File->Export... and then choosing the format and typing in the file name. However, this way the user actually has to type the name in so there is room for misnaming the file or for saving it as the wrong for...

Export every frame as image from a Movie-File (QuickTime-API)

I want to open an existing Movie-File and export every frame of this file to an image like JPEG or TIFF. I got so far until now: int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char filename[255]; // Filename to ping. OSErr e; // Error return. FSSpec filespec; // QT file specification short filemovie; // QT movie h...

Screencasting of a Silverlight Application?

I have got a silverlight application which basically plays videos among other things, as is portrayed below (Silverlight 3): <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> <MediaElement AutoPlay="True" Source="World.wmv" /> </Grid> But, when I 'screencast' it, using Microsoft Expression Encoder 3 Screen Capture the output video is...

Exporting contacts from an application.

I am maintaining an in-house ASP.NET web app, part of which includes a Customer Relationship Management module for our sales team. One of the things they want is to be able to export all their contacts out of our database into their wide variety of email clients (Outlook on Windows, allsorts on Mac) and phones (IPhones, Blackberries - pr...

How to use .NET configuration files (app.config, settings.settings) to save and restore all application data?

Although there are a lot of posts about .net config files, I believe that my requirements do not allow for any of the solutions proposed (or I don't understand the process enough to make it work for me). The situation is that I have a Windows Forms application (could just as well be another app) which binds certain user input fields (e....

Mercurial - How do I create a .zip of files changed between two revisions?

I have a personal Mercurial repository tracking some changes I am working on. I'd like to share these changes with a collaborator, however they don't have/can't get Mercurial, so I need to send the entire file set and the collaborator will merge on their end. I am looking for a way to extract the "tip" version of the subset of files th...